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#101 : Espion malgré lui

Titre VO :
Titre VF : Espion Malgré Lui
Diffusions USA: 24/09/07 à 20h00 sur NBC 
Diffusions FR : 09/11/08 à 14h15 sur TF1

Résumé court :

Le jour de son anniversaire, Chuck, qui est informaticien, reçoit un mail de Bryce Larkin, son ancien camarade à Stanford. Bryce est l'homme que Chuck aime le moins au monde, depuis qu'il l'a fait viré de l'Université et lui a piqué sa petit amie de l'époque, Jill, que Chuck n'a jamais oublié.

Chuck, en ouvrant le mail, se retrouve en possesion de tous les secrets de la CIA et de la NSA... Il ignorait tout de la nature de ces images, jusqu'à-ce qu'il rencontre Sarah (agent de la CIA) et Casey (agent de la NSA) qui sont envoyés pour protéger l'"Intersect", c'est à dire lui...


4.62 - 13 votes

Titre VO

Titre VF
Espion malgré lui


Préparation pour le rendez-vous (VO)

Préparation pour le rendez-vous (VO)


Scène finale

Scène finale


Chuck meets Sarah

Chuck meets Sarah


If you free

If you free


Photos promo

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) entourée de femmes

Chuck (Zachary Levi) entourée de femmes

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin), Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin), Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Plus de détails

101 img01Chuck et Morgan sont dans une pièce. Chuck met des piles dans une lampe de poche, et dit à Morgan que c’est une mauvaise idée. Morgan lui répond qu’ils ne peuvent pas rester là. Chuck lui dit qu’il n’est pas d’accord avec le plan et Morgan rétorque que c’est de la survie, il s’apprête à sortir par la fenêtre. Tout à coup quelqu’un frappe à la porte. Morgan dit qu’ils sont compromis et il commence à descendre par la fenêtre. Chuck commence à paniquer, et dit à Morgan qu’il ne peut pas l’abandonner comme ça. C’est alors qu’une femme entre dans la pièce et allume la lumière.

Ellie demande à Chuck ce qu’il est en train de faire, voyant bien qu’il est en train de s’échapper. C’est pourtant sa propre fête d’anniversaire. Chuck lui explique que Morgan et lui ne se sentent pas très à l’aise à la fête parce qu’ils ne connaissent personne. Eli se fâche légèrement en lui faisant comprendre qu’elle a invité des femmes réelles pour lui et lui demande de bien vouloir descendre.

Cpt Awesome arrive et explique à Chuck qu’il a repéré des candidates et le présente. Chuck se sent tout à coup très mal à l’aise, tout un tas de filles lui posent des questions… Il leur explique alors qu’il travaille au Nerd Herd et qu’il a techniquement fait Standford... C’est alors qu’une fille lui parle d’un gars extra qu’elle a connu là-bas… Le regard de Chuck s’assombrit, il s’agit de Bryce Larkin son ancien colocataire, qui est aujourd’hui comptable, pense-t-il…


On retrouve Bryce Larkin dans une pièce blanche et très éclairée, il n’est pas comptable... Il court vers l’ordinateur de la pièce et demande l’accès à l’Intersect, il met ses lunettes de soleil et commence le transfert de millions d’images.


Retour à la fête, la fille demande à Chuck s’il a une copine et là, Chuck commence à parler de son histoire d’amour avec une fille nommée Jill qu’il a connu à Standford quand il était en première année mais que son colocataire lui a piqué... Lorsqu’il se retourne pour regarder la fille, celle-ci est partie…


Bryce place une bombe près de l’Intersect et se met à courir... La porte explose, mettant ainsi KO des agents qui essayaient de la forcer. Il arrive ensuite à se débarrasser des autres agents l’empêchant d’atteindre le toit. N’étant pas sûr de réussir sa mission, Bryce décide d’envoyer les données à quelqu'un. Il est poursuivi, il saute de toit en toit et arrive sur le parking, c’est alors qu’il se fait tirer dessus. Il s’effondre, mais il apprend à Casey qu’il est trop tard. Le mail a été envoyé à Chuck.


La fête de Chuck est terminée... Ellie vient lui expliquer que même si une fille lui demande, il ne doit pas parler de son ex-copine, car c’est trop déprimant. De plus, c’était il y a cinq ans et il faut qu’il aille de l’avant. Chuck lui dit qu’il se remettra de cette relation plus tard et va dans sa chambre.

Morgan essaye de le réconforter en lui disant qu’il a parlé à des femmes aujourd’hui donc que c’est un bon début. C’est alors que le mail arrive…  Chuck et Morgan vont l’ouvrir, il s’agit d’un message codé de Zork d’un vieux jeu en mode texte dont ils avaient programmé leur propre version lorsqu’ils étaient colocataires. Chuck essaye de se souvenir de l’arme de son personnage et dit à Morgan de rentrer chez lui.  Morgan s’en va et Chuck se reconcentre sur son mail, il trouve le mot correspondant et s’ouvre alors l’Intersect… Les images défilent à toute vitesse et Chuck reste bloqué en les regardant…

Le réveil sonne 7:00, et Chuck s’effondre.


Il se fait réveiller par Morgan… Chuck se sentant bizarre demande à son pote s’il a trafiqué le punch. Morgan joue celui qui est choqué par le manque de confiance de son ami, mais avoue qu’il l’a fait.


Quand Chuck prend sa douche, il entend à la radio que la sécurité contrôle tous les véhicules près de l’aéroport. Il a un flash et ne comprend pas du tout ce qu’il se passe.


Dans la rue, Morgan et Chuck parlent de jeux vidéo. Chuck dit alors à Morgan qu’il a atrocement mal à la tête et lui demande de conduire, ce qui entraîne une réaction enflammé de Morgan face à la voiture de fonction Nerd Herd. Chuck lui dit alors d’éviter la route 5 car la police est en phase de déploiement… Mais d’où tient-il ces informations ?


Au Buy More, Chuck apprend à l’équipe du Nerd Herd qu’il y a un virus nommée Irène Demova, qui vient d’un site porno serbe, et qui détruit complètement les ordinateurs. Par malheur, Morgan est complètement dingue de cette actrice X, et ne peut s’empêcher d’aller sur son site.

Chuck voit alors les informations sur les télévisions du magasin, il a de nouveau un flash. Il sait alors que le général Standfield a déjà atterri contrairement à ce qui est dit au journal.


Direction des Renseignement Nationaux, Washington DC : trois membres de la NSA (dont Casey) parlent de Bryce Larkin et de ce qu’il a volé dans l’ordinateur. Il s’agit de L’intersect, un programme combinant les données de la CIA et de la NSA. Casey est chargé de la mission, il doit suivre la trace de l’intersect, et aller à Los Angeles.


Au Buy More, Sarah arrive au Nerd Herd et demande à Chuck de lui réparer son portable. C'est alors qu'un père arrive avec sa fille, il n’a pas réussi à enregistrer le récital de danse de sa fille et craint la réaction de sa femme. Chuck prend les choses en main et refilme tout dans le Buy More. Alors qu’il se retournait pour voir Sarah, il se fait arrêter par Harry Tang qui lui lance quelques vacheries et s’en va. Lorsque Chuck regarde dans la direction de Sarah, elle est déjà partie… mais elle a laissé sa carte !


Morgan demande à Chuck pourquoi il ne veut pas appeler Sarah, et ce dernier lui répond qu’il ne l'a pas bien regardé. En entrant dans la maison, ils surprennent un cambrioleur ninja qui emporte l’ordinateur. Morgan tente de se défendre mais c’est Chuck qui se prend tout. Une « bagarre » s’engage, mais Chuck et Morgan sont vite mis hors d’état de nuire. Le PC tombe alors de l’étagère et est complètement détruit. Le Ninja s’enfuit, dans la voiture, on se rend compte que c’était Sarah.


