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#104 : Brillante mission

Titre VO :
Chuck Versus the Wookie
Titre VF : Brillante mission
Diffusion USA : 15/10/07
Diffusion France : 04/01/08

Résumé court

Carina, un agent de la DEA, doit s'emparer d'un diamant avec l'aide de Casey et Sarah qui appartient à un gars dangereux dirigeant un cartel de la drogue.

Mais Carina, selon Sarah, est très imprévisible, mais Chuck ne la croit pas et ne prête pas la moindre attention aux mises en garde de Sarah. Il aurait dû.


4.25 - 12 votes

Titre VO
Chuck Versus the Wookie

Titre VF
Brillante mission


Carina's goodbye

Carina's goodbye


Sarah's real middle name

Sarah's real middle name


Photos promo

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Lester (Vik Sahay) et Jeff (Scott Krinsky)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Lester (Vik Sahay) et Jeff (Scott Krinsky)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Lester (Vik Sahay) et Jeff (Scott Krinsky)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Lester (Vik Sahay) et Jeff (Scott Krinsky)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Plus de détails


Sarah, Chuck, Ellie, Devon et Morgan jouent au jeu les « Z'amours » alors que quelqu'un les observe de l'extérieur. Lorsque l'on demande qui Chuck hait le plus, Sarah devine qu'il s'agit d'Harry Tang, mais Morgan la corrige : c'est Bryce ; et il explique même les raisons de cette haine. Plus tard, lorsque Chuck raccompagne Sarah à sa voiture, il avoue qu'il aimerait pouvoir avoir accès à son fichier grâce à l'Intersect, de façon à tout savoir sur elle. Il lui pose ensuite des questions sur sa relation avec Bryce, et Sarah lui répond qu'ils étaient partenaires, mais pas vraiment amis.


De retour chez elle, Sarah est sur le point de prendre une douche, lorsqu'elle aperçoit un reflet sur le robinet. Elle roule alors une savonnette dans sa serviette, et attaque un ninja qu'elle reconnaît finalement comme étant sa vieille amie Carina, un excellent agent de la DEA. Cette dernière lui apprend qu'elle est à LA, pour voler un diamant... avec l'aide de Sarah. Le lendemain matin, Chuck flashe sur Carina et apprend qu'elle a récemment effectué un travail en Argentine.


Chuck se rend ensuite à l'appartement de Casey, dans lequel ce dernier et Sarah sont en pleine vidéo conférence avec le Général Beckman et l'agent Graham. Ceux-ci désirent que Chuck participe à la recherche du diamant. Cependant Sarah pense que Chuck a trop de valeur, et que Carina n'est pas une personne de confiance. Casey non plus ne veut pas travailler avec elle, pas après ce qu'il s'est produit à Prague. Le Général, au courant de tout ce qui concerne Carina, ordonne tout de même à l'équipe de récupérer le diamant des mains du financier d'opium, Peyman Alahi, l'objet étant très précieusement gardé dans sa résidence de Malibu.


Sarah présente Chuck à Carina, l'informant par la même occasion que leur mission ensemble est top secrète, et que leur couverture est petit ami-petite amie. Morgan quant à lui, est instantanément séduit par Carina, qu'il trouve très sexy. Quand Carina arrive au Buy More pour questionner Chuck au sujet de la mission top secrète qu'il représente, Morgan demande d'ailleurs un service à l'Intersect :  lui organiser un double rencart avec elle. Chuck fait alors mine de le proposer à Sarah, la suppliant de dire non, mais celle-ci pense qu'il s'agit d'une idée géniale, et planifie la soirée.


Durant le double rencart, Chuck veut regarder un film, mais Morgan quant à lui, désire discuter avec Carina afin de mieux la connaître : a-t-elle toujours été aussi sexy ? Ainsi, bien que Chuck ait démarré le film, Morgan continue de parler, demandant à Carina si elle aime voyager. Chuck, exaspéré, mentionne le fait que Carina revient juste d'Argentine, et tout le monde se tait, surpris qu'il soit au courant. Plus tard, en milieu de la nuit, Morgan appelle Chuck plusieurs fois afin de savoir si Carina lui a parlé du rencart, mais elle ne l'a pas fait. Lorsque Chuck essaie de se rendormir, son téléphone sonne à nouveau : une urgence Nerd Herd !


Chuck se rend sur le lieu de l'urgence, mais c'est en réalité Carina qui l'a appelé afin de le faire venir dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Chuck ne pouvait savoir qu'elle s'était rendu en Argentine à moins qu'il ait un très haut certificat de sécurité. Elle retire sa robe pour le séduire, et alors que Chuck, gêné, désire appeler Sarah, elle jette le téléphone par terre et lui demande s'il couche avec Sarah, ou encore s'il est au courant à propos de Bryce, l'ancien petit ami de celle-ci... 


Le jour suivant, Chuck n'est pas très attentif lors de son briefing avec Sarah : ils vont se rendre à une fête dans la maison de Peyman pour voler le diamant. Elle lui dit de rester prêt d'elle car Carina est impulsive et indigne de confiance. Une fois, elle a même dû la sortir de gros ennuis au Pakistan, explique-t-elle à Chuck. Ensuite, Chuck révèle à Sarah que Carina lui a parlé de Bryce, mais avoue qu'il pense que ce qu'elle lui a dit n'est pas vrai. Cependant, il comprend aux yeux de Sarah, qu'il y a bien eu une histoire entre eux et lui dit que pour une espionne, ce n'est pas une très bonne menteuse.


A la fête de Peyman, Carina conseille à Chuck de lui faire confiance bien que Sarah lui ait sûrement dit qu'elle est impulsive. Puis, Sarah reproche à Carina de ruiner sa couverture avec Chuck. Mais Carina riposte, en lui disant qu'elle devrait séparer vie professionnelle et privée. Plus tard, Carina force une chambre, et Chuck se demande alors si c'est le genre de choses que Sarah et Bryce faisaient.


Le diamant est dans une chambre protégée, dans laquelle Peyman et ses hommes surprennent Chuck et ses acolytes féminines. Mais Peyman n'est pas inquiet : si quelqu'un essaie de voler le diamant, la chambre se referme automatiquement et du gaz toxique s'échappe à l'intérieur. Lorsque Sarah parvient finalement, à force d'user de ses charmes, à faire sortir Peyman de la pièce, Chuck flashe sur le diamant et prévient Carina que le pied sur lequel il repose est chargé à 40 000 volts. Elle a besoin d'air comprimé pour faire tomber le diamant. Carina s'empare alors d'un extincteur et asperge le diamant, la faisant tomber de son pied. Toutes les alarmes se déclenchent, pendant que Chuck récupère le précieux objet.


Chuck, Sarah et Carina s'échappent par la plage. Ne faisant plus confiance à Sarah pour ses mensonges, Chuck préfère donner le diamant à Carina, qui enlève sa robe et s'enfuit sur un jet ski sorti de l'eau. Sarah est furieuse, mais Casey a mis un traceur sur le téléphone de Carina, et promet de retrouver le diamant. De retour à son hôtel, Carina heurte Morgan. Quand elle aperçoit Casey venu récupérer le précieux objet, celle-ci embrasse Morgan et en profite pour glisser le diamant dans son sac, avant de lui dire que leur histoire est terminée. Casey s'introduit ensuite dans la chambre de Carina, à la recherche du diamant, mais une fois de plus elle retire ses vêtements pour le séduire.


Après le travail, Sarah se rend à son tour à l'hôtel de Carina, où elle trouve Casey en caleçon, menotté au lit (comme à Prague), mais aucun signe de Carina.

Chuck, pour sa part, joue à la X-box avec Morgan, et se confie à lui au sujet de sa première dispute avec Sarah. Si seulement elle lui avait dit la vérité...  Morgan dit ensuite à Chuck de prendre un autre jeu de X-box dans son sac, et Chuck y trouve le diamant, sur lequel il flashe une nouvelle fois : le précieux objet appartient en réalité à un groupe terroriste afghan, et est donc plus dangereux encore qu'ils ne l'avaient d'abord cru.


Sarah et Casey sont finalement retrouvés par Peyman, et c'est avec le pistolet de ce dernier dans son dos, que Sarah appelle Chuck, lui demandant de trouver Carina et de ramener le diamant à l'hôtel. Soudain, un ninja masqué attaque Chuck, mais celui-ci reconnaît Carina. Elle veut le diamant, mais ne veut pas aider Sarah. Alors, Chuck, lui rappelant que Sarah lui a sauvé la vie au Pakistan, la convainc finalement de venir en aide aux agents capturés. A l'hôtel, les hommes de Peyman encerclent finalement Carina, Chuck et les agents. Après avoir échangé quelques mots en ce qui semble être du russe, Sarah et Carina attaquent les terroristes pendant que Chuck s'enferme dans un bureau avec le diamant.


Chuck met le diamant dans une enveloppe FedEx et la maintient au dessus d'une boîte aux lettres, alors qu'un homme armé le menace.

Heureusement Casey se débarrasse de l'ennemi, mais dans l'excitation, Chuck lâche la lettre, désormais irrécupérable dans la boîte d'expédition. Plus tard, alors que le Général félicite l'équipe pour cette mission accomplie avec succès, le paquet contenant le diamant lui est livré. Pour sa part, Carina fait ses adieux, essayant une nouvelle fois de séduire Chuck, mais seulement parce qu'elle aime prendre à Sarah ce qu'elle veut, et elle sait que ce que Sarah veut, c'est Chuck, même si celle-ci ne le sait pas encore.


Chuck apporte des pizzas à Sarah pour leur dîner « en amoureux ». Il s'excuse pour son comportement durant la mission et admet qu'il peut comprendre pourquoi elle sortait avec Bryce. Il voudrait juste connaître une seule chose vraie au sujet de Sarah, comme l'endroit où elle a grandi ou encore son deuxième nom. Mais Sarah garde le silence avec tristesse. Cependant alors que Chuck ne peut plus l'entendre, elle révèle que son deuxième nom est Lisa...


Source : nbc.com

[Open: night lights over California as laughter rings from the girls]

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

Morgan: (offscreen) Okay, all right, keep 'em guessing, Chuck! Come on, head in the game. Comeback time.

[Cut to: the Bartowski living room where Chuck, Sarah, Ellie, Capt. Awesome and Morgan are playing a game]

Ellie: How do I like my eggs?

Capt. Awesome: (thinks for a while) What's up? Poached!

Ellie: (turns the board and we see the answer, then kisses him) Yeah, baby!

(Chuck has a slice of pizza on his hand while Sarah is on the floor.)

Chuck: I don't know why we play this game.

(Morgan raises his own board and on it is, "Kill me!")

Capt. Awesome: (offscreen) Hey, hey now, buddy, okay?

(shot of Chuck rolling the dice and pumping his fist)

Chuck: Oh, six!

(shot of Sarah enjoying herself)

Chuck: Okay, easy, easy. My whole time favorite pet?

Sarah: Um, cocker spaniel...

Chuck: (offscreen) Yeah?

Sarah: Peaches!

(Chuck shows the board and we see the answer.)

Chuck: Who got Peaches? (slaps Sarah a high five)

(Morgan makes the sound of a buzzer.)

Morgan: Wrong! It was a springer spaniel named (turned his board around) Peaches 2. (shot of Chuck's confused expression) Not to be conused with the original Peaches who got hit by a car.

Ellie: I think we can just give this to Sarah, Morgan. (acts guilty)

Capt. Awesome: Yeah.

Morgan: Yeah, yeah, fine, fine. Don't ever say anything next time you...just take a point.

Chuck: You told me the original Peaches ran away.

Ellie: (guilty expression) She did, she did. (glares at Morgan who does not see this) (Chuck looks at Sarah, then erases what he wrote on the board, frowning slightly.)

Morgan: (offscreen, as camera pans to outside the living room where someone is watching them) Most humiliating childhood nickname.

Chuck: If I was Morgan, I would never say it out loud. (Morgan makes a gesture for him to continue) Okay. Um, Organ.

Morgan: (coming toward the others, showing the board on their faces) Boom! You see what I'm talking about? What does it say? What does it say? Organ, Organ! Boom! Yeah! (slaps Chuck a high five)

(camera pans to Sarah picking the olives from her pizza as Chuck watches as the others are laughing)

Ellie: Next! Next! Next!

Sarah: (while writing the answer on her board) Most dangerous situation ever.

Chuck: (clearing his throat) Um, I don't...uh, fixing a flat tire on the side of a freeway?

Sarah: Guess. (turns around her board to show "Sunburn Ouch!")

Chuck: Sunburn.

(camera pans to Sarah showing the others her board)

Sarah: I was nine, and we were on a family vacation, and my sister and I put on baby oil instead of sunscreen. (shot of Ellie grimacing) (offscreen, as camera pans to the outside again where someone is watching them) We ended up (voice fades)

(As the others laugh, Sarah glances at the open window. She senses someone is there, but is not sure. It could just be Casey doing his peeping tom business again. Camera pans to Chuck selecting a card while munching on the pizza and glances at Morgan.)

Chuck: Okay, most hated person ever.

(Everyone except Sarah reacts to this. She is clueless. Shot of Chuck debating whether to change the question or not. After all, they were acquaintances.)

Sarah: Harry Tang?

(Morgan groans)

Capt. Awesome: (chuckling) Harry Tang? Come on!

Sarah: No, no, I'm sorry!

Chuck: It's okay. It's, uh, it's a stupid game. (moves to erase the answer but Morgan grabs it)

Morgan: No, no, hold on a second. It's, it's Bryce Larkin. (offscreen, as Sarah looks at Chuck) I mean, how could you not know Bryce Larkin? Dude pretended to be his buddy, sexed up his girl and got him kicked out of Stanford. If, if Chuck is Solo, Larkin is his Fett!

Chuck: Okay! Okay, no point. No point.

Morgan: (overlapping with Chuck) You understand what I'm saying?

(camera pans to Sarah's face)

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex where Sarah and Ellie gives each other a peck on the cheek goodbye. Sarah and Chuck are holding hands.]

Chuck: See you to bed.

(As soon as Ellie closes the door, Chuck and Sarah look down at their interlocking hands then let go.)

Chuck: Well, we did great tonight.

Sarah: Yeah, you know, I liked it when...Morgan clearly has an edge.

Chuck: (voice faint as someone watches them)

Sarah: Yeah, you like the Intersect, don't you?

Chuck: Wish I could access your file. Know everything there is to know about you. But, this stupid thing (points to his head) doesn't really work like that.

Sarah: Or you could just ask me.

Chuck: Wh - wh - really? Um, okay, yeah. Wh - I mean I know that you and Bryce worked together (shot of Sarah's face), but how close were the two of you exactly?

Sarah: Uh, well, Bryce was my partner, but (offscreen as camera pans to Chuck) we were never really friends, if that's what you're asking.

Chuck: Right, right. So your relationship, you'd say, was more like, "Hey, you get that bad guy or (camera pans to Sarah) nice judo chop" or something like that.

Sarah: Yeah, you know, when you're undercover, you're still you but the details are different. (someone is still watching them)

Chuck: Yeah, speaking of details, there were a couple of those questions we could've done better with.

Sarah: Which ones?

Chuck: You know, those, those questions...the questions...

Sarah: The sex questions?

Chuck: There you go.

Sarah: (laughing) Morgan did well with those two.

Chuck: Well, what exactly is our cover for that topic?

Sarah: Uh, we're taking it slow.

Chuck: Right. Yeah. We're being prudent, aren't we?

(The sound of something swinging makes them look back, Sarah alert. We see...)

Morgan: Oh, you meant walk Sarah to her car, which makes sense. I don't, I don't have a car. (ambles forward and leaves)

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: Sarah peering down at her goldfish. She takes fish food from the side and feeds her pet. We see someone is watching her again. She walks to her bathroom and turns on the shower. Someone in black catches her attention when her eyes land on the faucet. Slowly taking a sock and putting a bar of soap inside, she immediately swings it around and aims for the head.]