En allant acheter de nouvelles serrures au Large Mart, Chuck tombe sur un client plutôt étrange et a un flash. Le gars attrape un grosse clé à molette (je ne suis pas sure je ne m’y connais pas en outils) et Chuck commence à paniquer. Lorsqu’il essaye de prévenir quelqu’un du danger, le gars se tient tout tranquillement à la caisse.


Sarah est au téléphone, et explique à quelqu’un que l’ordinateur est cassé et irréparable. On apprend que Sarah est de la CIA et qu’elle travaillait avec Bryce avant qu’il ne les trahisse. Son chef lui dit que pour elle la mission est terminée et que la NSA entre en jeu. Sarah demande 12 heures de plus pour trouver la sauvegarde du disque dur.


Au Nerd Herd, Chuck reçoit la visite de Sarah qui lui demande pourquoi il ne l’a pas appelé et lui demande s’il peut lui faire un peu visiter le coin car elle vient d’emménager.


Durant le rendez-vous, Sarah lui parle de sa dernière relation, avec une certain Bruce, qui s’est mal terminée et c’est pour cela qu’elle a déménagé. Mais lorsqu’elle lui demande si lui aussi a vécu une histoire difficile, il ne s’éternise pas et suit le conseil de sa sœur en ne parlant pas de son histoire avec Jill.

Dehors, alors qu’ils marchent et tentent de parler musique, Chuck voit des voitures et a de nouveau un flash.


Dans une voiture, Casey dit qu’il lui faut Chuck vivant pour savoir avec qui il travaille.


Chuck et Sarah entre dans un pub où il y a de la musique. Ils sont suivis. Sarah le remarque et demande alors à Chuck de danser. Ceci est une ruse pour stopper les agents sans qu’il ne s'en rende compte. Elle l’entraine vite à l’extérieur, et ouvre sa voiture sans même avoir les clés. S’engage alors une course-poursuite. Chuck panique encore une fois, ne sachant pas ce qu’il se passe. Sarah lui apprend que la NSA est à sa recherche et qu’elle était coéquipière avec Bryce à la CIA. Chuck lui dit qu’il a ouvert l’e-mail que Bryce lui a envoyé. Sarah lui dit alors qu’elle va devoir pointer son arme sur lui mais qu’il ne doit pas paniquer. Casey arrive et pointe son arme sur Sarah. Chuck essaye de s’enfuir mais a soudain un flash. Il leur dit qu’il y a une bombe dans l’hôtel en face et que quelqu’un va tuer le général de l’OTAN. Sarah dit à Casey que Chuck est l’ordinateur car il a tous les secrets du gouvernement dans sa tête et qu’il n’y a pas d’autres sauvegardes. Elle lui demande s’il est encore temps de désamorcer la bombe. Chuck panique et lui dit qu’elle devrait appeler Bryce. Sarah lui dit qu’il est mort.


Ils courent dans le bâtiment et entrent dans la pièce où le général s’apprête à faire son discours. Ils trouvent la bombe, mais ils ne savant pas comment la désamorcer. Sarah demande à Chuck s’il se souvient de quelque chose. C’est alors que Morgan appelle. Il lui demande comment se passe son rencard, qu’il s’ennuie parce que son ordinateur est mort à cause du virus Irène Demova. Chuck a alors une illumination. Il se branche sur internet est va sur le site. L’ordinateur meurt d’un coup à cause du virus et la bombe est désamorcée.


Casey et Sarah se disputent pour savoir lequel des deux va emmener Chuck. C’est alors que Chuck arrive et leur demande de l’écouter car c’est lui qui a tous ces secrets dans sa tête, il leur dit qu’il faut laisser ses amis et sa famille hors de ça et que pour l’instant il rentre chez lui car c’est eux qui ont besoin de lui et non pas le contraire.


Le lendemain, Chuck est assis sur la plage à regarder les vagues. Sarah le rejoint. Chuck lui demande s’il n’y a pas un moyen de s’enfuir de cette situation, et elle lui répond que non. Chuck lui demande ce qu’il se passe maintenant, et elle lui dit qu’il retourne à sa vie et qu’eux vont le protéger, tout en travaillant avec lui, mais que pour garder sa famille en sécurité il ne faut rien leur dire. Sarah lui demande une dernière chose, c’est de lui faire confiance.


Quand Chuck rentre chez lui, il fait un câlin collectif à tout le monde. Et quand Sarah retourne dans sa chambre d’hôtel, elle regarde des photos d’elle et de Bryce.


Au Buy More, Chuck s’inscrit pour le poste de manager contre Tang. Il découvre ensuite que Casey s’est fait engagé, et croise Sarah dans un rayon. Il a un flash sur sa bague.

[Open: camera pans across city lights in California, night] 

(We see a jacket being zipped, batteries loaded into a flashlight, gloves fastened, bag zipped close, sheets tied together) 

Chuck: Morgan, this is a bad idea. 

Morgan: Well, we can't stay here, Chuck. 

Chuck: I'm uncomfortable with the plan. 

(hands open windows, turns on flashlight)

Morgan: Plan? What plan? This is survival. 

(camera pans to two guys, one bearded and the other quite clean cut. Having an appeal, of course. We hear footsteps as the two look toward the door.) 

Morgan: That's her. We've been compromised! I'm a ghost.

Chuck: (as Morgan starts to climb out the window) Morgan, you can't leave me like this. You can't do this to me, man. 

(camera pans to the door as a brunette, beautiful, tall, turns on the lights. She looks annoyed, left hand planted on her hip while the right one is still on the doorknob. She is Ellie Bartowski, Chuck's sister.) 

Ellie: Chuck, what are you doing? 

Chuck: Ah, ah, escaping. 

(We see Morgan trying to pull himself up where he appears to be dangling from the window.) 

Ellie: From your own birthday party? 

Morgan: Hey, Ellie! (he obviously holds an infatuation and she hates him) Wow, you look fantastic! 

Chuck: Ah, you know, sis, the thing is, (camera pans to Ellie) Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting in at my birthday party 'cause we don't know anybody 'cause they're all your friends (camera pans to Chuck and Morgan who's still struggling to pull himself up) and they all happen to be doctors. 

Morgan: Doctors who don't even get our jokes. 

Chuck: Well, your jokes. 

Morgan: Okay, my jokes. 

Ellie: Chuck, I have invited real live women. For you. So please. Let's go. Morgan, you stay here. 

(closes the door. Defeated, Chuck stands up and looks at Morgan.) 

Chuck: Need a hand, buddy? 

Morgan: No, I'm okay. (stands up to reveal he could actually stand outside Chuck's window) 

[Chuck nameplate, created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak]

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex]

("Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA") 

Ellie: (offscreen) Birthday boy, come with me. (camera pans to Ellie dragging a hesitant Chuck through a crowd) You're funny, you're smart, you're handsome-- 

Chuck: Hey, there's Capt. Awesome. 

Ellie: Please don't call him that. 

(A blond guy comes in. Also handsome, but appears to have more confidence than Chuck. He is "Capt. Awesome", Ellie's boyfriend.) 

Capt. Awesome: Okay, I have identified candidates for Chuck and they are awesome! Let me introduce you to Chuck, Ellie's brother. 

(camera pans to three girls and Chuck's nervous face) 

Girl #1: Hi, Chuck! I've heard so much about you! Are you in a costume? 

Chuck: No, I (fingers his gray tie, there are bandages around his fingers) work for the Nerd Herd. 

Girl #2: Nerd Herd? That is so cute! What do you really wanna do? 

Chuck: Well, I'm working on a five-year plan. I just need to choose a font.  

Girl #3: What happened here? Did you hurt your hand? 

Chuck: No, no, It's from Call of Duty. The controller chafes after several hours. 

Girl #4: So Ellie said you went to Stanford. 

Chuck: Yes, that's technically correct-- 

Girl #4: I graduated in '02! What was your major? 

Chuck: Engineering... 

Girl #4: Oh my God! I knew this great guy. He was an engineer. He ran track (shot of Chuck's crestfallen face) and I think he was a gymnast too. 