(fight scene)

(Sarah is winning at first, but when she points her gun at the assailant, the latter manages to get the upper hand. Glasses crashing, fishbowl falling, the intruder gives Sarah a bloody nose. Just as her hand reaches for Sarah's gun, it takes the goldfish and puts it back into the fishbowl. Sarah flips the figure around and takes off the mask. It's a woman.)

Sarah: I knew it was you. You always telegraph your punches.

(they both sit up, breathing heavily)

Woman: Your nose says otherwise.

Sarah: Your cover?

Woman: Carina. You?

Sarah: Sarah. Sarah Walker.

Carina: So, Sarah Walker, what brings a CIA agent to Los Angeles?

Sarah: Same thing that brings a DEA agent like yourself - a job.

Carina: Well, whatever it is, it looks boring.

Sarah: All right, Carina, what is it? If you're here, it means you need something.

Carina: A diamond.

Sarah: Wow, you, uh, you looking to settle down?

Carina: No, I'm gonna steal one. (gets up and offers a hand to Sarah) And you're gonna help me.

(Sarah slaps her hand away and gets up on her own.)

Sarah: Well, couldn't you just have called?

(opening sequence)

[Cut to: Chuck leaving his house and locking the door, then drinking coffee. He smiles at Carina who smiles back at him.]

(Chuck flashes. Images of Carina, 'Argentina' several times, 'Agent Redacted', explosions. End of flash. Chuck looks back at Carina who follows him with her eyes as he leaves.)

[Cut to: Chuck barging into Casey's flat]

Chuck: Guys, guys, (Casey and Sarah aim their guns at him as a reflex) did you know that there is an undercover DEA agent out in the courtyard?

Sarah: Relax. We know. (She and Casey turn their attention back to the computer)

Chuck: Should I go?

Graham: (offscreen, from the computer) He can stay.

(Chuck looks at the computer. Camera pans to show Beckman and Graham standing in Beckman's office.)

Chuck: Uh, uh, who, who are they?

Casey: (something) we are being debriefed here.

Graham: The diamond is heavily guarded inside Peyman Alahi's (a surveillance video of the home is shown on the computer) Malibu compound.

Chuck: Are they with us?

Casey: Shh!

Graham: (offscreen) Mr. Alahi is (picture of Alahi shows onscreen along with other pictures as Graham talks) an international financier of the opium cartel, which is why the Drug Enforcement Administration has asked us to cooperate.

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Beckman: You'll assist Carina in acquiring the rock.

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Casey]

Chuck: Acquiring?

Casey: Shh!

Graham: (offscreen) You'll take Chuck to Alahi's compund. (camera pans to Sarah shooting a look at Casey) Get his Intersect data on his alarm system--

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Graham: Set up the ground for the following day.

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Casey]

Sarah: Sir, Carina is a...(appears to be choosing her words carefully) tremendous field agent, but (looks at Casey then back at the computer) we can't trust her. Chuck is way too valuable.

Graham: (offscreen) Alahi has friends outside the opium trade.

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Graham: We've received intel that he plans on moving the stone within the next 72 hours.

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Casey]

Casey: Uhhhh, I've had dealings with Carina (shot of an amused Sarah) in the past, too. Uh, (clears throat) she can be a bit of a...wildcard.

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Graham: We're aware of what happened in Prague...

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Casey]

Graham: (offscreen) Agent Casey, which (shot of Sarah trying very hard not to laugh) is why you and Agent Walker return (shot of Chuck knowing there's something worth knowing there) the diamond to us...

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Graham: ...and under no circumstances should Carina be entrusted with it.

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Casey]

Chuck: (looks at Casey) What happened in Prague? (camera pans to Sarah also looking at Casey who gives Chuck a "shut up" look) I, I don't need to know.

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex. Carina turns around at the sound of a door opening. Camera pans to Sarah, Chuck and Casey, in that order, exit Casey's flat.]

Carina: So, this is your team?

(Sarah nods.)

(camera pans to Casey)

Casey: My team.

(camera pans to Carina)

Carina: Hello, Casey. Nice to see you with your pants on. (camera pans to a surprised Chuck looking at Casey who glares back at him) And, uh, who might you be?

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: I'm Chu...Chuck, the new guy.

Carina: Really?

Sarah: He's an analyst.

(We see Morgan in the background.)

Morgan: (offscreen) Hey, Chuck.

(camera pans to a surprised Chuck)

Carina: (whispering to Sarah) Another member of your team?

Sarah: (whispering back) Uh, no. That's Morgan, Chuck's bestfriend. He's a civilian. (faces Morgan) Hey, Morgan. This is my friend Carina. We used to work together.

Carina: (puts out her hand) Hello.

Morgan: (kisses the hand) Madame Carina. (shot of Chuck's eyes widening) (offscreen) And I say, "Madame Carina".

[Cut to: Buy More. Chuck is sitting on the Nerd Herd counter while Morgan is talking to someone.]

Morgan: Right? And she goes, "Pleasure to meet you, sir." (offscreen, camera pans to Lester and Jeff listening) But it's her eyes, man. (camera returns to Morgan) Her eyes say everything.

Jeff: Like what?

Chuck: Like Martin.

Lester: Huh?

Morgan: She kinda got my name wrong. She goes Martin instead of Morgan. That's completely fine, though.

Chuck: Thanks for coming.

Morgan: Okay, gotta go. (leaves)

(Chuck walks to the entrance of the Nerd Herd center, followed by Jeff and Lester)

Jeff: Morgan wasn't made to mix with the opposite gender, unlike me.

Lester: (something) guys with some female friction action with that third wheel overtime.

Chuck: What does that even mean?

Lester: ...sex.

Chuck: Can't you just say that?

Lester: Yeah. I, I mean I could. It, uh, it lacks, uh...flavor.

(shot of Chuck's expression)

[Cut to: Wienerlicious. Sarah is sitting on the counter while Carina is standing up. Both are reviewing through a folder.]

Carina: (while looking down at the folder) I can guess what Casey is doing here, but, uh, what about this Chuck guy? (looks at Sarah) What is he analyzing? (camera focuses on Carina's face) You?

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: Our cover is boyfriend-girlfriend.

(camera returns to Carina)

Carina: Hm. Speaking of, I'm sorry to hear about Bryce.

(camera pans to Sarah who looks up for the first time)

Sarah: (smiles a little) Thanks. (shot of Carina nodding a little) It's, uh, it's been hard.

Carina: Of course. Getting dead is an occupational hazard. (shot of Sarah looking up again) So, what's the assignment here anyway?

Sarah: It's top secret.

Carina: So, I guess I'll just talk to Chuck myself.

Sarah: Well, that's not happening either. (shot of Carina getting her bag and heading out the door. Seeing this, Sarah jumps up and follows her.) Hey, Carina. Come on. Carina!

Wienerlicious Manager: And where do you think you're going? I need two eyes on the revolving wieners, you hear me?

(Sarah looks at the empty store.)

[Cut to: Carina walking into the Buy More. Morgan sees her and meets her.]

Morgan: Hey, Carina.

Carina: Excuse me, do you work here?

Morgan: Oh, uh, yeah. (shot of Carina looking over Morgan's head) We met this morning at Chuck's. Martin.

Carina: Oh, right. Have you seen Chuck?

Morgan: (looking back at Lester and Jeff) Chuck? Now where is he?

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center where Lester and Jeff are watching this exchange]

Jeff: Oh my God, she is way too good for him. (shot of Chuck walking into the center)

Lester: She is too good for this store! (Chuck has come around to their front) Isn't there a nicer establishment where beautiful people can shop?

(Chuck sees who they are staring at. Camera pans to show Carina waving at Chuck who waves back. Sarah can be seen entering. As Sarah nears Carina, Morgan leaves to go to the guys.)

Morgan: Chuck, you have to fix me up with Carina.