Chuck: Bryce Larkin. He was my roommate. 

Girl #4: Oh, yeah, what's he doing now? 

Chuck: I think he's an accountant. 

[Cut to: Washington, D.C.] 

(A man falls on the floor. He is sweaty and he appears to be in pain. The front of his shirt is covered in blood, and his brow is bleeding. "Bryce Larkin", "not an accountant" flashes on screen) 

(Bryce runs toward a computer and starts tinkering away. We see "Intersect Computer", "For Authorized Personnel Only" onscreen. He starts linking some cables and puts on sunglasses.) 

Bryce: Time to say goodbye.  (camera pans to his finger over return button on keyboard. As soon as he presses the button, the white room becomes a room with changing pictures in each and every tile.) 

Male voice: Security breach. 

[Cut to: party] 

Girl #4: So, do you have a girlfriend?

Chuck: I did. Awhile back. At Stanford. Her name was Jill. We met freshmen year. 

Girl #4: Oh, that was awhile back.

Chuck: (appearing not to have heard) I remember when I met Jill. It was at an economics class. (shot of Girl #4 pursing her lips) I was walking across the quad, and she dropped her bag and I was, you know, rushing to go and pick it up for her and, uh, it was, like you know, a cartoon, we bumped heads and this whole gang - Jill, Bryce (Girl #4 is looking sideways to her friends) - we had so much in common then.

(shot of Capt. Awesome bumping fists with a friend and Ellie rushing over)

Ellie: How's he doing?

Capt. Awesome: Not awesome.

(camera pans to Chuck still talking, not aware he's alone)

Chuck: So there I was. Jill with Bryce, me on a train home. Guess she thought he was more exciting. (looks up to see he's alone)

[Cut to: Washington, D.C.]

(Bryce looks up at the noise. Outside, there are guards trying to force the door open. He attaches a bomb that begins to count back from 9, takes off his jacket. The guards are making a hurry-up gesture to another one. The bomb counts down to 3 as Bryce stretches his neck. He takes off running as the bomb detonates. The door blows and flattens the two guards directly outside it. Bryce also falls but gets up quickly and, with an astonishing mixture of gymnastics and martial arts, gets away.)

(Transcriber's Note: Bryce's moves are, to quote Capt. Awesome, awesome. It's refreshing to see a whole new approach to action commonly seen in action movies.)

(Bryce jumps across rooftops, unharmed. One guard copies this move and breaks his leg. Bryce once again jumps from rooftop to rooftop, then jumps to the ground. He looks around just as he gets shot squarely in the chest.)

(We see a tall guy, menacing and clean cut. Clearly a military man. He is Major John Casey, NSA.)

Casey: Don't move.

Bryce: Too late, Casey. (he presses 'send' on his phone, which 'self-destructs', and loses consciousness just as "Chuck" appears on it.)

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex]

(Chuck is removing the band-aids on his thumb when Ellie walks up and hands him a beer while holding one herself. Morgan and Capt. Awesome can be seen playing throwing-trash-in-the-garbage-bag on the background.)

Chuck: Thanks for my party. Your seven-layer dip? (clinks bottles with his sister) Tasted like eight.

Ellie: (takes a seat beside her brother) Chuck, can I tell you something?

Chuck: It really was eight layers.

Ellie: Even though we may ask, no woman really wants to hear about an old girlfriend. It's depressing, okay? Stanford was five years ago. You need to move on. It's time--

Chuck: Do we really need to have this conversation again?

Ellie: (chuckling) We've rehearsed it enough.

Chuck: Right. Well, I'll get over Jill tomorrow. (gets up and walks away while Ellie looks at him sympathetically)

(Morgan approaches and sits on Ellie's other side. She is visibly displeased.)

Morgan: Hey there. Seems like it was a really good time, huh? (Ellie sighs and takes a swig) I know I did. Super.

[Cut to: Chuck's room]

(We see a video game being played. Sorry, I have no idea what it is.)

Morgan: You talked to some women. It's a start. (We see Chuck sitting on his bed and watching Morgan play. Just then a beep from Chuck's computer.) Wow. Blast from the past wow. Bryce remembered your birthday, dude.

(Chuck looks over at his computer, clearly surprised. On the screen is "New Email: From: Bryce@sdc...")

Chuck: What?

Morgan: Guy gets you kicked out of school. Steals your girl, remember?

(Chuck walks over to his computer.)

Chuck: Yeah, Morgan, I think I remember Bryce.

Morgan: Right. Well, what do we got here?

(We see the email. There's an attachment labelled "Stanford.zrk". Chuck opens it and the words "The terrible troll raises his sword" types onscreen.)

Morgan: What is it?

Chuck: (smiling) Zork. You remember Zork? The old text-based video game? Well, Bryce and I programmed our own version of it back at Stanford using the TRS80.

Morgan: C'mon, that's really cool.

Chuck: Yeah, if I can only remember what was in my hero satchel. (Morgan looks lost) The weapons that I would use to kill the terrible troll.

Morgan: Right, you know what? You two were still really cool.

Chuck: And you're going home?

Morgan: Is it that time?

Chuck: It's that time.

Morgan: Right. (leaves)

Chuck: Pedal safe!

Morgan: (offscreen) Thank you!

(Chuck looks back to the screen and after muttering a few words to himself, begins to type.)

Chuck: Attack troll with nasty knife.

(After he presses 'return', his monitor becomes filled with the same images earlier in the episode, during Bryce's scene. It is very fast and we see the camera focusing on Chuck's face looking blank and on the monitor. This goes on until morning, as seen by the replacement of light outside Chuck's window. Chuck falls backward just as his alarm clock goes off at 7:01 AM.)

(Chuck is still unconscious on his bedroom floor. We see a hazy Morgan trying to wake him and the images through his eyes.)

Morgan: (waves his hand on Chuck's face) Dude. Dude! You okay?

Chuck: Morgan?

Morgan: (pulls him up) Yeah, man, yeah. It's me. What happened?

Chuck: I was gonna ask you the same question. (takes a peek at his computer, which has now been either turned off or hibernated; there's a pink post-it that says "I'm a professional nerd")

Morgan: You okay?

Chuck: Did you spike the punch?

Morgan: Something goes wrong, you blame me. After all these years, where's the trust? (offscreen) Yes, I did.

[Cut to: the Bartowski bathroom. Chuck turns on the radio as he takes a bath.]

Radio Announcer: The 101 is clear at Universal City. Watch out for delays near Burbank Airport. Security is checking all vehicles.

(Images flash way too fast, leading Chuck to stare ahead. What just happened? He shakes his head and pushes back his hair.)

[Cut to: outside of Bartowski house. Chuck and Morgan are walking towards Chuck's car, courtesy of Buy More]

Morgan: So, this morning I was playing Xbox, I'm, like, dude, just let me get this time, and I'll take care of it. Guy let me (something; he was talking way too fast)

(Chuck is a little dizzy with all of Morgan's chatter plus the fact that some images just made their way into his head.)

Chuck: Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, as much as I would love to talk video games with you right now I got a really splitting headache, and, you know what? Could you do me a favor? Do you wanna drive?

Morgan: (runs around Chuck) Whoa, whoa, whoa! Are you being serious? You're gonna let me drive?

(They stop behind a red-and-white Toyota Yaris.)

Chuck: It's a company car, Morgan. It's not that big of a deal.

Morgan: (bobbing his head) Whoa, whoa, it's not just a company car, okay? A Hoopty is a Hoopty, homeboy. I mean, this baby is sitting on chrome. Or plastic.

Chuck: Do me a favor and stay off the 5, okay? The cops are in a phased...deployment.

(They stop, wondering where that came from.)

Morgan: Okay. Thanks for the tip.

(camera pans over California, this time in the day.)

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More]

[Cut to: Nerd Herd center. Aside from Chuck, there are two men standing and one girl sitting on the counter. They are all dressed alike...except for the girl who is in a black skirt.]

Chuck: Fellow nerds, today is going to be a very bad day. We've got a computer virus on our hands. They're calling this one the Irene Demova virus.

(One of the men lets out a boisterous laugh. He is Lester.)

Chuck: Yes, yes, it is named after the Serbian porn star. This is a nasty one, kids. It's a computer killer. Last night, (Chuck puts in front of them a laptop) the display version of our Prism Express laptop was fried when someone (looks aside to Morgan who raises a finger to a customer about to ask him a question) decided to enter Miss Demova's website and, Anna, close the eyes. And this is what happens.

(What I suppose as Irene Demova's voice speaks. Later the laptop is, to quote Chuck, fried. Chuck and the girl who we now know as Anna looks over to Morgan.)

Morgan: Sorry, Chuck, she drives me crazy, but that's love. (presses the remote in his hand over his shoulder and the flat screens behind him instantly turn on)

Chuck: (looks back to his team) Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll please just ignore dirty uncle Morgan, (looks back to the flat screens where a newscaster is speaking and a video of a general is being shown) I think that everything...

Newscaster: ...Los Angeles later today. To deliver his speech tomorrow evening--

Chuck: (still staring) ...will be...normal...

(Images flash way too fast again.)

Chuck: He's already here. He landed last night.

Anna: Who's already here, Chuckles?

Chuck: (looks back to Anna, startled and confused) I...don't...know.

[Cut to: a building. "Directorate of National Intelligence, Washington D.C." appear onscreen]

Beckman: Bryce Larkin was CIA. Graham, (someone is holding pictures of Bryce) he was one of your agents.

Graham: (he's the one holding the pictures) And it was the NSA's job to find him. To question him, not to kill him.

(A woman Beckman and a man Graham stands in the ruins of what then was the scene where Bryce was tinkering away with the supercomputer.)

Graham: Thanks to Rambo here, we found nothing.

Casey: No. (steps into the light) We got a dead CIA agent. That's a gold star in my book.

Beckman: If this gets out--

Casey: It won't.

Graham: Nobody has to--

Beckman: Actually they did. Major Casey is heading up this investigation. (shot of Casey looking proud and Graham looking annoyed)

Casey: So, what was Bryce after? What does this computer do?

Beckman: This computer did everything. After 9/11, the NSA and the CIA were told to play nice. Share their intel. This is how we did it.

Graham: Every scrap of data we had went into this computer. (shot of images as Graham speaks) Mindful patterns and chatter. Some things we did.

Beckman: (scene during Bryce's first appearance) The data was encrypted into thousands of images. Whoever received Bryce's email got all of our secrets. Find those secrets, Casey.

Casey: (shows Bryce's phone to Beckman and Graham) Found this on Larkin. Hard drive's fried. Picked up a trace signature.

Beckman: Where?

Casey: Los Angeles. Weather's perfect, been feeling a little pasty.

[Cut to: California]

[Cut to: Buy More]

(Someone is looking at a Buy More sign. She turns around and we see her face. Blonde and ridiculously good-looking, she sees who she's looking for, smiles and saunters forward. It's Chuck.)

(Chuck has a phone tucked under his chin while he scans through a folder. Morgan is leaning against the Nerd Herd center.)

Morgan: Stop the presses. Who's that? Vicky Vale!

Chuck: Vicky Vale. Vicky Vicky VaIe. Vicky VaIe. Vicky Vicky-- (looks up to see the girl and simultaneously dropping the phone and the folder)

Woman: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Chuck: No! Not at all. (camera pans to Morgan giving the girl his full attention and then back to Chuck) That's from - that's from Batman.

Girl: (smiling) 'Cause that makes it better.

(Chuck laughs nervously)

Morgan: Hi, I'm Morgan, and this is - this is Chuck.

Girl: Wow, I didn't think people still name their kids Chuck...or Morgan, for that matter.

Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster--

Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own.

Chuck: How can I help you...

Girl: Sarah. I'm here about this. (places a cellphone on the table)

Chuck: Oh yeah, the intel cell. Absolutely. (grabs the phone and a screwdriver) This model has a little screw that pops loose right in the back here. You just give it a couple of quick turns, (Sarah is watching him, smiling) and good as new. No problem.

Sarah: (takes the phone that Chuck hands to her) Wow, you geeks are good.

(Chuck and Morgan share a look)

Chuck: Nerds. Nerds. I would say more...I mean, you know, (waves his hands about) Nerd Herd.

Man: (panicking) Excuse me, excuse me. I, uh, I have an emergency. I don't know what I did wrong, but I, uh, I shot the entire recital, and now, now it won't play back.

Chuck: Okay, okay, we'll just take a look, and (presses the tape slot) you don't have a tape in here.

Man: But it's digital.

Morgan: Oh, boy.

Chuck: Right, yes, but you still need digital tape.

(camera pans to the distraught father and Chuck sees his disappointed daughter)

Man: Oh no, oh no, Mom's gonna kill me.

(Chuck steals a look at Sarah who shrugs. He bites his lower lip.)

Chuck: Ah, Morgan, I need the wall.

Morgan: It's yours. (leaves)

(camera pans to a surprised Sarah)

Chuck: (to Sarah) I'm so sorry. Excuse me. (to the father) This way.

(camera pans to a now curious Sarah)

(camera pans to the nervous-looking daughter)

Chuck: You ready? What's wrong?

Girl: I'm usually in the back row.

Chuck: Why?

Girl: I'm too tall; I block the other ballerinas.

(camera pans to Sarah stretching her neck, looking impressed)

Chuck: Can I tell you a secret? Real ballerinas are tall. (the girl smiles)

(We see a tape inserted into the tape slot. The girl then dances with four LCDs behind her showing her dancing. Chuck grins and looks over at Lester and the father who's looking on nervously. Chuck then looks over to Sarah who's watching the solo recital. Other Buy More customers are now watching and later applaud when it's done. Chuck tries to approach Sarah who's still waiting in the Nerd Herd center, smiling, when a short bald man blocks his path. He is Harry Tang, Chuck's nemesis.)

Harry: Chuck!

Chuck: Hi, Harry. Look, we'll be back up and running in five minutes.

Harry: Five minutes? Do you know what five minutes means in Buy More dollars?

Chuck: I didn't realize we had our own currency. Look, I'm sorry about all the commotion--

Harry: We're not stockboys anymore, Chuck! We are leaders. Buy More leaders. And you wonder why Big Mike wants me for assistant manager.

Chuck: Wh - (this is obviously new info) there's an open position? Big Mike didn't tell me about that.

Harry: And why should he? He knows you won't leave the comfort of the Herd. (brushes against Chuck's shoulder roughly)

(Chuck mutters angrily and looks at the Nerd Herd center where Sarah is no longer there. We see Morgan walking up to the spot where she was standing.)

Morgan: Chuck. Dude. (holds up a card) She left you a card. (Chuck smiles while Morgann makes a 'rock on' gesture, then sniffs the card.)

[Cut to: sunset over California]

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex. Chuck and Morgan are walking toward Chuck's house.]

Morgan: (offscreen) Why won't you call this girl?

Chuck: Oh, I don't know, did you see her?

Morgan: Yes, oh man, yes, which is why I repeat the question: why won't you call this girl?

Chuck: Because I live in planet Earth, Morgan. (stops) Why are you following me home?

Morgan: Aw, hey, we're buddies. We're gonna do friend things, and - and - my computer is acting up on me.

Chuck: Irene Demova?

Morgan: So beautiful and so...deadly.

Chuck and Morgan: Yeah.

[Cut to: the Bartowski living room where it is dark. Chuck goes in to open the lights followed by Morgan. They both stop when they see a ninja in black carrying Chuck's CPU.]

Chuck: Please, not the computer.