Chuck: (still looking at the two agents) No. I mean, (shot of Morgan nodding his head) actually, I don't think that's such a good idea, Morgan.

Morgan: Chuck, I know what a third wheel is. I know it's me. Give, give me a chance here, man. Let, let me be a fourth wheel (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah and Carina arguing) for once. Or maybe I can be any other even number.

[Cut to: Sarah and Carina]

Sarah: What do you think you're doing here?

Carina: I'm just getting to know your team. (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah) I'm gonna trust them with my life and my diamond. (camera returns to Carina) I just, I wanna be certain they're the best.

[Cut to: Chuck and Morgan]

Morgan: Wait. You don't think I'm good enough. (offscreen) That's it!

Jeff: (offscreen) Yes!

Chuck: (pointing at the two) No, no. I just, uh--

Morgan: If, if you can't get Sarah, man, that means just about anything is possible. (Lester nods prompting a look from Chuck) Let, let me spread my wings here, man. (mimics flying)

Chuck: Fine, fine, I'll see what I can do, but no promises.

Morgan: (as Chuck leaves) Thank you, thank you, thank you! (claps his hand)

Jeff: Has the girls gotten hotter around here or is it just me?

[Cut to: Sarah and Carina as Chuck walks toward them]

Sarah: Well, this is my op and my rules and you're gonna do exactly what I say.

Carina: We'll see about that.

Chuck: Hey, sorry to interrupt. Hi, Carina. (to Sarah) Can I just talk to you for a second?

Sarah: Sure.

(camera pans to the guys, then to Chuck and Sarah who are out of earshot from Carina)

Chuck: I need to ask you a favor, and feel free to say "no", and by that I mean say "no", but, uh, (shot of Carina leaving the area) could you fix Morgan up with Carina? (camera pans to the guys then back to Chuck and Sarah who is looking around for Carina, an idea forming) Make sure you really exaggerate "no" so they can lip read it. They're a little lame, but I think they can crack "no".

Sarah: You know, that is a GREAT idea. (smiles and goes to Carina)

Chuck: No, it's not. "No" is the answer. You're supposed to say "no".

[Cut to: Carina who is picking up a tool as Sarah approaches her]

Carina: You think this can pierce through bone?

Sarah: Carina, you want my help with your mission?

Carina: (puts the thing back) I believe those were your orders.

Sarah: Then, I need your help to protect Chuck's cover. You're going on a double date. With Morgan.

Carina: Small price to pay. (both ladies look toward the guys) Which one of these geeks is Morgan?

Sarah: (offscreen) Green shirt.

Carina: Oh. (nods toward Morgan who excitedly reacts to Chuck) (laughing) Well, that'll be fun.

(Sarah smiles, then leaves. Chuck gestures to her as if to say "What was that?")

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: Carina]

Carina: You guys are so cute! (shot of Morgan looking at his date, then at Chuck and Sarah) I mean, really. You're, like, the cutest couple ever.

(camera pans out to take Sarah perched on top of the couch that Chuck is sitting on. Chuck has an expression that basically says, "You're joking, right?" Camera pans to Sarah giving a warning glance at Carina who just raises her brows.)

Chuck: Uh, well, thanks. We're doing, we're doing (bumps fist playfully against Sarah's knee) good.

Sarah: Good? I say we're doing very good, sweetie!

Chuck: (offscreen, as camera pans to Morgan staring at Carina) Well, I stand corrected.

(camera pans to Carina)

Carina: So, how did you two meet?

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: At, at, at work. I guess, right? Yeah? (looks up at Sarah)

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: Yeah, at work.

(camera pans to Carina)

Morgan: (offscreen) Sarah came into the store with a broken cellphone like a modern day damsel-in-distress.

Carina: (laughs a little then looks directly at Sarah) Yeah, I guess you're right. A lot of people who meet up at work end up dating.

(camera pans to the smile on Sarah's face slowly fading while Carina wears a smug one)

(shot of Chuck looking confused)

Sarah: Uh, so do you guys want to watch a movie or something?

Chuck: Good idea...(closes his eyes as Sarah massages his neck) sweetie. Yeah, that's a great...I, uh, I rented that, uh, that penguin movie.

Morgan: No, no, no, no, movies are a terrible idea (looks at Carina), don't you think? I, I think that people don't take enough time to get to know each other. All I want to do tonight is find out everything there is to know about Carina.

Carina: (giggling) Really? Like what? (cozies up to Morgan while Sarah and Chuck are wearing a "What the hell" expression)

Morgan: Were you always this hot or just, like, recently find your hotness?

Carina: (chuckling) You're so cute.

[Cut to: a pizza box opening. Chuck takes two slices and puts them on plates.]

Morgan: Man, Carina is really into me.

Chuck: Yeah, seems that way, doesn't it?

Morgan: What does that mean?

Chuck: What?

Morgan: Well, the, the way you said that. "Seems". Like, like, like why wouldn't she be into me?

Chuck: No, no, no. I'm sure, I'm sure that she's into you.

Morgan: Really? (bites on his nails)

[Cut to: Sarah plopping down next to Carina]

Sarah: You know, you don't have to be hands-on with Morgan.

Carina: You said that I'm on a date. This is me on a date.

Sarah: You're gonna give him the wrong idea.

Carina: Oh, come on. I'm just giving the kid a thrill. I mean, this place is like (something French...I think). How do you stand it?

Sarah: I'm good here.

Carina: Yeah, right.

(camera pans to Chuck and Morgan with two plates each)

Chuck: Who's up for a hot slice?

[Cut to: a flatscreen showing a movie about penguins]

Narrator: Penguins are generally monogamous. They continue to nest at the same location.

(camera pans to Sarah picking out the olives from her slice while glancing once in a while at the movie, and while Chuck is watching her do that)

Narrator: Often (something)

Morgan: (to Carina) You like to travel?

Carina: It's only fun.

Sarah: Shh.

(Morgan shhs back)

Morgan: Where were you last?

Chuck: Argentina, okay! Now will you shut up?! They're almost at the Antarctic!

(Sarah looks at him. He doesn't see this, as he is already chuckling at the movie.)

Morgan: Wanna get out of here? To somewhere more private?

[Cut to: Chuck asleep on his bed with his phone ringing. He picks it up and says something that sounded a lot like "ehh".]

Morgan: (through the phone) Hey, dude, uh, uh...

[Cut to: Morgan pacing in the courtyard in the Bartowski complex]

Morgan: Did Carina call on me yet?

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: No, Morgan. It's the middle of the night. She hasn't called yet. (shuts the phone which rings again after four seconds)

[Cut to: Morgan]

Morgan: Uh, when do you think it's cool for me to call her?

[Cut to: Chuck]


Morgan: (through the phone) Uh, not true...

[Cut to: Morgan]

Morgan: 'Cause here we are, talking. (clears throat) Chuckie?

[Cut to: Chuck scrambling when his phone rings again]

Chuck: Okay, you know what? Listen, listen, she has not called in the time that has taken me to pick up and hang up. Leave me alone, Organ. (listens for awhile) And hello to you, too, ma'am. Yes, I, I am, uh, the on call Nerd Herder for all Nerd Herd computer emergencies. And, and what is, what is your room number?

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: a hotelroom. "M 903" is on the door that Chuck knocks on. The door opens to reveal...]

Carina: Hey, Chuck. (Chuck looks down, then looks up in half a second, surprised to see her) (crooks her finger) Use your feet.

[Cut to: Carina's room. She uses a knife to pop open a champagne bottle while Chuck hugs his Nerd Herd kit to his chest nervously.]

Chuck: Where is, where is, uh, your computer?

Carina: (pours champagne on flutes) I don't have one. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck's worried expression) I lied to get you over here.

Chuck: (as if injected with an anesthetic that is just starting to take effect) Why would you do that?