(The ninja puts the CPU down and takes a defensive stance. Chuck and Morgan look at each other. Morgan grabs a plate off the table and flings it at the ninja who hits it back to Chuck. Chuck gets hit in the stomach. Morgan grabs a candle holder and flings it at the ninja who hits it back to Chuck yet again. Chuck gets hit in the groin. Morgan grabs a small flower vase and, although intending to give it to Chuck, hits his buddy on the head.)

Morgan: Come on, Chuck! Do something!

(Chuck takes careful steps forward while clutching his groin, the veins on his head protruding.)

Chuck: Give me that--

(The ninja throws the CPU upward, sweeps Chuck's legs from under him and kicks him to the wall, all before catching the CPU before it hits the ground. The ninja places the CPU atop a shelf behind him, and takes a defensive stance on Morgan.)

Morgan: That's my friend! (grabs a golf club and rushes to the ninja, screaming) Aahh!

(The ninja takes the club and swings it about, which makes Morgan throw his hands up in surrender.)

Morgan: Okay, look, he's not that good a friend.

(The ninja hits him across the face with the club, sending him landing on top of Chuck. Their position is such that Morgan's face is on Chuck's groin, and Chuck's face is on Morgan's buttocks. The shelf collapses, CPU gets smashed to pieces. Oops?)

(the ninja makes his escape)

(shot of Chuck and Morgan's astounded expressions)

Chuck: Didn't you hang that shelf?

(A black car is waiting outside. No driver. The ninja slips into the driver's seat and guns the engine. He takes off his mask...for us to find out that it's not a he, but a she. It's Sarah...and she is FURIOUS.)

Sarah: Damn it!

[Cut to: Buy More]

(Lester takes off the sheet covering Chuck's destroyed CPU.)

Lester: (dramatically) I've been through it. It's fried. Dead. Its hard drive is...murdered.

(camera pans to take in Chuck, Lester and the other Nerd Herd man. This is Jeff, Buy More's resident pervert.)

Jeff: (monotone) What if you're an unwitting target of a ninja vendetta and he returns tonight to strangle you with his nunchuks?

Chuck: That's super, Jeff. Thanks for thinking outside the box on that one. And here I thought I couldn't get any more freaked out.

(Jeff winks at him using his left eye. Chuck stares. Jeff winks at him using his right eye. Chuck looks utterly horrified.)

Chuck: I think I'm gonna go buy some new locks next door at Large Mart.

[Cut to: Large Mart. Chuck walks by a wall of Astro Diapers, goes on and on, sighing when he sees no Large Mart employees. Finally, he comes across a man in a leather jacket.]

Chuck: Thank God. Excuse me, sir. Do you know where they sell--

(The man looks at him. He looks dangerous. I shall dub him 'Ominous Man'.)

(Chuck flashes on his identity and the general from his earlier flash)

Ominous Man: What do you want?

Chuck: Um, um, sorry, sorry, nothing. Nothing at all. I was just, uh, wow, look at that. (slowly walks away, looking uptight. He looks back and walks again. Camera focuses on Chuck's legs, then on Ominous Man's legs, where a bolt cutter is hanging by. Ominous Man is following Chuck. He stops as Chuck stops, and puts the back the bolt cutter and grabs a nail gun. Chuck is breathing deeply and makes quite the audible whimper when Ominous Man gives it a hearty tug. Chuck looks back, then runs, but is stopped when a transporter of stuff blocks his path. After it passes, he runs again, and nearly runs over a Large Mart employee.)

Chuck: (panicking) Oh, thank God, thank God, thank God, thank God, listen, listen. There's a guy -  there's a guy here - he's, he's trying to do something - I don't know. You have to call the cops (shot of the employee trying to understand his really fast speech), security, the guys checking out front--

Employee: Uh huh. What kinda guy?

Chuck: Scary kind of Terminator vibe, stubble, red hair--

Employee: (looks over Chuck's shoulder) Black leather jacket?

Chuck: Yes! Yes!

Employee: (points to someone) Like that guy?

(Camera pans to see Ominous Man laughing with a Large Mart cashier. As Large Mart employee walks away, Large Mart customers start appearing and Chuck breathes deeply, apparently convinced that it was all his imagination. Ominous Man looks over at Chuck as he pockets his wallet, exposing the gun hidden by the jacket.)

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More. As Chuck walks, he keeps looking over his shoulder. Someone is watching him. Camera pans out to reveal that it is Sarah, on the phone.]

Sarah: I have eyes on him right now. Like I said, the computer was destroyed. Beyond repair.

[Cut to: Washington, D.C.]

Graham: Okay. It's done. I want you in the air in an hour.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: But what if he has an external drive, a back-up--

Graham: It's over, Sarah. The NSA has struck again. Bryce was CIA; he was our guy, and he burned us--

[Cut to: Graham]

Graham: Casey is on his way out.

[Cut to: Sarah. She reacts to the name. She definitely knows him.]

[Cut to: Graham]

Graham: You're being recalled.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: 'Cause of Casey?

[Cut to: Graham]

Sarah: He's a burnout.

Graham: He's a killer, Sarah. Old school.

[Cut to: Sarah who exhales. She is not happy.]

Graham: I want you to listen to me.

[Cut to: Graham]

Graham: Whatever happened with Bryce, you couldn't have known.

[Cut to: Sarah, looking pissed]

Graham: You couldn't have stopped it.

Sarah: But I can fix it.

[Cut to: Graham]

Sarah: If there's a back-up, I'll find it. Just give me 12 hours.

[Cut to: Sarah ending the call]

[Cut to: Buy More]

(camera pans to the Nerd Herd insignia and slowly rises up to the Nerd Herd center where Chuck is tucking his head behind his arms)

Chuck: I'm losing my mind, I'm losing my mind, I'm losing my mind. (a hand touches the bell just on his right; he grabs it) Morgan, not now.

(Chuck feels the hand, and apparently feeling that it's that of a female, raises his head and stands straight up. We see that it's Sarah.)

Chuck: Hi. Hi. (Sarah smiles at him) Um, phone trouble again? (takes out his screwdriver)

Sarah: Uh, yeah. I'm not sure I'm able to receive calls...'cause I never got one from you.

(Morgan laughs from behind Chuck. Chuck looks at him and he makes a show of being dragged back by his trousers. Chuck looks back at Sarah.)

Sarah: (shyly, playing with her hands) I'm sorry I left so quickly yesterday. I had an appointment with a realtor. I just moved here.

Chuck: (waves the screwdriver) Welcome! (looks at the screwdriver and hides it behind his back)

Sarah: Thanks. I, uh, don't really know anyone here. I was wondering if you could show me around. (Chuck looks nervous) That is, if you're free...

Morgan: Oh, he's free. He, he is, he has got nothing but time on his hands. He is very available. You guys are gonna have a great time. (Chuck looks back at Morgan again.) What's that, sir? Xerox machine? Yeah, I'm on it. (leaves)

Chuck: (turns back to Sarah) Apparently, my schedule's wide open.

Sarah: (smiles) Great. (Chuck laughs nervously)

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More]

(Sarah is walking out, looking hooboy! We see someone is watching her. Enter Casey.)

[Cut to: the Bartowski house]

(Chuck comes in through the door and the camera pans to Ellie leaning against Capt. Awesome as the couple watches TV.)

Ellie: (not looking up) Hey, Chuck.

Chuck: Ellie, Captain, don't freak out. (both are looking at him) Remain calm. I have some news.

(Morgan rushes in and jumps on his buddy.)

Morgan: Chuck's got a date!

(Ellie sits up, excited.)

Ellie: What? Who?

Capt. Awesome: Way to go, Chuck. That's awesome.

(camera pans to Ellie, then to Chuck and Morgan)

Ellie: (offscreen) Oh God, what are you gonna wear?

[Cut to: Sarah in her undergarments, preparing for the 'date'. She fastens a band of throwing knives around her calf.]

Ellie: (offscreen) So, Sarah...

[Cut to: Ellie in Chuck's closet. Camera pans out to see Chuck sitting tensed beside his TV and Morgan playing video games (again!) on his bed.]