Carina: Because I know you're with us. (approaches him with two flutes)

Chuck: Who's, uh, us? Who, who's with us? (Carina hands him the flute) Oh, thank you, (nervous laugh) but no, thank you--

Carina: You can't access my files and know about Argentina, unless you get a G6 clearance or higher. (clinks her flute to Chuck's) Cheers to spying. (Carina pushes him down to the bed and slides down her robe to reveal a red bra underneath) I hope you like what you see.

Chuck: (staring at Carina) I should, I should, I should probably call Sarah. (digs into his pocket to get his phone) Sarah, Sarah should probably be here. I think that it would be important for her to know that--

(Carina takes his phone and throws it on the bed, chuckling.)

Carina: You're not much of a spy, are you? I know how many more...clues (fingers her bra strap) I can take off. But if Sarah were here, (strokes Chuck's lip) I couldn't seduce you. Unless, maybe, (pulls him by the tie slowly) you're into that sort of thing.

Chuck: Just, just (downs the champagne in one gulp)

Carina: (climbs onto the bed, behind Chuck) Or maybe I'm wrong, and you're already sleeping with Sarah. Are you sleeping with Sarah?

Chuck: You, you know that, uh, gentlemen never...

Carina: Oh, got it. Well, that makes sense, considering Bryce.

Chuck: Br - Bryce? Bryce? What, what are you talking about?

Carina: You don't know about Bryce? Bryce Larkin? Her boyfriend?

(shot of a horrified Chuck)

[Cut to: Wienerlicious where Chuck who is staring at a corndog]

Sarah: We'll go in undercover as party guests and locate the diamond.

Chuck: Where's the diamond?

Sarah: Well, that's your job, Chuck. The Intersect knew about Peyman Alahi's connection to the opium cartel.

Chuck: So you want me to steal the diamond?

Sarah: No, we'll grab the stone later. Today, we just get in, find it, then get out. That's it.

Chuck: Right. Get in, get out. Got it.

(camera pans to Sarah finally noticing Chuck's staring-off-into-space)

Sarah: You okay?

Chuck: Yeah, fine. Why?

Sarah: Well, you just seem a little...I don't know, something. Are you sick?

Chuck: Nope. Fine.

Sarah: Oh, one last thing. At the mansion, I need you to do me a favor and stick by my side.

Chuck: Why is that?

Sarah: Well, Carina - she likes to improvise and things can get sticky fast. She likes trouble and she looks for it. You know, one time in Pakistan, I really had to save her. (Chuck looks at Sarah finally) It doesn't matter, but the point is that Carina is not to be trusted.

(shot of Chuck's EXTREMELY relieved expression as he chuckles)

Chuck: Oh, Sar - Sarah, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that.

Sarah: What is it? Why?

Chuck: Well, Carina said something last night--

Sarah: Last night?

Chuck: W - oh, right! Uh, well, she put a call into the Nerd Herd after hours number and I was the one who was on call.

(Sarah's expression says it all - she did not?!)

Sarah: What did she tell you?

Wienerlicious Manager: Miss Walker, your break is on the 25-minute mark.

Sarah: Uh, one second, please. (camera focuses on Sarah's face) What did she say?

Chuck: Wh - I mean it doesn't matter. It's not true.

Sarah: Just, just tell me.

Chuck: Something about Bryce and you...(Sarah expression - she did!) You know, being together. (camera pans to Sarah then to Chuck who sees it IS true)

Wienerlicious Manager: I'm sure whatever you lovebirds are discussing is a matter of national security, but the ketchup vat isn't just going to refill itself.

Sarah: (pulls him aside) Did you know that 55 percent of accidents occur in the kitchen? And I'm sure most of them are accidents. (sits on Chuck's other side)

Chuck: (looking down) It's not true, right? You and Bryce, it's not true, right? (looks at Sarah)

Sarah: It was complicated.

Chuck: I thought you were supposed to be good at lying. (stands up and leaves, leaving Sarah by herself)

[Cut to: camera pans quickly over the water. "Peyman's Alahi Compound" appears onscreen as the little picture Beckman and Graham earlier showed becomes real. Shots of women in bathing suits tanning. A party, obviously. Chuck and Carina are walking along the poolside. Carina is wearing a black vest and black miniskirt while Chuck is in a white suit with a black shirt inside.]

Chuck: You know what, this is ridiculous. I'm buying the next suit. I can see my own boxer shorts through my pants.

Carina: (grabs Chuck's wrist) Well, I think you look very sexy. (shot of Sarah in a cleavage-revealing black cocktail dress, a drink in her hand, brow furrowing as her gaze sweeps by Chuck and Carina) Listen, I'm sure Sarah's warned you about me. That I improvise? Take risks?

Chuck: Guess she might've mentioned something about that.

Carina: Hm, and she also mentioned my record? How I took down the (something) gang in Colombia? So, trust me. Got it? (Chuck nods) Great. (turns around) Now, see that man over there? (offscreen, as camera pans to a ridiculously hairy man surrounded by bikini-clad females) Peyman Alahi: his house, his party, his diamond. (camera returns to the two) For now.

Chuck: Wh - are we, are you talking about Señor Wookiee over there?

(Carina chuckles)

Carina: Just, um, grab a drink and, uh, look casual.

(Chuck turns around and passes Sarah who approaches Carina)

Sarah: There's a southern egress with two armed guards and by the garage exit, three more. Why did you tell him about Bryce? You compromised my cover.

Carina: We're on a mission here, Sarah. Try and keep your private life and work life separate for a change.

(camera pans to Sarah walking toward Chuck who is looking at Peyman)

Sarah: You okay? How are you?

Chuck: Uh, yeah, I'm, I'm cool. I'm cool. Um, so I, I count six SBV54 explosion-protected security cameras with infrared surveillance.

Sarah: Did you have a flash?

Chuck: T - no. They sell them at the spy shop in the Buy More plaza. (shot of Carina looking around, then following them away)

[Cut to: Alahi's parking space]

Man: Hey. (Casey turns around, dressed as a chauffeur...again) You got a light?

Casey: Studies indicate that smoking can be hazardous to your health. Pick up a paper. (the man walks off) From the sixties.

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Carina walking toward the house]

Chuck: Thermal imaging cameras - north and west walls. (takes a sip from his glass in an effort to look 'casual')

Sarah: Someone really doesn't want us getting in there.

Carina: Let's go for a little stroll. (heads up to the glass door where she picks the lock)

Chuck: (offscreen) So, I guess if this was you and Bryce, you'd be breaking into the bedroom, huh, Sarah?

Sarah: Chuck, now's not the time.

(shot of Carina smiling a little as she enters followed by Sarah, then Chuck)

[Cut to: the three walking down the stairs and arriving outside the room where the diamond is stored. Carina hacks into the security code as Chuck and Sarah look around.]

Chuck: (upon the doors opening) Wow, that's awesome.   Carina: (we see the diamond perched on a rod) There you are.

Sarah: You know, I really think we should go now.

Carina: (offscreen, as Chuck goes to the other side of the room) Just thirty more seconds.

(We hear guns being cocked as the ladies look over their shoulder and Chuck looks up. Peyman Alahi and two men with guns are standing outside the door.)

Alahi: So you like my diamond?

Sarah: (assuming ditzy blonde persona immediately) Oh, yeah, it's really pretty. (shot of Carina shooting Alahi a guarded glance)

Alahi: You're not supposed to be here.

Sarah: Oh, I'm, I'm really sorry, but the door was unlocked, and, and, uh, (shot of Carina's face, then Chuck's) who are you?

Alahi: (looks the two ladies up and down) Pretty girls call me Peyman.

Carina: Hi, Peyman.

Chuck: Hey, Peyman.

Carina: I'm Carina, this is Sarah and this is our brother Chuckie.

Chuck: Yo.

Alahi: Brother. (apparently convinced, nods to his men to leave) More good news for me. (puts him arm around the two girls, not minding the fact that he is only to their brows)

Carina: So, what do I have to do to get this thing on my finger?

Alahi: (offscreen, camera focuses on the diamond) It is said that he who owns the (I think it was the name of the diamond) rules the world.

Carina: So, what if, like, someone tried to steal it?