Ellie: She's nice? Pretty?

Chuck: Yeah. Actually, Morgan met her online. This kinda chatroom - I'm totally kidding.

Ellie: (shoves a shirt toward Chuck) Try it on.

Chuck: Honestly--

Ellie: I'm a girl. I know what girls like.

Chuck: I'll go change.

(shots of Chuck in the shower, the tip of a metal chopstick being dipped in a red substance, Chuck doing some sort of impersonation and bumping his fist against the mirror by accident, Sarah slipping the chopsticks into her hair, Chuck kissing the mirror, Sarah walking and checking her appearance on her own mirror, Chuck deciding whether to open the top button of his shirt or not, Chuck tying his shoelaces)

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex]

Ellie: (carrying a bouquet of flowers) Chuck! Hey, so these are leftovers from the party. And, um, (arranges Chuck's shirt) don't forget about the old girlfriend don't.

Chuck: Got it. No mentioning of Jill.

(shot of Ellie's smiling face)

Ellie: Aces, Charles. You're aces.

(Chuck smiles)

Chuck: A Dad quote. I'm impressed. Love you, sis.

Ellie: I love you. Have fun.

Chuck: I will. I'll try. (leaves...to reveal a puppy-faced Morgan staring at Ellie)

Morgan: They just...they grow up so fast.

(shot of Ellie looking disgusted)

Ellie: Go home, Morgan. Just (holds up hands) go home. Go home.

[Cut to: Sarah, on the phone]

Sarah: He's picking me up for our 'date'. (The quotation marks are hard to miss. Camera pans out to see her holding a gun.)

Graham: (offscreen) You're on your own on this one, Sarah.

[Cut to: Graham]

Graham: I can't help you if something goes wrong.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: I don't know about this guy, Graham.

[Cut to: Graham]

Graham: Nice guys don't get sent government secrets...

(shot of a finger on a knocker)

(shot of Sarah going to the door)

Sarah: What should I do if he runs?

Graham: Kill him.

(Sarah drops the phone as Chuck beams widely at her.)

[Cut to: night over California]

(We see a hand playing Mexican music on a guitar. Camera pans out to take in a band of old men playing Mexican music at a Mexican restaurant.)

Chuck: So, yeah, I live with my sister and her boyfriend Capt. Awesome.

(camera pans to see them at a table, laughing)

Sarah: No...

Chuck: It's true, though.

Sarah: So, wait, wait. You call him Capt. Awesome?

Chuck: Yeah, wait 'til you meet him.

(shot of Sarah's happy expressions. She's having fun...and doubting whether Chuck really is a bad guy.)

Chuck: Everything he does is awesome - climbing mountains, jumping out of planes. Flossing.

(Sarah laughs)

Sarah: That's funny.

Chuck: Well, I'm a funny guy.

Sarah: Clearly...which is good, 'cause I am not funny.

Chuck: Is that your big secret, by the way? (camera pans to Sarah) (offscreen) 'Cause I'm sitting here, trying to figure out what's wrong with you--

Sarah: Oh, plenty. Believe me.

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: And I was thinking, maybe she's a cannibal or she's really not that funny. And I was pulling for cannibal 'cause I never met one before.

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: Uh, not a cannibal. But I just did come out of a long relationship so I may come with baggage.

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: Well, I could be your very own baggage handler. (shots of them looking uncomfortable. Chuck looks like he can't believe he just said that.) So, the ex, the guy, the ex is the reason you moved here from...

Sarah: Uh, D.C.

Chuck: (offscreen) Right.

Sarah: Yeah. After I realized that all of my friends were his friends and that everything about Washington reminds me of (about to say 'Bryce') Bruce (Transcriber's note: good cover!), I needed a change. A big one.

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: Bruce? Yeah. You give me crap for being 'Chuck' and you went out with Bruce?

(camera pans to Sarah laughing)

Chuck: (offscreen) That's nice. That's real good.

Sarah: So, what about you? What skeletons do you have in your closet? (laughing is already gone) (camera pans to Chuck, returns to Sarah) Any secrets? Any women?

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: Uh, yeah, yeah. Actually, back in college, there was someone (camera pans to Sarah looking expectant, returns to Chuck who suddenly remembers his sister's advice), but that's all over with now. And her restraining orders are very specific (laughs, camera pans over to Sarah who is also laughing).

Sarah: I like you, Chuck.

(alternate shots of Chuck and Sarah, taking a sip out of her drink)

[Cut to: Chuck and Sarah walking along a buolevard]

Sarah: Where are we going?

Chuck: Ah, do you like music?

Sarah: I guess.

Chuck: (chuckles) You guess? What's your favorite band?

(camera focuses on Sarah's face. She is clearly having fun. It's a shame if she has to kill him.)

(She is unable to answer.)

Chuck: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

Sarah: God, I am not funny, I don't listen to music. This must be your worst date ever, right.

(looks back to see that Chuck has stopped and looking below)

(camera focuses on Chuck's face. A siren has sounded. There are police escorts to a black limo. Chuck sees the plates and...there it goes. Flurry of images: the general, Ominous Man, images from the previous flash...)

Sarah: I was waiting for you to say no.

(Chuck looks back at Sarah, weirded out. That's the third time it happened today.)

Chuck: Sorry, sorry, I kinda zoned out there for a second. No, no, no, no. God, no. I, uh, I've had, I've had much, much worse, uh, much worse dates. Experiences over all with women. In eleventh grade--

Sarah: Eleventh grade? Oh (laughs), you have to go back that far?

Chuck: (offscreen) I don't date all that much.

[Cut to: Chuck and Sarah walking down a street, laughing. Someone is watching them. It's Casey again. Seriously, this guy's turning into a real peeping tom.]

Casey: Chuck Bartowski's your mark. NSA director wants him with a pulse. 'Til we find out who he's working with and what he knows, he lives. The CIA skirt, (pulls the slide of his gun) you can kill.

[Cut to: inside a club where a band is playing]

[Cut to: Chuck and Sarah going down the stairs, Chuck sliding down the banister and Sarah laughing after him]

[Cut to: the band]

[Cut to: Chuck and Sarah sitting down with their drinks, Chuck is obviously nervous like he doesn't believe this isn't really happening to him, Sarah is having fun]

[Cut to: black pants and black shoes coming down the stairs]

(camera pans up to take in men in black suits - Casey's men)

[Cut to: the band]

[Cut to: Casey's men trying to move and see over the dancing crowd]

[Cut to: Chuck and Sarah]

Sarah: (shouting over the music) They're good.

Chuck: Good! (camera pans to Sarah, then to Chuck who looks back to the band before Sarah sees he's watching her) Good!

(Sarah turns to look at Chuck, then sees one of Casey's men. She looks alarmed. She looks around to see another...then another...and there goes the smile.)

Sarah: (grabbing Chuck by the arm) Let's dance!

Chuck: (nervous) I'm not really a dancer!

[Cut to: Chuck and Sarah, dancing...well, Sarah is dancing. Chuck is more like standing around, not really knowing what to do.]

(One of Casey's men sees her and advances. Sarah makes a show of going to her feet, then withdrawing a knife from her boot and flinging it to the man. He gets caught in the sleeve of his suit. In one suave show, she removes the chopsticks from her hair, shakes those out and throws it to two of Casey's men while remaining her gaze on Chuck. The chopsticks hit them on the leg. She goes down to her feet again, retrieves another knife and stabs the last man on the stomach. Casey is watching all these. She grabs Chuck and leaves, Casey follows them.)

[Cut to: exterior of the club]

Chuck: Where's the fire?

Sarah: (running to Chuck's car, demanding tone) Chuck, give me your keys. (makes her way to the driver's side)

Chuck: (clearly not knowing that they're targeted) I, uh, I don't mean to be old-fashioned, but the company only wants employees - nerds - driving the Nerd Herd mobile. I mean, that's kind of, you know--

(shot of Sarah picking the lock, and the door opens)

Sarah: Get in the car.