Alahi: It's impossible to steal, because if touched, the wall would seal itself off, (offscreen, as Chuck looks around at his revelation) then gas would fill the room and after that my security team would eliminate the threat. (looks at Sarah and points to his own head, miming being shot)

Sarah: Ooh. (laughs a little)

Alahi: (removes his hand to look at Sarah's behind) But me, I'm more of a lover than a fighter.

(Sarah makes a sound. It is assumed Alahi has squeezed her behind.)

Sarah: (still in the ditzy blonde persona) You know, I saw some really cool paintings outside. Can I have a look?

Alahi: (offscreen, as he stirs her away from the others) Sure.

(camera pans to Chuck going to Carina's side)

[Cut to: outside the room]

Alahi: You like this one?

Sarah: Oh, yeah.

Alahi: Oh, you've got a nice pair of eyes amongst other nice pairs. (glancing at her chest)

[Cut to: Chuck and Carina. He flashes on the stand of the siamond. Images of the diamond being surrounded by electricity and "Danger: High Voltage". The flash ends.]

Chuck: Um, the guy wearing the fur sweater failed to mention one fairly significant security detail.

Carina: Like what?

Chuck: Twenty thousand volts of electricity protecting the stone.

Carina: Ooh, problematic. How're you gonna fix that?

Chuck: Um, I'm sorry - you, you, you're asking me?

Carina: Well, yeah. Sarah told me you're supposed to have this really big brain. So, for follow-up mission, what would you recommend?

Chuck: I, I mean, now that we know there's a trap, I might (offscreen, as camera pans to Carina, then the diamond) use compressed air to knock it off the pedestal.

[Cut to: outside the room]

Alahi: I would like to paint naked girls, but I can't say I blame him.

(shot of Sarah glancing in the room's direction)

[Cut to: Chuck and Carina]

Carina: Like, like what?

Chuck: Like, you know, something like (looks around the room and spots something) that.

(She goes to grab the fire extinguisher.)

Chuck: Carina? Carina! Carina, what are you doing?

Carina: Improvising.

(fires the extinguisher at the diamond which then goes flying off. Almost instantly does the alarm sound and the gas Alahi was talking about earlier is released.)

Chuck: (lunging for the diamond) I got it. (slams into a bust that falls down upon contact)

[Cut to: outside the room. Sarah and Alahi hears the crash and the alarm.]

[Cut to: Chuck and Carina. The doors are being sealed off as Carina kicks a pedestal to act as a barrier for the time being and tosses a bag to Chuck. He hurriedly and clumsily puts the diamond in.]

[Cut to: outside the room. Sarah punches Alahi, rendering him unconscious.]

[Cut to: Carina sliding outside as Sarah steps over the fallen busts]

Sarah: Hey, this was only recon!

(They each take out one of Alahi's men.)

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Just like little league. (slides outside) (Sarah pulls him up to his feet.) I got it, I got it, I got it.

(They run up the stairs.)

[Cut to: the area with the pool]

Sarah: What were you thinking?!

Chuck: Bad guys approaching fast!

Carina: (while she and Sarah are punching Alahi's men out) I made a split second decision! (She kicks over a table as Sarah 'slaps' another one with her purse.) I'm doing you a favor!

Sarah: Well, stop doing me favors!

Chuck: No, no, no! (Sarah punches another one as Chuck steps over the pool) Excuse me! Pardon me! (something) (stops when another guard aims his gun at him) (shot of Sarah taking a plate out of a guest's hands and flings it toward the man like a frisbee. It hits him on the head.) Thank you!

(camera pans to Sarah talking to her watch)

Sarah: Carina improvised! She snatched the diamond. (screen splits into two to show Casey on the phone and the man asking for a lighter earlier running towards the house) Meet us on the beach.

[Cut to: Casey]

Casey: I'm on it. (He trips the man and punches him. Just as Casey heads for the limo, he spots something and goes toward it. We see a black Jeep Wrangler.)

[Cut to: Carina, Sarah and Chuck, arriving in the beach, running]

Sarah: Hey, Carina, what now?

Carina: You two run for it! Give me the stone and I'll take the heat! You can (something) and get me out!

Sarah: (looking back at Chuck) What? No, she's lying.

Carina: Chuck, trust me!

Sarah: (stops Chuck) Remember what I said.

Chuck: (panting) Oh, yeah? (he looks at Carina then back at Sarah) Which lie are you referring to? It's so hard to keep track these days. (tosses the bag to Carina)

Sarah: What?

Carina: Thanks, Chuck. (presses something on her watch and a jet ski rises out of the water)

(shot of Chuck and Sarah's incredulous expressions)

Sarah: You planned this?!

Carina: (as she is running to it, stripping to her own bikini) Catch you later!

(shot of Chuck and Sarah watching helplessly as Carina jet skis away)

(shot of Sarah seeing something)

Sarah: Oh my God!

(camera pans to Chuck, screaming as he sees two more men with guns)

Casey: Get in!

Sarah: (offscreen, as camera pans to Casey shooting at the men and them running away) Get in the front!

[Cut to: the three inside the car. Sarah pokes her upper body into the space between Chuck and Casey while taking off her clothes...not seen by the viewer, of course.]

Sarah: I have to be able to trust you in a mission, Chuck, no matter how you're feeling about me personally! (pokes her upper body out probably to get some clothes)

Chuck: How, how am I supposed to know that Carina has a remote-controlled jet ski? It's not usually an option in real life!

(shot of Sarah poking her upper body back between the space, the white part of her Wienerlicious uniform in between her hands)

Sarah: OUR orders were to bring the diamond IN, Chuck! (she pokes her upper body back)

Chuck: What is she gonna do with it? What, what is she gonna sell it?

Casey: Nah, she's a gamer. She'll give it to her boss and move up the DEA's covert ranks.

(camera pans to Sarah slipping on the Wienerlicious blouse)

Chuck: What are you...what are you doing?

Sarah: (pissed off, furious, infuriated, irate...you pick) I can't believe I still have to wear this hot dog shit! (slips on the skirt) If I call in sick again I'll get canned!

[Cut to: Carina disembarking from the jet ski and taking out a cellphone out of nowhere. She probably had it clipped to her suit, although I have no idea how she managed to do that without it getting wet.]

[Cut to: Sarah's phone ringing]

Sarah: What?!

[Cut to: Carina. We see a black Mustang convertible parked and waiting for her. No driver.]

Carina: Don't be mad.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: Well, you left us to die!

[Cut to: Carina]

Carina: I knew you'd get out of it.

[Cut to: Chuck and Casey who has his phone drawn out, probably setting up a trace]

Sarah: (offscreen) You're burning your bridge, Carina. The CIA is going to have your ass for this.

[Cut to: Carina]

Carina: Well, I gotta run. Thanks again.

[Cut to: Sarah throwing the phone to the car seat]

Casey: You go to work, I'll get the diamond.

Sarah: What?

Casey: NSA magic. (Sarah pokes in to grab something to tie her hair from the compartment) Put a trace on her phone. Wherever she's going, I'm going.

(shot of Sarah closing the buttons of her blouse through a mirror. This mirror is closed.)

Casey: Eyes up front, soldier.

Chuck: I, I...what are you...I was lookin' (stops)

[Cut to: Carina walking into the hotel lobby, now fully dressed. She walks to the lifts quickly, passing by a waiting Morgan with a bouquet in his hand.]

Morgan: Carina?

[Cut to: Carina in her hotel room, just shoving clothes inside her bag. She hears the sound of a car and goes to peek at the window. It's Casey.]

Carina: Damn it.

(she goes back to her bed and puts the diamond back into its bag)

[Cut to: Carina running down the hallway. The lifts signal their arrival and...]

Morgan: Carina?

Carina: Martin?

Morgan: Yes, sure. Yeah. (offscreen, as camera looks to the direction of the stairs and sees Casey coming through, gun at the ready) I wasn't sure I'd find you here. Wow, you look fantastic-- (is cut off when Carina suddenly kisses him while turning him back to the lift and putting the bag into his, well, bag - all done without Casey noticing the last part) Whoa, hi. I just happen to be in the neighborhood. This is great. This is--

Carina: Look, I'm sorry I didn't call. It's just not gonna work out. I've got this whole relationship thing.