Chuck: How'd you get into my car?

(camera pans out to see Casey's truck swerving out toward them, car horns are blaring at this)

Sarah: (offscreen) Get in the car right now!

Chuck: Sarah--

Sarah: (offscreen) Just get in!

Chuck: What is going on?

(shot of Casey and two more of his men)

(shot of Chuck and Sarah in the car. Sarah puts it on reverse and steps on the gas, simultaneously looking back. The car speeds up backwards amid car horns. Chuck's shoulders tense up at this dangerous act. Camera shots interchange between the high-speed car chase. We see Chuck look at Sarah, who's no longer looking back as she drives.)

Chuck: Sarah, you're not even looking!

(shots of the high-speed car chase, Sarah driving, Chuck panicking, Casey...hungry)

Chuck: Wa - wait, wait - who are these guys? What do they want? (offscreen, as Casey's car bumps Chuck's) Oh my God, oh my God! (Chuck's car bumper is already hanging loosely from the continuous bumping) Oh my God, oh my God, I'm gonna die!

Sarah: Tell me when to turn!

Chuck: (looks back, panicking) Uh, uh, left at five seconds! (bump) Gah!

Sarah: Your left or my left?

Chuck: What?

Sarah: Too late!

(pulls a swift J down a couple of stairs, Casey can't follow 'cause his car is too big, a couple of teenagers with skateboards are watching; they look stoned)

Teenager: (singsong) Whoa, computer emergency.

(shot of Chuck's car turning around and stopping; both are breathing hard)

Sarah: Listen to me, Chuck. Those men will hurt you. They're from the NSA, and they're after you.

Chuck: (incredulous) Me? Why, why, why, why me? (blabbering) I'm nobody. I'm a supervisor of the Nerd Herd at a Buy More. Maybe one day I'll be assistant store manager and I don't even know if I want that job! You - you know what? That's not your problem. (sees car lights, points to Sarah's left) But that is.

(Casey's car slams hard on them from Sarah's side. The camera focuses on the airbag that explodes on Chuck's face. It pans out to show the car twirling around, the door on Sarah's end, destroyed. Casey's car continues, then brakes loudly.)

[Cut to: interior of Casey's car]

Casey: Back! Back!

(The car's tires screech loudly as it reverses. Camera pans to Chuck's car door open and heels disembark followed by Chuck Taylors. Chuck and Sarah run; he trips over his car's bumper. Camera focuses on Sarah's face as Casey's car heads straight for her, and interchanges with Casey as he experiences the excitement of flattening, literally, a CIA agent. Camera pans to Sarah stealing a look at the floor and at the guard station, sees a button next to "emergency blockade button". In one swift motion, she ducks down, grabs a knife from her boot and throws it at the button, simultaneously turning around and ducking. We see Casey's car crash into blockade bars, also destroyed.)

(Transcriber's note: Sarah must be thinking, "Revenge is mine!!!" followed by maniacal laughing...or maybe that's just me.)

(Camera pans on Chuck, wincing. He looks up to see Sarah breathing hard, panting.)

Chuck: Sarah! Sarah!

Sarah: (grabs a phone) Request emergency evac. Track location: we're on foot. (looks up to a building while stowing away her phone and grabbing Chuck's arm as he gapes at Casey's car) Let's go!

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: a helipad]

Sarah: How well do you know Bryce Larkin?

Chuck: Wh - how - how do you know Bryce?

Sarah: We worked together at the CIA.

Chuck: The what? The CIA? Bryce was a spy? Bryce Larkin from Connecticut was a spy?

Sarah: A rogue spy! Did he try to contact you?

Chuck: I haven't heard from Bryce in the - (camera focuses on Chuck's face as he remembers) wait, wait. He - he sent - he sent me an email.

Sarah: Did you open it?

Chuck: Yeah. It was - it was, uh, a line from Zork--

Sarah: What?

Chuck: Zork. It's, uh, it's a video game that we used to play. There was a riddle and I solved it and, uh, pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.

Sarah: (flabbergasted) You saw them? (camera focuses on Chuck's face) Your computer - did you back it up? Is there an external drive?

Chuck: It crashed a week ago (Sarah looks sideways. It was something she expected.) - wait, wait. Wasn't I supposed to look at those pictures?

Sarah: (looking back to Chuck and speaking softly than she had earlier) I may have to aim my gun at you, so just don't freak out.

Chuck: Why?

(camera pans to Sarah taking a couple of steps back. It returns to Chuck, and then behind him where Casey walks in, seemingly trying to get some crust out of his eye.)

Casey: It's late. I'm tired... (camera pans to Chuck looking sideways fearfully, then pans out to take in all three, Sarah's hand at her back, ready to take out her gun if necessary) Let's cut the crap and you give him to me now. He belongs to the NSA.

Sarah: (takes out her gun and aims it at Chuck) The CIA gets him first! (Casey aims his gun at Sarah) You come any closer and I shoot.

Chuck: (through gritted teeth) Sarah, I'm freaking out.

Casey: You shoot him, I shoot you, and leave both your bodies here for a late night snack. I'm thinking maybe pancakes.

(camera pans to Chuck who starts to run)

Sarah: Chuck, no!

(Chuck stops as a flash starts. We see Ominous Man, the general, a bomb, a building being blown up and some images from the first flash. Casey and Sarah sees this, and they each take a step, positioning so that they could take a shot if necessary. Chuck faces them.)

Chuck: They're gonna kill him.

(shot of Sarah stealing a look at Casey. He doesn't know Chuck opened the email and MIGHT kill him the second he does.)

Casey: Kill who?

Chuck: Stanfield the general. The general Stanfield (Casey and Sarah look at each other strangely) (exasperated) Look, something is wrong with me, okay? I don't know what it is, but something is very, very wrong with me. I'm remembering things I shouldn't know.

Sarah: Okay, Chuck, talk to me. Like what?

Chuck: I don't know, I don't know. For example, there was, uh, there was a Serbian demolitions expert at the Large Mart today. That's kind of odd, wouldn't you say? Well, last week the NSA - you guys intercepted some blueprints, blueprints of a hotel. (points to his back, sweating) That hotel, and the CIA (camera focuses on Sarah's face) - you guys found a vial of schematics of a bomb in Prague. (camera focuses on Chuck's face) The bomb is in that hotel.

(Casey switches from aiming his gun at Sarah to Chuck. Sarah points her gun at Casey. Chuck looks scared.)

Casey: He was working with Bryce.

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: No. He opened Bryce's email. (camera pans to Casey, then Sarah) Chuck, those pictures that you saw were encoded with secrets. (camera focuses on Chuck) Government secrets. If you saw them, then you know them.

Chuck: There were thousands of them.

(camera pans to Sarah)

Casey: (offscreen) Wait a minute. (camera pans to him) You're telling me ALL of our secrets are in his head. (moves the red laser dot on Chuck's forehead, Chuck's eyes follow it)

Sarah: (offscreen) Chuck IS the computer.

Chuck: What did you say? What does that mean?

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: You have to listen to me. You have to say--

Chuck: What is happening to me?!

Sarah: You said there was a bomb; is there time to stop it?

Chuck: What? What? What? Wh - are you crazy?!

Casey: We're the good guys. We keep bombs from exploding.

Chuck: Look, I can't - I can't help you, okay? I really wish that I could but I can't. Call Bryce; he's the guy that can save the day--

Sarah: Bryce is dead! (pain slashes across her face, Chuck looks shocked) He died sending those secrets to you.

Chuck: (not really believing it) Bryce is dead?

(camera pans to Sarah, then Casey who just doesn't have the time for this as he fires a shot into the sky)

Casey: Yeah, and he's gonna have company unless you start talking. So, pretty please. Can we defuse the bomb now?