Morgan: Do you want to talk about it over coffee? One for each of us, I'll treat.

Carina: I can't. It's just, it's too soon. (The lifts close on Morgan) Hello, Casey. (Casey grunts his greeting.)

[Cut to: Carina and Casey walking into her hotel room]

Casey: Where's the diamond?

Carina: Love the competitive spirit, Johnny, but I don't have the diamond.

(Casey grabs her bag and takes out the contents inside)

Casey: I don't have time for your games, Carina. Give it to me now.

Carina: I don't have it, I swear. If I did I'd give it to you. (Casey throws her bag aside and starts rummaging through her drawers.) Go ahead. Look anywhere you'd like. In fact, (starts to undo her outfit) maybe you should just start with me? (shot of Casey staring at her, Carina in her undergarments and Casey dropping the drawers in awe)

[Cut to: Buy More. Chuck is at the Nerd Herd center when Sarah walks through, smiling at Lester as she passes him.]

Sarah: Chuck. (he goes to her) I haven't heard from Casey in an hour, so (slids on a leather jacket) I'm going to Carina's hotel, and I need you to stay home tonight. Got it?

Chuck: You want my help?

Sarah: Not tonight.

Chuck: So I'm off the team.

Sarah: No, Chuck, just benched, but we're gonna have to talk about what happened. (leaves)

Lester: Oooh, someone got a headache tonight.

Chuck: Yeah, yeah. That would be me.

[Cut to: Morgan and Chuck in his bedroom, playing a game.]

Morgan: Xbox. Where's Sarah?

Chuck: Oh, we got into a fight. You don't want to hear about it.

Morgan: (laying back on Chuck's bed) First fight, that's kind of a big deal. I wonder what my first fight would be like.

Chuck: I mean, I know that it's stupid, but it's Sarah's fault. I think I never would've done it if she just told me the truth to begin with. You're not even listening to me, are you?

Morgan: No, sorry, man. I stopped listening when it wasn't about Carina...and how she kissed me, and then dumped me.

Chuck: You kissed Carina?

Morgan: Yeah, man, at her hotel, on the lips. (shot of Chuck's mouth falling open) But I guess she has some past relationship something...I don't know, man. Whatever. (throws his soda can onto the floor)

Chuck: You want another one?

Morgan: That was a...I feel better coming on.

Chuck: All right, one grape soda coming up.

Morgan: Thanks, man. Oh, and I got the new Stealth Underlords game. I was gonna surprise Carina, but it's another thing she'll be missing on so...(makes a sound through his lips) Wanna grab it, it's in my bag.

Chuck: Sure.

Morgan: Oh, and, Chuck? Can I get some more pizza? I'm feeling a little (makes another sound)...

Chuck: Got it.

Morgan: Hey, Chuck?

Chuck: Yes, Morgan?

Morgan: You know what? If our relationships don't work out, okay, 'cause we got each other, don't we?

Chuck: That's really, really sad.

Morgan: I know.

[Cut to: Sarah picking the lock on Carina's room. She stands up to reveal she's wearing a black vest and black jeans, gun tucked behind her jeans and an iPhone. As she takes the gun, she uses her hip to push the door open. Camera pans to take in Casey bound, just in his boxers and a white shirt.]

Sarah: (amused) Wow, just like Prague, huh? (Casey continues to mumble something indistinct as Sarah takes a picture.) Smile.

[Cut to: the Bartowski kitchen. Chuck puts the soda can beside Morgan's bag as he finds the video game. He takes it out and is surprised to see the bag in which he had placed the diamond. He shakes it out and has a flash when the diamond is out. The same images from the flash earlier and 'Tori Khel Taliban Compound, Afghanistan Pre- Strike'. The flash ends.]

Chuck: He who owns the (I think it was the name of the diamond) rules the world. (breathing hard and putting the diamond back) (a second later, on the phone) Sarah, hey, whoa, thank God. Listen, I know you're really mad at me right now, but - wait, you know this is Chuck, right? Okay, good. Good, good, listen, listen. The diamond that we stole from the wooly mammoth - it is not a drug diamond, okay? I repeat, it is not a drug diamond. It belongs to an Afghani terrorist group. Look, I can give you a lot more details, but the point is, it is way more dangerous than we thought.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: Chuck, find Carina and tell her to bring me the diamond. Please. (camera pans out to see Alahi and his men in the room with the still bound Casey, Alahi himself with a really disgusting bruise where Sarah had hit him holding her at gunpoint)

[Cut to: Chuck. He has a slice of pizza on a plate and the soda can on one hand, and the diamond in the other.]

Chuck: Hey, uh, Morgan, buddy, long story but I'm gonna have to go-- (stops when another ninja blocks his path, sending the can down to the floor) Ah, hey, listen. Go ahead and take whatever you want, okay? I keep a little cash in my sock drawer...and by little, I mean spare change.

(The ninja, camera pans down to show it's female, gestures to Chuck to give her something.)

Chuck: Pizza? Absolutely, help yourself. It's right behind me on the counter.

(Transcriber's note: If the ninja could speak, she would have cried, "Oh, for the love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph!")

Chuck: This? You want this? I can't, I can't actually give you this...'cause it's not mine to give, really. (He runs and the ninja chases after him, blocking the door. With the plate in his hand, Chuck flings it at the ninja, a lot like Sarah did earlier. The plate hits her on the head.)

Ninja: Ow! Oh!

Chuck: (recognizing the voice) Carina?

Ninja/Carina: Fine, it's me. (removes the mask) The mask is so you won't ID me. (shot of Chuck glancing at the direction of his room) Now, give me the diamond.

Chuck: Wait, no, no, no. I need your help. Sarah's in trouble.

Carina: Sarah's fine. She's very resourceful. Now, the rock?

Chuck: Wait, so you're just gonna cross your fingers and hope for the best instead of helping your friend?

Carina: Oh, come on, Chuck. You know this thing of ours? We're all in it for ourselves. It's what we do.

Chuck: That's not what Sarah does. (pauses) And, and, and if she would have thought that in Pakistan, then you wouldn't even be alive right now to have this conversation. (shot of Carina's guilty expression) You want it? There you go. (snatches the bag Chuck holds out to her) But with or without you, I'm gonna go help Sarah.

Carina: (exhales, hands the bag over to Chuck) Just hold onto it? In case I change my mind? (leaves)

Morgan: (offscreen) What's the ETA on my pizza?

Chuck: (backtracking to grab his jacket) Uh, buddy, I gotta go pick up some water, and your grape soda's on the kitchen floor!

[Cut to: afternoon in California]

[Cut to: Sarah being poked in the back with a gun and being handcuffed by Alahi]

Alahi: Who do you work for?

Sarah: Tiffany.

Alahi: You have no idea who you're dealing with. You didn't just take that diamond from me; I was holding it for a friend of mine. Very grouchy dangerous friend.

Sarah: Does he like your new look?

Alahi: Normally, I don't mind women being rough, but that was very rude. (leaves with Sarah) (to the man Casey had tripped, and I'm not sure if I heard right) Torch the one with the covers. (the man purposely blows cigarette smoke onto Casey's face)

[Cut to: Chuck and Carina. We see a briefcase being opened to reveal three pistols.]

Carina: (offscreen) I don't get it, Chuck. (camera switches to Chuck stupefied by the guns while Carina makes her choice) Thought you and Sarah were on the outs?

Chuck: I made a mistake. I'm still getting used to how you guys need to lie with who you are.

Carina: I'm feeling like a knife fight. (opens another briefcase full of knives) You analysts don't know what it's like for us field agents. It's our job. We shed identites like people shed clothes.

Chuck: In your case, that's quite often.

Carina: (chuckles) Try 'em on. Like 'em or leave 'em. After awhile, it doesn't even matter.

Chuck: So you never let anyone who you really are?

Carina: (closes the trunk of the car) Can't. Might have to leave them in five minutes, or shoot them in the head. (offscreen, as camera takes in Chuck's scared expression) Trust me, the spy doesn't want you to know anything about them that's real. (camera returns to Carina) No matter who you are.

[Cut to: Chuck and Carina walking into a hotel lobby]

Carina: You carry the diamond; I'll act as intermediary. And listen, if we're still alive afterwards, how about we go back to my room?

(Chuck walks into a plant)

Chuck: I'm kind of stuck back on the 'still alive' part.

[Cut to: a still bound Casey. We hear a toilet being flushed. A couple of seconds later, Casey breaks the headboard to which he is handcuffed and stands up. The man leaves the toilet and sees that Casey is no longer there. He gets hit in the face with the headboard when he takes another step and is knocked unconscious.]

Casey: Told you that smoking can be hazardous to your health.

[Cut to: Chuck and Carina, camera switches between Sarah, Chuck and Carina]

Alahi: Do you have what I want?

(camera pans to a man eating a meal between them)

Carina: (simultaneous with Chuck holding out the bag) Maybe. (he immediately hides it back) Maybe I pawned it for front row tickets to Justin Timberlake.

(Alahi cocks the gun as Sarah gives Carina a glance.)

Sarah: Why do you always have to provoke people?

Alahi: Show me the diamond.

(Chuck looks at Carina who just looks calmly at Alahi)

Chuck: I have it, I have it, I have it. It's right here. I have it. It's just...there it is. (shows him the diamond) There's your...I have it right here.

Alahi: (holds out his hand) Now give it to me.

Carina: No. (he looks at her)

Chuck: (offscreen, as camera pans to Carina) I know, I know that I'm new at this, but (camera returns to Chuck) I'm pretty sure that this is the part where (through gritted teeth) I do what the man says.

(Carina slaps the hand holding the diamond and catches it.)

Carina: (to Chuck) He didn't say please. (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah looking at her, then the gun) Now, if you want it so badly, (camera returns to Carina) try and take it away from me.

Alahi: Look around you. Everyone in the room is with me. (shot of bellhops, even the man eating, confirming what Alahi just said) What are you gonna do? Fight us all? All by yourself?

Sarah: She's not by herself.

Carina: (to Sarah) Om jag slänger nycklarna till dig, kommer du tappa dem då?

(Transcriber's note: Swedish for "If I throw you the keys, will you drop them?")

Sarah: Tylko jak rzucisz jak twoja mamusia.

(Transcriber's note: Polish for "Only if you throw it like your mommy.")

(shot of Alahi's men reacting to this)

(shot of Carina nodding to Sarah, then pushing Chuck out of the way as she punches the nearest man)

(shot of Sarah grabbing the gun and kicking Alahi in the face)

(Transcriber's note: It's unbelievable how the actress managed to deliver the kick like a true martial artist...and she's the one doing all her stunts!)

(Carina tosses the key to Sarah who catches it, just before she gets hit in the face. She lets go of the diamond, which Chuck manages to scramble for. And kudos for our heroic nerd when he hides under a table and slams his head onto it when feet stop in front of him.)

[Cut to: Casey inside the elevator. He now has his pants on, but is still handcuffed. Unfortunately, there is a girl on it with her mum who holds onto her daughter protectively with the whole handcuffed thing.]

Casey: (in greeting) Ma'am, miss.

[Cut to: the fight scene that Chuck leaves behind for the business centre, screaming at the top of his lungs]

[Cut to: inside the office where Chuck looks around until he spots a computer]

[Cut to: outside the office where a stooge is trying to break down the door]

[Cut to: inside the office where Chuck has printed something and is trying to get the FedEx-like box into shape. He puts the bag with the diamond in, along with the paper he's printed.]

(shot of the stooge breaking down the door)

(camera pans to Chuck holding the package over a chute)

Chuck: Wait, wait. You know where this goes?

Man: No.

Chuck: Neither do I. So step back or I let it go.

(The man does)

Man: Now what?

Chuck: You know I'm not really sure. I haven't thought through that far. (shot of Casey hitting the man with the headboard on the back of the head) Whoa, whoa! (lets go of the package accidentally)

(shot of Chuck looking down the chute, closing it with an odd look on his face)

Casey: What?

(Transcriber's note: Chuck's reaction here is pretty darn hilarious! Priceless, really!)

Chuck: What?

[Cut to: sunrise over California]

[Cut to: California in the day]

[Cut to: Casey's flat. Beckman and Graham are seen through the computer.]

Beckman: Capturing the (name of the diamond) has dissolved Peyman Alahi's credibility. (offscreen, as camera takes in our two agents and Chuck) His network has fallen apart.

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Graham: We were also able to thwart the purchase of 26 million dollars of surface-to-air missiles...

[Cut to: Sarah, Chuck and Casey. They're smiling at each other.]

Graham: (offscreen)...the Afghani terrorist group was planning on buying.

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Graham: No diamond, no cash, no sale. (We see Beckman receiving a package.) Job well done, people.

[Cut to: Chuck. Beckman hands the package to Graham who shakes it.]

[Cut to: Beckman and Graham]

Graham: (as Beckman is reading the label outside) You didn't?

[Cut to: Chuck, shrugging]

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex. Chuck, Sarah, Casey and Carina are there.]

Carina: Well, this was fun.

Casey: Yeah, goodbye, Carina. (offscreen, as camera pans to Carina) Working with you has been...(camera returns to Casey) well, let's never do this again, hm?

Carina: Thanks, Johnny. Maybe next time you can shake it up a bit and pull the four-leaf clovers (Transcriber's note: she's referring to his boxers) out of the rotation?

(Casey gives a sarcastic little chuckle and leaves. Sarah grins.)

Sarah: (as she hugs Carina) Well, you know as much as I hate your methods, there's never a dull moment, right?

Carina: Well, if you want a dull moment, just check out your cover life.

Sarah: Well, you know we have our adventures.

Carina: Right.

Sarah: (to Chuck) Oh, uh, dinner tonight so we can talk?

Chuck: Pizza?

Sarah: Sounds good. (leaves)

Carina: Sure you don't wanna come back to my hotel room?

Chuck: Um, as fla - flattered and...intimidated as I am by your proposition, why me?

Carina: Well, you're sort of cute-ish. But, um, the real reason is I love taking what Sarah wants.

Chuck: What? Me? No. Sarah, Sarah doesn't want me.

Carina: Yeah, she probably doesn't even know it herself yet. But, um, I do. (gives him a seductive look, then leaves)

[Cut to: afternoon in California]

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: Chuck's finger on a knocker]

[Cut to: inside Sarah's flat where she gets up from bed where it appears she is working on something in her laptop. She opens the door, and we see Chuck smiling a little.]

Chuck: Hey. (he puts the brown bag on top of a table and opens the pizza box) Vegatarian. No olives. (offscreen, as camera pans to show Sarah's expression) It's the only thing I know about you that's true. (camera returns to Chuck) You don't like olives.

Sarah: Thank you. Come in.

(He does.)

Chuck: Look, I'm, I'm sorry about the beach. You're absolutely right. I shouldn't let my feelings affect the mission, (Sarah sits down on the edge of her bed and Chuck takes the seat in front of it) and, um, if you and Bryce...if you had a...thing. Well, that makes sense. He always got the great girls. (shot of Sarah looking down then back at him) I just wish I knew something real about you. (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah sitting quietly, looking at Chuck) Can't you just tell me just one true thing? Just, just one, like, like where'd you grow up? Or, or if that's too much, I get it. I get it if that's too much. What's, what's your name? What's your real name?  (Sarah still sits quietly, just looking at him) Middle name. What's your middle name? Can't you just tell me your (voice fading) middle name? (camera pans to her just looking at him) I'm gonna...go and get the napkins. (gets up and walks to where he'd left the brown bag)

Sarah: (quietly) It's Lisa. My middle name is Lisa.




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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

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