Chuck: (looks at Sarah) According to the schedule, the general is already on the stage--

[Cut to: the general on the podium]

Stanfield: It is our mission to give our nation's diplomats (a silver tray is being wheeled in by Ominous Man) the military perspective of world issue. Now, maybe (voice fades)

[Cut to: the hotel lobby as Chuck, Sarah and Casey rush in]

Sarah: Wait! Casey, wait! (puts hands on Chuck's chest to stop him) We can't take him; he's too valuable.

Casey: (pushes Chuck down to the floor) Okay, (something), but you tell us where to go!

Chuck: The easiest way?

Sarah: The fastest, Chuck.

Chuck: (camera focuses on his face; his adrenaline must be off the charts) The fastest - got it.

(jumps up and runs, Sarah and Casey run after him)

Sarah: Chuck, stop! (Chuck jumps into a pond-like decoration and runs through it, followed by Sarah and Casey) Chuck, wait!

[Cut to: the general]

Stanfield: You know it takes courage - speak out and take action (camera pans on the tray)

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Casey arriving outside the hall]

Chuck: Through there, through there!

(all three barge into the room, camera pans out to take in everyone, there are a LOT of people)

Chuck: (glancing around, trying to spot the possible place for an incendiary device) I don't, uh, I don't-- (shot of the tray as Chuck sees it) That's it. (Casey's grabs his shoulder forcefully...and hurtfully as they move their way toward it) Aaahh! That's it. Right there.

(Casey opens it to activate the bomb)

Sarah: Oh God!

Casey: No time to evacuate. Any ideas?

Sarah: Disconnect the laptop?

Casey: (offscreen) There's no trigger. (camera pans to focus on the timer, 1:22.83 and counting) No cables?

Sarah: Definitely a trap.

Man in Suit: What the hell do you think you're doing?

(other suits approach. Sarah and Casey look back, Casey whispers to Man in Suit, perhaps exposing his credentials and all)

Stanfield: There's, uh, ladies and gentlemen, we may have a (voice fades as people start to leave slowly)

Sarah: Chuck, is there anything else you remember about the bomb?

(Chuck looks at them, trying to think when...)

("Anyway You Want It" by Journey)

(Sarah and Casey crouch down to the bomb)

Chuck: Hi, Morgan.

(Cut to: Morgan)

Morgan: Hey, how's it going?

(Cut to: Chuck)

Chuck: A little busy right now, buddy.

(Cut to: Morgan)

Morgan: In a good way? Details!

(Cut to: Chuck)

Chuck: Why are you calling?

(Cut to: Morgan)

Morgan: I dunno. Just lying on your bed. Ellie's with the Captain, my computer's got a case of the Demovas...

(camera focuses on Chuck's face as he gets an idea)

Chuck: (rolls up his sleeves as he kneels down in front of the laptop) Okay, okay, I have an idea. (about to type something when Casey grabs his hands)

Casey: That's not an Xbox. You're not an Xman.

Chuck: I understand that. This is a Prism Express laptop. We sell these at our store. This has a DOS overwrite. (camera pans to Sarah, then to Casey and Chuck. timer: 00 :29.something and counting) I think I can do this. I can do this. Please.

(camera focuses on Sarah as she considers)

Sarah: He's our best shot.

Casey: Go.

(Chuck flexes his fingers before typing)

Chuck: Mr. Bomb, meet Mr. Internet.

(We see a browser being opened. Chuck types "IRENE DEMOVA".)

Casey: He's searching for porn.

Chuck: Nuh. (search results load, he picks one and clicks then closes his eyes)

(Sarah looks disgusted as the porn loads. At 00:00.01 the Irene Demova virus takes effect and fries the laptop.)

Sarah: You did it.

Chuck: (excitedly) I did it. I did it. I, I defused a real bomb! I defused a real bomb! I defused a real bomb!...what if I was wrong?

Casey: Don't puke on the C-4. (leaves as Sarah puts a hand on Chuck's shoulder as he looks ready to vomit)

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey]

Sarah and Casey: He's coming with me!

Casey: What if this was just a fluke?

Sarah: And what if it wasn't? What if he can stop something--

Casey: Fine! Drop him in a psych tank (something). He'll tell us what we wanna know. (Chuck walks toward them)

Sarah: Casey, we don't know how this works, what triggers his memories. He'll crack wide open.

Casey: Not my job. I break things. I don't fix them.

Sarah: What about his job, his friends? What do we do about his sister?

Chuck: What about my sister?

Sarah: We were just--

Chuck: No, no, no, you listen. You have to leave my family and my friends out of this.

Casey: We'll see.

Chuck: Look, Bryce sent that email to me. I'm the one remembering all your secrets. Which means you have to listen to me. Both of you. And right now, I'm gonna go home.

Casey: (grabs Chuck's sleeve) No, you're not.

(shot of Sarah's face. She understands how difficult this is for Chuck.)

Chuck: (pulls himself out of Casey's grasp) You, you need me. (leaves)

[Cut to: sunrise]

(Chuck is on the beach. Sarah walks toward him, carrying her boots.)

Chuck: How long have you been here?

Sarah: (sits down next to him) All night.

Chuck: There's nowhere I can run, is there?

Sarah: Not from us. (Chuck looks back to the waves as she continues watching him.) Talk to me, Chuck.

Chuck: Yesterday I was making 11 bucks an hour fixing computers. Now I have one in my brain, and I can't figure out why Bryce did this, why he chose me. What are you gonna do with me? What happens now?

Sarah: For now, you go back to your old life. We'll protect you, and you'll work with us.

(shot of Chuck walking in through his front door, looking dazed)

(shot of Chuck at the beach)

Chuck: And my sister? My friends? Are they in danger?

(shot of Chuck in his house)

Ellie: (in a pink bathrobe) All night? All night? Do you know how worried I was? You could at least let me know - Morgan!

Morgan: (overlapping with Ellie) All night! (something)

(Chuck hugs them both)

(shot of Chuck at the beach)

Sarah: Tell them nothing to keep them safe.

(back at the Bartowski house)

Capt. Awesome: (walks in wearing scrubs) Early morning procedure, so...group hug, huh? (hugs them) Awesome! (slaps Morgan in the arm)

(back at the beach)

Sarah: I need you to do one more thing for me.

Chuck: Yeah?

Sarah: Trust me, Chuck. (Chuck looks at her, then back at the waves)

(shot of Sarah in her bedroom, wearing her underwear and a tank top. She looks at her phone. We see a folder 'Bryce, Cabo2005'. She opens it, and we see pictures of Bryce, and one with both Bryce and her together. She sits on her heels, looking pensive.)

(back at the beach, Chuck looks at her and she summons an easy but measured grin. Camera pans out to see her bump Chuck playfully on the side.)

[Cut to: Buy More]

(We see something being signed. Chuck takes the paper, being watched by fellow Nerd Herds - Lester, Jeff and Anna.)

Chuck: Well, wish me luck.

(walks as we hear something like a funeral dirge being played. Harry Tang points at Chuck and then at his eyes, bumps him forcefully. Chuck walks past Morgan next to a flat screen. They look at each other, and Morgan turns back the dial. The music stops.)

Morgan: Sorry. Go get him.

(Chuck walks into his boss Big Mike's office who stabs his finger down on a pile of papers without looking from his computer. Chuck slowly puts the paper down.)

Big Mike: Didn't think you'd apply.

Chuck: Well, uh, I think I'm ready for this, Big Mike, and what it means - responsibility, decisive leadership--

Big Mike: Save it for the interview. Now, go train the new guy

Chuck: Okie doki. (walks out smiling to people, but that melts when he sees 'the new guy')

(Casey looks at him. He's in a similar uniform to Morgan. As Chuck walks slowly toward him, something attracts his eye. Sarah also walks toward him in civilian clothes, a Buy More basket on her arm. He sees her ring, and that triggers a flash - a hummingbird, something, a homeless woman fighting two guys and then shooting them, she turns around and we see Sarah shooting the camera, the bird again. The flash ends.)

Chuck: (petrified) Don't freak out.



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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !