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#102 : Hélico presto

Titre VO :
Chuck Versus the Helicopter
Titre VF : Hélico, Presto
Diffusion USA : 01/10/07
Diffusion France : 16/11/08

Résumé court :

Quand un docteur, qui est censé avoir la solution au problème de Chuck, décède, Sarah et John reportent la faute sur l'un et sur l'autre. Les deux agents essayent de convaincre Chuck que l'autre est responsable et maintenant c'est à Chuck de décider lequel des 2 il croira... Qui choisira-t-il ?


4.15 - 13 votes

Titre VO
Chuck Versus the Helicopter

Titre VF
Hélico presto


Sarah vs Casey (VO)

Sarah vs Casey (VO)


Photos promo

Devon (Ryan McPartlin) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Casey (Adam Baldwin) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) se battent

Casey (Adam Baldwin) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) se battent

Devon (Ryan McPartlin) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Casey (Adam Baldwin) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) se battent

Casey (Adam Baldwin) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) se battent

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Devon (Ryan McPartlin)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Devon (Ryan McPartlin)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Casey (Adam Baldwin) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Casey (Adam Baldwin) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) en pleine discussion avec Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) en pleine discussion avec Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Devon (Ryan McPartlin) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Devon (Ryan McPartlin) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Devon (Ryan McPartlin), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Plus de détails

102 img01

Au Buy More, Big Mike appelle Chuck car Jeff a disposé des Cds sur une nappe Large Mart, leur concurrent. Morgan veut faire le magicien en tirant la nappe sans faire tomber les Cds, mais il n’est pas magicien et tout s’effondre.


Chuck court après Casey qui court après un gamin qui vient de voler un jeux vidéo, il lui crie que des vies ne sont pas en danger, qu'il ne s’agit que d’un jeu vidéo. Alors qu'il reprend son souffle, Chuck voit Sarah en uniforme du Wienerlicious, un fast food. Il va la voir car elle est supposée être sa petite amie. Elle lui apprend qu’elle travaille là pour être proche et pouvoir le surveiller. Chuck lui demande si ça fait partie du plan, et s’il y a vraiment un plan, car il est plutôt paniqué par cette situation. Sarah lui dit alors qu'ils ont trouvés quelqu'un qui peut l’aider, et qu'ils n’ont qu’à planifier un nouveau rendez-vous. Chuck accepte et s’en va. Sarah appelle alors pour confirmer le rendez-vous avec le docteur.


À la maison, Ellie est très excitée par le fait que Chuck ait un nouveau rendez-vous avec Sarah et lui choisit encore ses vêtements. Chuck dit que ce n’est pas grand-chose, mais Morgan renchérit en disant qu’elle est sexy. Ellie n’en revient pas que Morgan l’ait rencontré et qu’elle non. Morgan dit que c’est parce que Chuck lui confit ses secrets les plus profonds et les plus sombres. Ellie dit alors à Chuck qu'il faut qu’elle rencontre cette fille.


Au gouvernement, un homme et une femme parlent de Chuck et du fait qu'il soit en possession de tous les secrets du gouvernement, alors qu'ils regardent une vidéo où Chuck est en train de jouer au torero avec Morgan. L’homme dit que Sarah a organisé le rendez-vous avec le docteur Zarnow qui est le meilleur scientifique.


Sarah passe prendre Chuck, qui lui demande s’ils vont au resto ou au ciné. Sarah lui dit que ce n’est pas exactement ça.

Ils se retrouvent au Buy More, et Chuck ne comprend pas vraiment pourquoi. Sarah lui explique que le docteur est venu pour le voir, qu'il va l’examiner. Chuck panique un peu car il n’aime pas les aiguilles et les sondes. Sarah lui demande si ce qu'il veut c’est faire sortir les secrets de sa tête, dans ce cas le docteur est leur meilleure chance. Chuck se retrouve seul dans une pièce du Buy More pour regarder des images. Sarah et Casey rencontrent le docteur qui demande pourquoi il ne peut pas voir le patient. Sarah et Casey lui expliquent que c’est pour protéger l’identité du patient X. Le docteur demande s’il travaille au Buy More, puis il trouve que ce serait totalement ridicule.

Le test commence et Chuck réagit à toute sles images codées. Le docteur dit que le patient est phénoménal et qu'il n’avait jamais pensé que quelqu'un puisse contenir tous les secrets du gouvernement.


Dans la voiture, Chuck demande s’il a réussi le test et si le docteur peut le guérir. Sarah lui répond qu'il est confiant. Avant de sortir, Chuck lui dit que le lendemain sa sœur veut la rencontrer. Chuck lui dit que ce serait un grand pas si leur relation était vaguement réelle. Chuck demande si quand le docteur aura enlevé les secrets de sa tête, ce sera fini entre eux, et Sarah lui répond que oui.


Le docteur roule sur une route isolée, quand un téléphone sur le siège arrière se met à sonner, et la voiture explose.


Ellie entre dans la chambre de Chuck pour lui montrer le journal, où il y a une article sur la mort de Bryce. Elle lui demande s’il savait, et il lui répond que non, et quand elle lui demande si ça va il lui répond qu'il est difficile pour lui de le détester maintenant.


Casey est sur les lieux de l’explosion, il est au téléphone et dit qu'il n’y a pas de trace du corps. Sarah trouve alors les restes du téléphone et le sramasse sans le dire à Casey. Lorsqu’elle rentre dans sa voiture, Casey téléphone avec sa chef de la NSA qui lui dit que ça doit être un coup de la CIA et qu'il ne doit pas perdre Chuck de vue car il est possible qu'il soit le prochain.


Au Buy More, Casey s’approche de Chuck et lui dit qu'il ne peut pas lui faire confiance. C’est alors que Big Mike les interrompt pour leur dire qu'ils devraient peut être se mettre au boulot. Chuck va alors montrer à Casey comment fonctionne le scanner à main et lui explique qu'il marche comme un pistolet. Casey attrape le scanner et le braque sous la gorge de Chuck en lui disant qu'il n’a plus intérêt à avoir de rendez-vous privés avec Sarah. C’est alors que Chuck reçoit un mail de Sarah qui lui demande de la rejoindre au Wienerlicious aussi vite que possible. Chuck fait en sorte que Casey ne voit pas le mail en appellent Morgan pour qu'ils fassent des jeux de rôles pour entraîner Casey à être bon vendeur.. Chuck va ensuite voir Sarah.


Au Wienerlicious, une bande de garçons est en train de baver devant Sarah qui est en train de leur préparer leur commande. Chuck arrive, et elle lui dit qu'il ne doit plus avoir de rendez-vous privées avec Casey. Chuck lui demande ce qu'il se passe à la fin, et Sarah comprend que Casey lui a dit la même chose. Elle apprend alors à Chuck que le docteur a été tué juste après les avoir quittés. Elle lui montre les restes du portable, et Chuck a un flash. C’est une bombe de la NSA qui détruit toute trace biologique. Sarah lui dit que Casey travaille pour la NSA et que c’est un tueur. Chuck commence à paniquer et Sarah lui dit de retourner au Buy More et de prétendre ne rien savoir.


Au Buy More, Casey commence à s’énerver avec le jeu de rôles et finit par mettre Morgan par terre. Il attrape ensuite Chuck et lui demande ce qu’a dit Sarah. Chuck ne répond pas. Casey va alors au Wienerlicious. Il demande à Sarah ce quelle a dit à Chuck, elle lui répond qu'elle a dit la vérité, à savoir qu'il est un tueur. L’atmosphère est tendue. Casey sort son arme pour l‘arrêter, et Sarah lui envoie une pique à saucisses. Ils se battent. Casey passe par-dessus le comptoir. Sarah s’apprête à lui sauter dessus quand la bande de garçons revient, ils la prennent en photo et s’en vont. Lorsque Sarah se retourne, Casey n’est plus là.


Au Buy More, Chuck est appelé pour une installation à domicile mais il s’agit en réalité d’un appel venant de Casey. Chuck pense alors que Casey veut le tuer, s’engage alors une course-poursuite en voiture. Lorsque les voitures s’arrêtent, Casey lui dit que Sarah a tué le docteur et que c’est un agent double. Il lui dit aussi qu'il ne sait pratiquement rien d’elle, et qu'il ne devrait pas lui faire confiance. C’est alors que Sarah appelle Chuck. Casey attrape le téléphone et l’éteint. Ils montent ensuite tous les deux dans la voiture de Casey, quand le téléphone sonne. Casey dit qu'il pensait l’avoir éteint et Chuck lui confirme que ce n’est pas le sien, il se retourne et voit le même téléphone que celui qui a tué le docteur. Ils courent hors de la voiture, mais cell-ci n’explose pas… enfin pas tout de suite.


Pendant ce temps, Ellie prépare la maison pour le repas de rencontre avec Sarah.


Chuck n’en revient pas que Sarah ait voulu les tuer lui et Casey, puis quand Casey lui demande s’il sait où elle est, Chuck se souvient du rendez-vous. Casey lui dit qu'il est hors de question qu'il y aille et qu'il part pour Washington. Mais Chuck n’est pas du même avis, il court vers sa voiture dès que Casey a le dos tourné.


Chuck arrive à la maison, et fait comprendre à Sarah qu'il sait que c’est elle qui a voulu les tuer. Il demande à sa sœur s’ils ne peuvent pas aller dîner dans un endroit public mais elle refuse, disant qu’elle a passé sa journée à préparer le repas. Cpt Awesome commence à poser quelques questions à Sarah, la conversation commence à dévier sur Bryce, lorsque Casey sonne à la porte. Ellie demande à Chuck d’aller chercher une chaise et Casey le suit, il lui apprend que Sarah a tué toute un groupe de diplomates sous l’identité d’Elena Truffaut. En entendant ce nom, Chuck a un flash, elle les a tués en les empoisonnant lors d’un repas. C’est alors qu’Ellie entre dans la chambre. Casey sort. Ellie dit à Chuck que Sarah est super et qu’elle a même fait le dessert.


Chuck essaye de gagner du temps pour pouvoir se débarrasser du soufflé que Sarah a apporté. Il porte un toast… puis repensant au tour de magie de Morgan, il décide de le faire, mais seulement lorsqu’il tire la nappe, le tour réussit et il n’y a que le chandelier qui vacille. Casey donne alors un coup de genou en dessous de la table et la chandelier tombe sur le soufflé qui prend feu. Chuck attrape le soufflé et va le mettre dans la baignoire. Ellie le suit et lui dit qu’elle sait à quel point il est nerveux mais il n’est jamais bon de tuer le soufflé d’une femme. Sarah demande à lui parler seule à seul.


Elle lui demande ce que Casey lui a raconté. Il lui parle alors des diplomates qu’elle a assassiné. Sarah lui explique que c’était des assassins et qu'ils étaient après elle. Elle réfléchit alors, si ce n’est pas Casey qui a tué Zarnow, qui l'a fait? Elle sort de la salle de bain en vitesse. Sarah s’excuse en vitesse auprès d’Ellie et sort, suivie de Chuck, puis de Casey. Morgan se sentant de trop s’en va aussi.


Sarah demande à Chuck de retourner à l’intérieur. Elle s’en va. Chuck demande à Casey s’il croit qu’ils se sont trompés, ils entendent alors Sarah crier. Ils courent vers la route et voit le docteur Zarnow, en vie, qui la met dans son coffre, il tire une fléchette tranquillisante sur Casey. Ils partent quand même à la poursuite du docteur, Casey apprend à Chuck que les mini-quiches qu’il avait apportées étaient fourrées de mini-robots.


Ils arrivent au Buy More, mais comprennent qu'ils suivaient une mauvaise piste car il n’y a que Morgan qui regarde un film d’horreur. Seulement, ils n'ont pas d'autres pistes, ils ont perdu Sarah. Chuck dit qu’ils ne peuvent pas l’abandonner car c’est de leur faute, il demande à Casey où il la conduirait si c’était lui: dans un hélicoptère. Ils trouvent le terrain d’aviation le plus proche et ils foncent dans sa direction.


Arrivés là, Casey dit à Chuck de rester dans la voiture, ce qui lui va très bien. Casey sort de la voiture et entre dans le bâtiment. C’est alors que Chuck voit le docteur qui sort par une autre porte. Il décide d’aller voir ce qu’il y a derrière celle-ci. Chuck entre et découvre Sarah enchaînée.
Il va la voir, elle lui dit qu’il n’a rien a faire ici, qu’elle s’en sort très bien toute seule, mais qu’elle a juste besoin d’un truc pour crocheter la serrure de ses menottes. Zarnow revient à ce moment, Chuck va se cacher. Zarnow explique à Sarah que l’hélicoptère est prêt et qu’ils vont la torturer. Il va lui faire une injection quand il entend Chuck. Lorsqu’il le voit, Chuck a un flash, et lui dit qu’il connaît son secret. Zarnow sait alors que Chuck est le patient X. Il lui tire alors une fléchette tranquillisante en plein cœur. Chuck s’effondre. Zarnow tire Chuck jusqu’à l’hélicoptère.


Sarah arrive à se détacher à temps pour empêcher Casey de tirer sur l’hélicoptère.

Dans l’engin, Chuck se réveille, il n’a pas été touché par la fléchette qui a transpercé son badge du Buy More. Il attrape le pistolet à fléchettes et le braque sur Zarnow. Ce dernier essaye de lui reprendre l’arme quand le coup part et touche le pilote, qui tombe dans les pommes, il n’y a plus personne pour diriger l’hélicoptère. Chuck et Zarnow se battent, lorsqu’une secousse assomme Zarnow.

Au sol, Sarah se rend compte que c’est Chuck qui commande l’appareil. Casey lui téléphone, et commence par l’engueuler. Chuck lui demande comment conduire un hélicoptère. Casey essaye de lui expliquer mais ça ne marche pas et il s’énerve. Chuck demande à parler à Sarah. Elle lui demande s’il a déjà joué à des jeux de simulation de pilotage, et de se souvenir de comment il faut faire. Elle le calme en lui disant qu’il doit faire comme s’il était dans sa chambre et que ce n’était pas réel. Chuck se calme et réussit à faire atterrir l’appareil.

En sortant, Chuck veut faire partager sa joie, mais Sarah et Casey sont très fâchés. Sarah lui en veut de ne pas lui avoir fait confiance, et d’avoir pu croire qu’elle était un agent double. Elle lui dit qu’elle n’est pas comme Bryce qui a trahi tout le monde.


Plus tard, Chuck est en train de se préparer pour le funérailless de Bryce. Ellie lui dit qu’il n’est pas obligé d’y aller, mais Chuck y tient car ils avaient été amis à une époque. Ellie lui dit qu’elle aime beaucoup Sarah, mais il lui répond qu’il a tout foiré avec elle. Ellie lui conseille de s’excuser.

À l’enterrement, Chuck reste à l’écart et voit que Sarah est là et fait de même, il lui fait un signe mais elle ne lui répond pas. Elle a les larmes aux yeux.


Casey est au téléphone avec sa dirigeante, elle lui demande s’il prend réellement soin de Chuck ou s’ils doivent s’en occuper. Casey dit qu’ils ont la situation en main. Elle lui apprend que le nouvel Intersect sera opérationnel dans six mois, et que lorsque ce sera fait Casey devra faire ce qu’il fait le mieux.


Chuck va voir Sarah au Wienerlicious, il lui demande comment elle va depuis l’enterrement de Bryce. Elle lui répond qu’elle devait y aller car il était son partenaire. Il s’excuse pour le comportement de la veille, et Chuck dit que leur première dispute aurait été une grande étape si leur relation était un peu réelle. Sarah lui dit que depuis que Zarnow n’est plus là, il ne peut plus se débarrasser des informations, alors que cela signifie qu’il y aura plus de missions, de dangers et de secrets, et elle lui demande s’il est prêt. Il répond que oui.

C’est alors qu’Ellie, Captain Awesome et Morgan arrivent car Chuck a prévu de refaire le dîner, au Wienerlicious, car tout le monde savait qu’elle lui pardonnerait.

Petit Plus: On apprend dans cet épisode que Captain Awesome s’appelle en réalité Devon.

Narrator: (over some scenes in this episode) Knowing the government's biggest secrets won't change Chuck's life..

Chuck: I'm gonna go fix some hard drives. Good luck with the spy stuff

Narrator: (over some scenes in this episode) He'll still drive to work like everybody else. He'll still have family and friends. He may even fall in love

Chuck: (over some scenes in the third episode) She's a very beautiful girl. She's very...agile

Narrator: (over some scenes in the third episodes) Because in the end, he knows exactly who he is

La Ciudad: What's your real name?

Chuck: (breathing hard) Carmichael. Charles Carmichael. (La Ciudad throws a hunting knife just inches from his groin) Chuck Bartowski

(Transcriber's note: You won't understand the last two lines because they're from the third episode, but seeing as my job is to transcribe the whole episode...)

[Open: Chuck Versus the Helicopter proper]

(We see Chuck Taylors standing. Camera pans up to see Chuck looking around, trying to find someone.)

(voiceover) Hi, my name is Charles Bartowski. But you can call me 'Chuck'. (Chuck nameplate appears onscreen) Those are my shoes, (shot of Chuck's legs running) and this is my life (shot of Chuck trying to run very fast). (over some scenes in the pilot episode) It's filled with spies, car chases, computer-stealing ninjas and me saving the day. (shot of Chuck running) Oh, wait, wait. I need to go back. (the previous shot being rewound) (shot of Buy More) I work at the Buy More. (camera shows Lester, Jeff and Harry standing over a Large Mart-covered table full of CDS) It used to be pretty boring

(shot of a furious-looking Harry Tang)

Harry: Chuck! (shot of Chuck walking over) Get over here now! Look at this! What happened?

(camera focuses on the Large Mart sign)

Chuck: (offscreen) Way to go, Jeff. You do realize we don't work for Large Mart? They're our competition

(camera pans to Harry)

Harry: Can you imagine the shame, if some Large Mart-fever-Cosco stooge put out a display on our Buy More green?

Morgan: Right. So this has to come down, right?

Harry: Yesterday!

Morgan: And now I unveil to you the magic of Morgan. (everybody steps back as he grabs the cloth and counts under his breath) (shot pauses on Morgan and 'Morgan' appears onscreen as Chuck voiceovers again)   (voiceover) This is my best friend Morgan. He is NOT a magician. (Morgan pulls the cloth from under the CDs, sending it falling down.) (shot of Chuck running again, over some scenes in the pilot episodes) See, everything changed when I got an email from my old college buddy Bryce Larkin. You see, Bryce had been working for the CIA when he stole a whole bunch of government secrets. Big important secrets. Really scary, nasty, you'll-get-killed-for-having-them secrets. Next thing I know these super secrets are downloaded into my brain, (shot of Chuck running again and slamming into a car) which means every moment of my life is in danger. (gets up to continue running; shot of Casey also running) The NSA sent their top agent to protect me. That's Casey (shot of Casey from the pilot episode, 'Casey' appears onscreen, and another shot of him from the pilot episode) He's pretty scary. He works at the Buy More now as a cover. (shot of Chuck running again, jumping over something if necessary) So now I must defend the country from assassins...

(shot of Chuck running, already breathless)

Chuck: No, Casey!

(shot of Casey running after a guy)

(voiceover)...terrorists, (shot of Casey jumping over car hoods and finally tackling the guy to the ground. Chuck arrives in time to restrain his hand from punching the guy) and shoplifters.

Chuck: Casey, Casey! No, no, no, no, no, no, it's just a video game, okay? Lives are not in danger! The country is still safe!

(shot of Morgan arriving, then bending over as he and Chuck catch their breath)

Morgan: Wow, (shot of Casey hauling the guy to his feet and twisting his arm around for the arrest) the guy's here 24 hours, and he takes the job way more seriously than me.

Chuck: That's because he's crazy.

Casey: Tell me something I don't know. (leaves with the guy, Morgan following)

Morgan: Oh, hey, Doug. Nice to see you again, pal. Not so tough now, are you? (voice fades as camera pans up to exterior of Buy More)

(camera returns to Chuck as he looks to the left, still panting, and we see a 'Wienerlicious' store. It pans down to rest on a girl clearing away containers. She turns around, and we see Chuck smiling slightly, not entirely believing what he sees.)

Chuck: Sarah?

(voiceover) The CIA sent their top agent, too. (camera pans to Sarah, and then to Chuck who waves a hand. It returns to Sarah, smiling. 'Sarah' appears onscreen, similar to that of Casey and Morgan) Oh, yeah. I know. Believe me. (camera returns to Chuck) She told me to trust her, but just like any woman, she's got a past. (Chuck stops smiling as he remembers the flash from the pilot episode - Sarah, shooting the camera.) (shot of Sarah trying to hold everything together while opening the door to the Wienerlicious, and Chuck going to her) And she's posing as my girlfriend.

[Cut to: Wienerlicious]

(Chuck walks in, and looks around at the designs. Camera pans to burnt sausages, Sarah waving a towel at them.)

Chuck: (offscreen) Sarah, uh, what are you doing here?

Sarah: I work here now, Chuck (turns around to tend to the sausages). (shot of Chuck checking the designs again, then shot of Sarah at the grill) Damn, I burned another batch.

(camera returns to Chuck)

Chuck: Why are you working here?

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: Surveillance. I can monitor (shot of her throwing the burnt sausages to the trash) the Buy More from here while you work. (shot of Chuck, puzzled) It's just a cover.

Chuck: Right, yeah, all part of the plan...'cause there's a plan, right? I mean, uh, you making gourmet wieners isn't exactly the reason why you joined the CIA, (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah looking annoyed at the burnt sausages) and Casey is a natural born appliance salesman, and the whole kinda government-secrets-locked-in-my-brain- thing, uh, I'm sure not really a boon for national security, so I'm hoping, I'm hoping that you'll tell me there's a plan?

Sarah: We have a plan. (offscreen, as camera focuses on Chuck) There is somebody who can help. We can discuss it further tonight. (camera switches to Sarah) How about another date? I can pick you up at 8.

Chuck: Yeah, yeah, that's, um, I'd like that. That sounds great. I, uh, I...(voice fades as he exits)

(shot of Sarah back to a neutral expression as she takes out a folder and opens it. We see 'Security Clearance', 'Jonas Zarnow', 'Top Secret' and the symbol of the NSA.)

Sarah: (on her phone) Chuck is in. Send the doctor. (she flips to another page and looks up)

[Cut to: over California]

Chuck: (offscreen) Hey, sis. What do you think of this shirt?

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom]

(shot of Chuck holding a shirt before his mirror)

Ellie: (offscreen) Another date with Sarah. This is very exciting!

(We see Ellie smiling widely as she tries to match a shirt against Chuck's back.)

Chuck: We'll see. It's not that big of a deal.

Morgan: (offscreen) Yes, it is. (pops up from Chuck's bed where he had been lying all along) She is HOT! (shot of a surprised Ellie, and then at a video game) Jeepers! I'd go with the first shirt.

(camera pans to Ellie)

Ellie: Wait a minute. Morgan has met her and I haven't?

(camera returns to Chuck)

Chuck: Well, I--

(camera pans to Morgan)

Morgan: He confides in me, Ellie. You know, he tells me his deepest, darkest secrets...which you could, too, by the way.

(camera pans to an annoyed Ellie)

Ellie: Here's one: I loathe you.

(camera returns to Chuck)

Chuck: That's not a secret.

(camera pans out to take in all of them)

Ellie: I need to meet this girl. (gives her selected shirt to her brother) Tomorrow night, dinner, here.

(camera pans to Morgan as Ellie leaves)

Morgan: Uh, whoa, a little too soon to see the Tron poster, don't you think? Not exactly an aphrodisiac. (looks up to see Ellie glaring at him) Dinner, perfect.

(Ellie smiles at Chuck and leaves.)

(shot of Chuck trying out the shirt)

[Cut to: Washington, D.C.]

Beckman: (offscreen) Our most valuable secrets have been sent to an idiot.

Graham: At least they weren't sent to his friend. (They are both watching a video where Chuck is holding the red Large Mart cloth in front of Morgan who's pretending to be a bull.) Operation Chuck. I can't believe this. I spoke with Agent Walker. She'll deliver Chuck to the rendezvous tonight.

Beckman: Good. Dr. Zarnow is on his way to LA now. He's our best. NSA's top scientist. (shot of the same file Sarah was looking at earlier)

Graham: (offscreen) Well, I hope he can fix this.

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex. A black Porsche stops in front of Chuck. He bends down to see who's the driver.]

Sarah: Get in.

Chuck: (approaches the car cautiously and gets in) Wow, Wienerlicious really pays well, huh? Ah, what are we, uh, what are we doing? Are we going to a movie or some dinner--

Sarah: Not exactly.

Chuck: What does 'not exactly' mean exactly?

(We see the car drive off.)

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: Buy More]

(Chuck and Sarah step into the entrance.)

Chuck: So, here we are on our date at the Buy More. Is this all part of the plan, or a chance for me to clock in some overtime?

Sarah: There's a doctor coming to see you, Chuck. He worked on the encoding process for the Intersect. The computer that Bryce destroyed, the one that's in your head. (camera focuses on Chuck's face) (offscreen) He's coming to examine you.

Chuck: Uh huh, and, and, and does this examination involve, say, I don't know, needles or perhaps probing of some kind?

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: The doctor is our best shot at helping you. It's what you want, right? (offscreen) To get the secrets out of your head?

Chuck: (looks scared) Yeah, yeah, of course. (Sarah walks off and the camera pans out to take a large chunk of the scene) But you're still, you're still being very vague about the probing and I would like to know the answer to that.

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room. Chuck has headphones and is fixing his shirt as he sits down on the couch.]

Sarah: We've rewired the Home Theatre Room for this test. (clicks on a remote and the curtain behind Chuck closes) When the images start, just say what they are.

Chuck: That's it?

(shot of Casey leaning against the doorway)

Casey: I'm sure you'll find a way to screw it up. (to Sarah) The doctor's here.

Chuck: When do I get to meet him?

Sarah: (offscreen) You don't. It's important that he doesn't see you. You're too valuable. (as she leaves, she clicks another button and the curtain closes on the door where she and Casey exits)

Chuck: (offscreen) Thanks. I'm flattered...and totally freaked out.   (shot of Chuck glancing around the room nervously as the curtains all around him close)

[Cut to: the entrance of the Buy More. The man in the picture Sarah and Beckman were looking at earlier is standing with a stroller. Casey and Sarah approach him.]

Casey: Dr. Zarnow.

Zarnow: Agent Casey. Agent Walker.

Sarah: (shakes Zarnow's hand) Thank you for meeting us at a neutral site.

Zarnow: Let's begin.

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center where Zarnow is with a laptop and Casey and Sarah are watching him, doing their jobs as Chuck's protectors]

Zarnow: I don't understand why I can't see my patient.

Sarah: For your safety, we're keeping Patient X's identity a secret.

Zarnow: Does Patient X work here? (eyes roam around the Buy More)

Casey: Patient X, who knows all the Intersect's secrets, works at the Buy More.

Zarnow: Ridiculous.

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room. Chuck still has the headphones on.]

Zarnow: (through headphones and offscreen) After the tone, the test will begin.

Chuck: Ah, dog. (camera pans out and we see a picture of a dog appear on the LCD in front of Chuck) (picture of a hippo) Hippopotamus. (picture of an obese man) Fat guy. (picture of a building) Ugly building.

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center. Zarnow is typing and a picture of a woman appears on his screen.]

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room where the woman appears on the LCD]

Chuck: Really beautiful woman at the beach.

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center. Zarnow is typing and a picture of a flower appears on his screen.]

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room where the flower appears on the LCD]

Chuck: (as he has a flash) Cardinal One is the top Moscow spy in the White House...(picture of a carved pumpkin and other images that are really fast) Plot to assassinate President Carter was orchestrated by (something)

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center where Chuck's words are typed onto Zarnow's laptop]

(camera pans to Casey and Sarah listening)

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room]

(More and more images flash on the LCD and Chuck mumbles what he truly sees. I can't understand it because it's too fast.)

Chuck: Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by Surface-to-Air...

(As he says out loud his flashes, camera continually switches between him and Sarah, Casey and Zarnow outside.)

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room where the picture of a turtle appears on the LCD]

Chuck: (not knowing that he'd been saying government secrets) Okay, well, that's just a picture of a turtle.

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center]

Zarnow: Your patient is phenomenal. (camera pans to him) We never imagined this.

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: What didn't you imagine?

(camera pans to Zarnow)

Zarnow: One person seeing all the Intersect images. All the secrets in one mind.

(camera pans to a neutral-looking Sarah who looks down)

(camera pans to Casey)

Casey: Can you remove the secrets, doctor? (Sarah looks up)

(camera pans to Zarnow)

Zarnow: Yes. I think I can.

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex. The black Porsche stops in front of the lamp post.]

[Cut to: inside Sarah's car]

Chuck: So, did I pass the test?

Sarah: (smiles) You did great, Chuck.

Chuck: And this doctor guy, he can fix me or...

Sarah: Uh, he's hopeful. Yeah.

Chuck: (unfastens his seat belt and starts to gets out of the car) Okay. (remembers Ellie's invitation) Oh, oh, I almost forgot. Uh, dinner tomorrow night with my sister and her boyfriend Capt. Awesome. She really wanted to meet you so...

Sarah: Oh. Okay. That's a good idea.

Chuck: Meeting the family is kind of a big step, if our relationship were remotely real. (chuckles, Sarah looks at him, smiling kindly) So, if this whole examination thing, if it works out…then I guess we're through, huh?

Sarah: Uh, yeah, mhmm.

(long pause)

Chuck: Okay. Well, goodnight

Sarah: Goodnight.

Chuck: Oh and, uh, just so you know, um, tonight was probably the best only second date I've been on in years. (Sarah smiles at him) Drive safe. (enters the complex and looks back to wave goodbye to Sarah who's watching him. She returns the wave.)

[Cut to: a road. Headlights are flashing as a car drives through the area. We see that it's Zarnow on the wheel. Camera pans to the backseat where a cellphone suddenly lights up and starts beeping nonstop. Camera pans out to take in the car driving behind a hill of some sort. Almost immediately, the car gets blown up. We see the car completely engulfed in flames.]

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom. He is tying his shoelaces when there's a knock on his door, and Ellie walks in, carrying a newspaper.]

Ellie: Hey.

Chuck: Hey.

Ellie: (hands her brother the newspaper) Did you see this?

Chuck: What?

(We see the newspaper and an article. The title reads "Bank Executive Dies in Robbery". Chuck takes the paper.)

Ellie: Did you know that Bryce was dead?

(camera pans out to see Chuck looking at the paper, carefully controlling his expression)

Chuck: No, no, I didn't. (looks up to his sister and gets up to go to his closet)

Ellie: Well, are you okay?

Chuck: I don't know. I mean, yeah, it's (offscreen, as camera shifts to Ellie) crazy. (camera returns to Chuck) I, uh, I spent so much time hating him for getting me kicked out of Stanford (camera pans to the article then returns to Chuck) I don't really know how to feel, but it's harder to be mad at him now.

Ellie: (offscreen) I'm really sorry, Chuck. (camera pans to Ellie who takes one last look at the article and leaves the room)

(camera pans to Chuck who's biting his lower lip as he gets the newspaper from his bed)

Casey: (offscreen) Yeah, it's Casey. I'm at the scene.

[Cut to: the road where Zarnow was killed. Casey is in civilian clothes and talking to a cellphone as the army and forensics sweep the place.]

Casey: No sign of Zarnow's body. Probably vaporized. I guess those secrets are staying in Chuck's head. (turns around and we see...)

(Sarah is standing behind the remains of Zarnow's car. She's looking at something. We see her trainers lift something from the remains of the cellphone. Sarah looks around and crouches down while getting something from her back pocket. She picks up the phone. Camera pans out to see her closing her jacket pocket, and walking to meet with Casey. Her hands are empty.)

Sarah: Well, no sign of anything here.

(camera pans to Casey)

Casey: Well, looks like we're sending the good doctor home in an ashtray.

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: Okay, well, I've got some hot dogs to fry.

(camera pans to Casey)

Casey: And I've got some toasters to sell.

(Sarah walks off first and Casey wheels around to look after her. Camera pans out to see Sarah taking out her car keys from her back pocket, her phone in the other hand. Casey holds his phone to his ear in the background. Sarah gets in the car, closes the door and gets something out of her jacket pocket. Camera pans out to see her put the cellphone into a Ziploc bag. She places it on top of a newspaper on the front seat. We see it's the same article from earlier, about Bryce.)

(camera pans to Casey on his phone while still watching Sarah)

Casey: Feels like a CIA job to me.

[Cut to: Washington, D.C.]

Beckman: Keep your eye on Agent Walker.

[Cut to: Casey]

Beckman: (offscreen, through his phone) And don't let Chuck out of your sight. He could be next. (closes the phone)

[Cut to: Buy More. Chuck is walking with Morgan.]

Chuck: The strong bars (I'm not sure if I heard right) are a little sticky. On the other one, it's fine, but the second one (makes a gesture of playing the guitar)...

Casey: (grabs Chuck but doesn't pull him away from Morgan) You can't trust her.

Big Mike: Chuck. John.

(They turn around.)

Chuck and Casey: Big Mike.

(Big Mike walks over to them, a slize of pizza on his hand.)

Big Mike: How's customer service training?

(camera pans to Chuck, Casey and Morgan)

Chuck: S - Super.

(camera returns to Big Mike)

Big Mike: Glad to hear it. The better my employees, the less I have to work.

(camera pans to Chuck, Casey and Morgan)

Chuck: Very inspiring words, sir.

Casey: Regular call-to-arms.

(camera returns to Big Mike)

Big Mike: Well, go make 'em better. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck, Casey and Morgan) Show me you're assistant store manager material. (camera returns to Big Mike) Chop, chop! (camera pans to Chuck and Casey leaving) I gotta nap in an hour. (camera pans to Morgan standing there by himself) (camera returns to Big Mike) Goodbye!

(Morgan points at him, mutters 'goodbye' before going away.)

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center. Chuck reaches into the inside to retrieve the scanner.]

Chuck: So, uh, this is the handheld scanner. Very expensive piece of equipment.

(Big Mike is watching them)

Casey: So is the stealth fighter, but somehow I managed to fly that.

Chuck: Right, uh, and the gun. Uh, you know, kinda works like a--

Casey: Gun?

Chuck: Uh huh. (runs the scanner through a roll of barcodes) And it beeps when you scan the barcodes.

Casey: (takes the scanner) Well, if it screamed out loud, I'll be right at home. (looks to make sure that Big Mike is gone; puts the scanner directly under Chuck's chin) Listen, I don't want you to have any more private meetings with Sarah.

Chuck: Um, is there, is there a problem?

Casey: No problems. Only solutions. (removes the scanner which emits a beep)

Chuck: (nervously) Well, that sounds very much like the Buy More customer policy, that I've noticed you have some issue with.

Casey: Huh.

(camera pans to the laptop where an IM reads "Chuck, I need to see you. Wienerlicious. ASAP." Chuck sees this and directs his attention back to Casey before the NSA agent senses that.)

Chuck: Ye - and you know? Uh, you know what I think we're gonna do about that? We're gonna do some role-playing (pokes Casey's chest and goes around to shut the laptop without Casey seeing it) and work on that attitude of yours. How about that? Hey, Morgan! (snaps his fingers)

Morgan: (says something I don't understand. sounds like 'yo' or 'whoa'...)

Chuck: Ah, there he is. There's my Johnny on the spot. (shot of Casey who is clearly wondering what is going on) (offscreen) Uh, Morgan, Casey, you're gonna do some stuff. (camera returns to Chuck's back) You're gonna be a shopper (points to Morgan) and you're gonna be the sales rep (points to Casey) like you are. And I'm gonna go talk to Big Mike and, and work on some stuff 'cause I know he got other things in store. (leaves Casey and Morgan who is obviously frightened of him)

(shot of Chuck making his getaway and looking back to see an annoyed Casey clenching his jaw)

[Cut to: Wienerlicious]

(We see teenaged boys slurping sodas while looking at something. Camera switches to Sarah bending over the stove and getting sausages before putting them on a bag. She whirls around, smiling, and the boys stop slurping instantly. As this happens, Chuck walks in.)

Sarah: Here you go. (Chuck makes his way up to her, wondering what this is all about) (serious expression) So, Chuck, no private meetings with Casey.

Chuck: What? What is with you guys?

Sarah: Did he tell you the same thing? Right, of course he did.

Chuck: Hold on a second. Is something wrong?

Sarah: The doctor from last night, he was killed in an explosion soon after he left us.

Chuck: What, what? (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah getting something from underneath the counter) The doctor who was supposed to fix me?

(Sarah puts something on the counter and slides it to Chuck.)

Sarah: Tell me what this is.

(We see the cellphone from earlier inside the Ziploc bag.)

Chuck: (takes it) A, a, a nasty-- (Chuck flashes. We see a similar phone and an explosion. After it ends, he shakes his head.) NSA incinerator. Special issue designed to eliminate all biological traces. (drops the bag onto the counter and looks up to Sarah) That's what killed the doctor.

Sarah: And guess who works for the NSA?

Chuck: Wh - why, why would Casey--

Sarah: (offscreen) He's a killer, Chuck. It's what he does for a living. (scene from the pilot episode where Casey switches from pointing his gun at Sarah to pointing it at Chuck when Chuck confesses that he'd been having some odd flashes all day) He tried to kill us, and he'll probably try to do it again. (scene from Zarnow's arrival at Buy More) Maybe it was orders. Maybe he didn't like the way Zarnow looked at him.

Chuck: (in a stupor) Oh, that's nice. I feel much better now, Sarah. (through gritted teeth) What am I supposed to do?

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: You go back in there and you pretend like you know nothing. Go. You can do that, Chuck.

Chuck: (still in a stupor) I know nothing, I know nothing, I...got it.

Morgan: (offscreen) All right. So, I'm gonna try again. Ready?

[Cut to: Buy More]

Morgan: Do you have any Ramones? (Chuck walks up quietly behind Casey who is impatiently tapping his finger) No, don't say 'no'. Uh, excuse me, John. How you doing? You have any Ramones here, do you? You don't have it...

Chuck: Casey, the correct response is, "Can we order you the Ramones?"

Morgan: Ramones, man, Ramones, okay? It's all about the Ramones. Do you have Ramones, 'cause I love Ramones--

(Casey grabs the top of Morgan's head, and pushes him down.)

Morgan: (offscreen, from the floor) Ah, that's a valid response, I guess.

Chuck: Okay, I don't think that's in the Buy More manual--

(Casey grabs Chuck by his tie.)

Casey: What did Sarah tell you, hm? (camera pans to a frightened Chuck) I know you talked to her. It's what I do for a living. (releases Chuck and leaves)

Morgan: (offscreen, from the floor) Oh, here they are. It's in the bottom shelf. Ramones.

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More. Casey is running. We see him opening the door to the Wienerlicious, clearly angry. Sarah is handing a customer his purchase, smiling.]

Sarah: Here you go.

Customer: Thanks.

Sarah: Bye.

Customer: I love you!

(Casey and Sarah are looking at each other. Casey waits before the customer leaves before taking a step forward.)

Casey: What did you tell, Chuck?

Sarah: That you're a cold-blooded killer. Was I lying?

Casey: No, the way I figured (shot of Sarah turning around and inconspicuously picking a barbecue stick) the only two people who knew the doctor was coming are right here. Since I didn't kill him, you're under arrest. (takes out his gun as Sarah throws the stick. It hits Casey in the hand.)

(fight scene)

(They're evenly matched. As Sarah jumps onto the counter after kicking Casey behind it, a group of pre-teen boys come in. One is carrying a cideo camera.)

Boy #1: Quick, take the pic!

(Boy #2 does.)

Boy #3: So hot!

Boy #4: ...put it in the internet!

(As soon as they leave, Sarah looks down at Casey...who is not there. She looks up to see the doors to the back area are swinging. She pants.)

[Cut to: Buy More. Chuck is sitting solemnly behind the Nerd Herd center when someone clears his throat. We see that it's Lester.]

Lester: Mr. Bartowski.

Chuck: Hi, Lester.

Lester: Code zebra. Linux installer, factory off 142 Euclid. (pats Chuck on the shoulder and leaves)

Chuck: Uh, uh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, why can't you and Jeff go?

Lester: (snickers) Linux PCs? We're, uh, we're Mac guys, Chuck. We're, uh, we're IT artists.

Chuck: Okay, yeah, uh, fine, whatever. I'll be back in half an hour and, uh, just tell Casey that I'll be on my cell.

Lester: (scoffs) I'll tell him.

Chuck: You know what?

Lester: No, I mean I'll tell him. I just mean...in general. Absolutely. Right now should I tell him?

(Chuck leaves)

[Cut to: the highway]

[Cut to: Chuck's car arriving at a building. He looks at the order sheet. Camera pans out to show a car bumping him from the back. We see that it's Casey who calls him.]

Chuck: Hello?

Casey: Pull over.

Chuck: Well, I can't pull over. I'm at a home install--

Casey: 142 Euclid? Guess who called that in.

(shot of Chuck's terrified face)

Chuck: Oh my God, it was you! You killed the doctor, and now you're gonna kill me!

(car chase. We see the car chase from early on in the episode when Casey's car hits Chuck's from behind, making it whirl. Chuck gets out of the car, furious.)

Chuck: Are you out of your mind?! (Casey walks toward him, a bruise on his right cheek. Chuck runs to the other side of his car.) What, what, what happened to you?

Casey: Your girlfriend happened.

Chuck: Wh - Sarah?

Casey: She's rogue, Chuck. She killed the doctor, and then she tried to kill me.

Chuck: Is she okay?

Casey: Yeah, I'm golden. Thanks for asking.

Chuck: No, no! Why should I believe you? She showed me the bomb. She said you did it.

Casey: NSA incinerator, right? It's a nice explosive. Easily purchased on the black market. What do you really know about Sarah, Chuck, huh? Think. She's CIA. She worked with Bryce. He was rogue. Maybe she is, too. (scene from the pilot episode where Sarah arrives at the Buy More with her phone problem) She found you in LA, but (scene from the pilot episode where Chuck and Sarah were at the club) she couldn't grab you 'cause I was around. (scene from the end of the pilot episode) So she had to wait her chance. (scene from earlier in the episode) Dr. Zarnow screwed that up. He could pull those secrets out of your head, and she'd lose the Intersect, (return to present where Chuck's phone is ringing) so she had to act fast. (Chuck takes it out and we see Sarah calling. Casey takes it from him, ends the call and turns off the phone before handing it back to Chuck.) Let's go. C'mon.

(As they climb back into Casey's car, we hear another phone ringing.)

Casey: Thought I'd turn that off.

Chuck: Well, it's not me, is it yours?

Casey: (checks his phone) No.

(Chuck looks back and sees the NSA incinerator)

Chuck: NSA incinerator, run!

(They run out of Casey's car and look back. After awhile, nothing happens. Both are breathing heavily when kaboom! Casey's car is blown into smithereens.)

[Cut to: California in the afternoon]

[Cut to: the Bartowski house where Ellie is preparing salad and Capt. Awesome is standing by. Ellie is clearly in a panic.]

Capt. Awesome: (something), babe. Relax.

Ellie: (takes a bottle of wine and glasses to the dining table) Devon, this dinner has to go out.

Capt. Awesome: It's gonna be awesome. (takes the salad to the dining table)

Ellie: You don't know, Chuck. He freaks out when he likes a girl.

(Morgan is seen from the side.)

Morgan: Yeah, ain't that the truth, huh? (Capt. Awesome and Ellie both stare at him) But you know, practice makes perfect.

Ellie: How did you get in here?

Morgan: Uh, Chuck's window, or as I like to call it, the 'Morgan Door'.

Ellie: I'm gonna go lock the window. (leaves)

[Cut to: Casey's burning car]

Casey: Still think it was me?

Chuck: Why would Sarah do this?

Casey: She's cleaning the operation.

Chuck: (panting) Cleaning?

Casey: Eliminating everyone she's come in contact with. You know where she is?

[Cut to: the front door of the Bartowski house where Ellie opens the door to a smiling Sarah]

[Cut to: Casey and Chuck]

Chuck: We have to get back to my house. She's having dinner with us tonight.

Casey: You're not, kid. You're on the next plane to Washington.

Chuck: But my sister--

Casey: Doesn't have a supercomputer in her noggin'. You're the priority. (puts his phone to his ear) It's Casey. Put me through to General Beckman. (Chuck runs back to his car while Casey has his back on him. Casey sees this and runs to Chuck but he has already left.) Hey, hey!

[Cut to: California in the afternoon]

[Cut to: Chuck driving very fast]

[Cut to: Chuck running through the courtyard in the Bartowski complex. He bursts through the door and we see Morgan and Capt. Awesome talking while Ellie is fixing the table.]

Morgan: Well, it's about time!

(camera pans out to include a smiling Sarah who rises to greet her 'boyfriend')

Sarah: Chuck, where have you been?

Chuck: Why? You, uh, you surprised to see me?

Sarah: What? (Chuck narrows his eyes at her) Where's Casey? (no longer smiling)

Chuck: I don't know. Maybe he's having some car trouble. (slips past Sarah who cocks her head slightly at all the innuendos) Everyone okay?

Morgan: Yes, just a little hungry, dude. You're late.

Capt. Awesome: (jokingly) And dirty for my taste.

Ellie: And your girlfriend has just been nothing but mean to me.

Chuck: Huh? (Ellie smiles.) Oh, ha! (looks back to Sarah) Look out for her! (offscreen, as camera stays on Sarah) So I'm glad everyone is getting along so well.

Sarah: Yeah, your sister is awesome.

(camera pans to Capt. Awesome)

Capt. Awesome: Indeed!

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: Hey, I got an idea! (camera pans out to take in everyone but Sarah) Why don't we actually go out, huh? For pizza or something? (offscreen, as camera focuses on Ellie. This is what she feared - Chuck 'freaking out'.) Some place public. With lots and lots of people around.

Ellie: Uh, Chuck, I've been cooking all day.

(camera pans to the guys)

Morgan: Yeah, cooking pot roast, which is my favorite!

Capt. Awesome: (offscreen, while Chuck swallows back his saliva) Let's eat!

(camera pans to Sarah who is back to a neutral expression while eyeing Chuck. Camera pans out to include everyone. Chuck is visibly avoiding having to cross paths with Sarah, literally.)

[Cut to: dinner. Ellie is placing pot roast on the table while Chuck is staring into space.]

Sarah: (offscreen) This looks delicious, Ellie.

Ellie: It's nothing.

(camera pans to Capt. Awesome)

Capt. Awesome: So, Sarah, let's kick it up a notch, personal style. Tell us about yourself.

Sarah: Well, I'm originally from D.C. (offscreen, as camera pans to Ellie) I just moved here.

Ellie: Oh, Chuck had a friend who lived in D.C.

(camera pans to Sarah and Morgan)

Morgan: Ah, former friend. (shot of Chuck scratching his neck) Former, because a) he was a jerk, and b) he's dead. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck, still scratching his neck) The girl Chuck was dating before you? He stole her.

Ellie: (offscreen, as Chuck throws a forced grin at Sarah) Ugh! I just don't know how anyone can choose Bryce over Chuck.

(camera pans to Sarah when the doorbell sounds, then to Ellie who moves to answer the door)

Casey: Hi, I'm John Casey. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck and Sarah who are surprised) I just moved in upstairs. I thought I might bring something over.

(shot of Morgan inwardly groaning. He must have remembered Casey grabbing his head and pushing him down to the floor.)

Ellie: Oh, come in. (shot of Casey waving to Chuck) (shot of Elllie) Chuck, you didn't tell me you were bringing another friend.

Chuck: Hey. Hi. (shot of Sarah twisting in her seat) Yeah. It, uh, it totally slipped my mind (shot of Sarah, Morgan shaking his head and Capt. Awesome waving at Casey) that my friend John Casey was coming over. We work at Buy More together, and Morgan, you know John (shot of Morgan waving reluctantly) from Buy More. I was telling him that were having a get-together, and that you know, the more the merrier.

Casey: (leans in to whisper to Chuck's ear, all the while smiling) Pull another stunt like that again, and I'll kill you before she can.

Chuck: (laughing) You, kidder!

(shot of Sarah giving a forced grin and Ellie sitting down, putting the dish Casey brought to the table)

Ellie: Chuck, we're gonna need another chair.

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: Okie doki.

(Chuck leaves. Casey offers his hurt hand to Capt. Awesome for a handshake, but draws back on the last second and points over his shoulder.)

Casey: You know what? I'm crashing the party. Maybe I should, I'll get it.

(shot of everyone's individual faces)

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom where he walks in, Casey following.]

Chuck: Haaa...

(Casey closes the door before speaking.)

Casey: NSA ran a check on Sarah Walker. See what we had? Two years ago, she posed as a French diplomat. Infiltrated the inner circle of an arms deal. Killed the entire circle.

(Chuck's eyes pop wide open.)

Chuck: With a bomb?

Casey: We don't know. Her alias was Elana Truffaut.

(Chuck flashes on the name. We see Sarah's French passport, her pouring dressing on a French man's salad, everyone dead. The flash ends.)

Chuck: They were poisoned. At dinner.

Casey: Wonderful.

(A knock prompts Casey to take the chair from Chuck. Ellie smiles at them.)

Chuck: Hey, sis. Chair. Ta-da!

Ellie: (to Casey) Thank you.

Casey: Yeah. (leaves the room)

Ellie: Wow, Chuck, wow. I mean I knew you had it in you, but she is, well, she's really great.

Chuck: Yeah. She's...unpredictable.

Ellie: Hey, listen to me. You have no reason to be nervous, okay? I mean, she even made dessert.

Chuck: (uh oh) Dessert?

Ellie: Yeah!

Chuck: Wh - dessert! (after Ellie leaves) Dessert. Poison. Don't forget.

[Cut to: the Bartowski dining room where Capt. Awesome is about to savor Sarah's dessert]

Chuck: Stop! (shot of everyone's faces) We, ah, we didn't do a toast. Yet. (offscreen, as Capt. Awesome looks at Ellie who is clearly wondering what Chuck is up to) Which I'll do. Right now. (shot of Sarah and Ellie) Uh, so I'd like to propose a toast...to my sister, to my sister and, and to a meal that looks so great. And, Devon, (shot of Capt. Awesome) you're great. And, Sarah, (shot of Sarah) Sarah, for a great dessert. (shot of Casey eyeing the dessert) And to John Casey (he looks up at the mention of his name) and his, and his, and his many quiches, which (shot of Sarah looking at Casey's dish and Morgan nodding) are equally as great.

Morgan: And what about me, Chuck?

Ellie: For what?

Chuck: And to Morgan, for his great comic timing.

Morgan: Thanks, sir.

Everyone but Chuck: (clinks glasses with Ellie and Morgan) Cheers!

(shot of Sarah and Casey looking cautiously at each other, Chuck just sniffs his wine while Casey just holds his near his nose while Sarah takes a sip)

Ellie: Well, you know that soufflé does look amazing.

Capt. Awesome: (as he moves his fork) You're right, honey. I can't even--

Chuck: Wait! Wait, wait, wait! (shot of Capt. Awesome, Casey and Sarah whose patience is nearly extinguised) Who likes magic?

Morgan: I do!

Chuck: I know a trick!

Sarah: (forcing a smile) Chuck...

Ellie: (sucks in a breath very loudly as Chuck grabs hold of the table cloth) Chuck, what are you doing?

Chuck: (pulls the cloth) Voila!

(But unlike that of Morgan, the contents of the table remain in place. Only the candle next to the soufflé is unsteady.)

Chuck: How did--

Capt. Awesome: Whoa, Chuck, that was--

Morgan: Man, I knew you could do it!

(Casey hits his knee against the table, causing the candle to fall onto the soufflé. Whoopsy-daisy.)

Casey: Flambé.

(Chuck panics as he uses two cloths and brings it to the bathroom and douses it with water. Everyone follows him into the bathroom, shocked.)

Ellie: Chuck! No matter how stressed out you are it is never okay to murder a woman's soufflé!

(shot of a speechless Chuck and Sarah looking at him)

Sarah: (to Ellie, smiling) You know what? Let me talk to him. (she turns to Chuck and stops smiling)

(Everyone leaves)

Chuck: (walks toward the door) Hey. Casey, maybe, uh...(Sarah closes the door, grabs Chuck, slams him on the door and grabs his chin.)

Sarah: Okay, tell me exactly what Casey said.

Chuck: (something; I can't understand since his speech is muffled with the way Sarah is holding him)

(Sarah slams him again.)

[Cut to: the dining room where everybody except Chuck and Sarah are walking back. The slam is heard and they all look back.]

Capt. Awesome: Make-up sex. Nice.

[Cut to: the Bartowski bathroom. Sarah is twisting Chuck's hand.]

Sarah: What did he tell you?

Chuck: That you killed Dr. Zarnow and poisoned a bunch of French diplomats.

(Sarah twists his arm behind his back.)

Sarah: They're blaming me for Zarnow?

Chuck: If you're planning on hurting me, even to prove a point, I think you should know I have a very low threshold for pain. (We hear a crunch as Sarah tightens her grip.)

Sarah: And you believe Casey?

Chuck: (slowly sinking to the floor) Tell me...about...the French diplomats.

Sarah: They were French assassins. They were after me, but I got to them first! And you know what? I'm kinda glad that I did. Chuck, do you really think that my name is Sarah? (offscreen, as camera focuses on Chuck's expression of pain) I never asked you to believe me; I asked you to trust me! (exhales, as camera returns to her) This doesn't make sense. If Casey didn't kill Zarnow, then...(releases Chuck as she realizes something)

Chuck: What are you doing?

Sarah: I have to go. Right now. (flees the room quickly)

[Cut to: the Bartowski dining room. Sarah walks through quickly while talking.]

Sarah: I'm sorry. I have to go but dinner was wonderful.

(Everyone stares after her as Chuck enters the room, also in a hurry, but slower perhaps due to the 'pain'.)

Chuck: Gotta go. Be back. Yeah.

(camera pans to Casey also getting up)

Casey: Yeah. Well, I better be going, too, but this has been great. Thanks.

Ellie: (calls after her fleeing guests) Uh, you're welcome!

Morgan: Hm, I think that went well. You know, not great, but I think it went well. So, uh, (takes Casey's quiche) I'm gonna go make a doggy bag? And head out my Morgan door. How about that? Sounds good? Super.

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex. Sarah slips on her jacket while Chuck is hurrying to catch up to her.]

Chuck: Sarah, wait!

Sarah: You, stay inside. Do what I say. (leaves)

(Chuck runs after her but stops. We see Casey walking up behind him.)

Chuck: (turns to Casey) You think we were wrong?

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex. We hear the sound of a car pulling up and Sarah's expression.]

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex]

Sarah: (offscreen) Casey!

(We hear the sound of a dart hitting something and Sarah, screaming. The scene switches to an unconscious Sarah being put into the trunk of a car.)

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex. Chuck and Casey run out.]

Casey: (takes out his gun) Hey, don't move.

(The trunk is shut and we see...)

Chuck: (offscreen) Zarnow?

(Zarnow suddenly takes out what looks like a gun and fires. We hear the same sound before Sarah's scream. A needle-like bullet hits Casey on the arm, making him look groggy.)

Zarnow: Good to see you again, Agent Casey. (goes into his car and drives away)

(camera pans to Chuck looking both scared and shocked at the needle on Casey's arm)

Chuck: Oh my God!

Casey: Yep, we were wrong. (falls to Chuck)

[Cut to: night lighs over California]

[Cut to: Chuck and Casey]

Chuck: Casey, he's got Sarah; we've gotta save her!

Casey: Brilliant deduction, Nancy Drew. Now pull out the tranq dart! Ah!

Chuck: I have a very strong aversion to needles--

Casey: Do it!

(Chuck pulls it out, then looks at it fearfully.)

Chuck: That was the doctor, right? He's probably not dead.

Casey: Sun sets at the west. Nothing gets by you.

(Chuck puts his arms around Casey and pulls him up.)

Chuck: What's he gonna do with Sarah?

Casey: He's gonna torture her 'til she tells him all about you! (shot of the Nerd Herd insignia on Chuck's car) C'mon! If we hurry, we can catch him.

(Casey presses something on the car.)

Chuck: Where are we going?

Casey: (something) quiches with microbots.

Chuck: You're not kidding, are you?

Casey: I don't kid about quiche. (presses a button on the car stereo) We can trace them using the car's tracker.

Chuck: Yeah, I think, I think that only comes with the sports package.

Casey: (offscreen, as we see the car stereo become some sort of tracking device) You idiot, it's been enchanced when your car was in the shop. We got a signal. Let's go.

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: Buy More]

(shot of Chuck and Casey entering through the back, Casey is not walking straight)

Chuck: (whispering) Hey, hey, Casey, Casey, wait a minute. Why, why would he bring Sarah here?

Casey: I don't know. You wait here. (falls down then stands right back up) Damn tranq dart. (We hear screaming. They hear it, too, and saunter forward carefully.) C'mon.

Chuck: Oh, God!

[Cut to: outside the Buy More Home Theatre Room. Chuck is about to go inside.]

Casey: Hey, wait, you idiot.

(Casey checks behind the curtain, his gun at the ready. Chuck also takes a peek when the camera pans to show...)

(Morgan in full concentration, eating Casey's dish. He's actually watching a scary movie, and the screaming is coming from the female character onscreen.)

Chuck: (offscreen) It's Morgan. He ate your quiches.

Casey: We're on the wrong trail. Come on. (they leave, Morgan looks back and sees no one, directs his attention back to the LCD)

[Cut to: night lights over California]

Casey: (offscreen, camera pans to show "No Signal Found", "Searching..." and "No Signal Found" again) I got nothing.

Chuck: (offscreen) What do you mean you got nothing? What do we, what do we gonna do?

Casey: It's over, Chuck. She's gone.

Chuck: No, no, no, no, this is our fault. We didn't believe her, now we have to save her. Look, if you were the bad guy, what would you do? Fly Sarah out on a plane, would you use a boat, or, uh, uh, uh, what?

Casey: Chopper. (offscreen) There's a small airfield near the water. Closest I could find.

Chuck: Then do, do a satellite search using the touchscreen, and then maybe limit that to airfields that are within a certain range of us, and then maybe limit that by, if there's activity on the ground? (tone unsure, guessing)

Casey: That's not bad.

Chuck: Thanks. I was, you know, kinda I was spitballing, kinda top of my head--

Casey: Found it! (offscreen, camera pans to show "Location Found") Port of Los Angeles. Floor it.

Chuck: Okay. (camera pans to show Chuck's foot step heavily on the gas)

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: Chuck and Casey arriving at the airfield]

Casey: This is how this is gonna work. I'm gonna go over there, rescue Sarah, capture Dr. Zarnow, shoot anybody who gets in my way. You, you're gonna stay here.

Chuck: So, in this plan I basically do nothing?

Casey: Yup.

Chuck: Let's do this. (Casey leaves the car and runs carefully inside the 'warehouse') All right, all right, now we wait. (We hear a door opening. Chuck looks at the sound and sees Zarnow going out and closing the door before leaving.) Stay in the car. Stay in the car. Do not leave the car. Do not leave this car. (he appears to try to convince himself to do what Casey told him to do, but the voice in his head proves stronger and Chuck leaves)

[Cut to: inside the 'warehouse']

(The wrists of a woman are in handcuffs, and she tries to get out to no avail. Camera pans down to show her ankles are also tied together with duct tape. It pans up to see that it's Sarah, sweating, her mouth also covered in duct tape. We hear a door opening. Camera pans to show Chuck entering and looking around. He sees Sarah and rushes to her.)

Chuck: Sarah! Are you okay?

Sarah: (through duct tape) What are you doing here?

Chuck: Stupid question. Uh, should I--

(Sarah nods and he rips the duct tape off)

Sarah: Chuck, you have to get out of here.

Chuck: No, I'm here to save you!

Sarah: You shouldn't even be here - you're too valuable! Besides, I have this well in hand.

Chuck: Uh huh. Yeah. 'Cause it looks like it's well in hand.

Sarah: Just find me something to pick this lock. (Chuck puts something in her hand just as we hear the door opening again) Go, go, go!

Chuck: Here. (puts the duct tape back again)

Sarah: (through duct tape) Go!

(Chuck walks back, goes left then right, finding a way to hide, then decides to hide under a staircase. Enter Dr. Zarnow with something in his hand.)

Zarnow: The helicopter's ready, Agent Walker. This is your last chance. (silence) We're going to a special facility where they're going to torture you. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck trying to get a good view) Really torture. Not this child's play. (furious) Or you could just tell me who is Patient X?! (camera pans to Chuck, then returns to Zarnow who shows what he is holding. It's an EXTREMELY long needle.) Something for the flight.

Chuck: Oh, crap! (Zarnow looks back while Sarah yells "Chuck!" through the duct tape.) Oh, crap! (Chuck runs. Zarnow throws the needle and it almost hits Chuck. He flashes. We see Zarnow, medical stuff, another man, Zarnow shaking hands with him while looking over his back. The flash ends.) I know you. I know your secret. (camera pans to Zarnow getting the same gun he used on Casey) You, you've been feeding American science to North Korea for years.

(camera pans to Zarnow and Sarah picking the lock)

Zarnow: Ah, Patient X! To think that my secrets are in that head of yours. It's an honor, really. Of course, to hell with honor. I'm here for the impressive dollar figure. The human Intersect will finch. Who will I offer you to first? (shoots Chuck)

Chuck: Sa - Sarah...(collapses)

Zarnow: Don't worry, Agent Walker. I'll take good care of him. (leaves)

(camera pans to Sarah picking the lock)

(The screen splits into two - Sarah picking the lock and Zarnow's stooge dragging an unconscious Chuck to a helicopter. A chair bursts through a window, Sarah looks at it as she undoes the lock. Casey enters, gun at the ready. On the other scene, the helicopter's rotors are already spinning, ready for take-off.)

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey outside the 'warehouse']

(It has just taken off when they run out. Missed it by THAT much. Casey aims his gun at the helicopter.)

Sarah: No, Casey, don't shoot! They have Chuck!

[Cut to: inside the helicopter]

(Chuck is unconscious at the back)

Zarnow: Proceed to Bravo coordinates. The ship will be waiting there.

Pilot: ...10 miles offshore. (voice fades as Chuck wakes up. He looks at where the tranq dart hit him. We see it pierced through his ID, but not him.)

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter helplessly]

[Cut to: Zarnow inside the helicopter]

(camera pans to Chuck who grabs the tranq gun and aims it at Zarnow while holding it fearfully)

Chuck: Don't move!

(Zarnow and the pilot look back)

Zarnow: You must be kidding.

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter helplessly]

[Cut to: inside the helicopter]

Chuck: I want you to land the helicopter right now.

Zarnow: It's heavier than you thought.

Chuck: What?

(shot of the pilot looking back to the windshield)

Zarnow: The gun. It's heavy.

(camera pans to Chuck, then to Zarnow who starts to stand up)

Chuck: Don't. Don't.

Zarnow: Give me back the gun. (grabs the gun from Chuck. They wrestle with it for awhile. Chuck mistakenly shoots it and hits the pilot who slumps over the controls. Outside the helicopter is clearly out of control. Inside, Zarnow is thrown off his seat while Chuck is trying to grab onto something for dear life.) You shot the pilot, you idiot!

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter in full alert now]

Chuck: (offscreen) I didn't mean to do that!

Casey: What's happening?

[Cut to: inside the helicopter. I'm not sure if they're wrestling each other, or trying to get up. We then see Zarnow's hands around Chuck's neck.]

Chuck: Who's flying this thing?

Zarnow: You're going to kill us both!

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter in full alert]

Sarah: Come on, Chuck.

[Cut to: inside the helicopter]

Chuck: Let me go!

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter in full alert]

[Cut to: inside the helicopter]

Chuck: Get your hands off of me! Get off of me!

[Cut to: outside, the helicopter is thrust forward]

[Cut to: inside the helicopter, Chuck and Zarnow are slammed up, Zarnow is unconscious. Chuck clambers over to take Zarnow's seat, panting.]

Chuck: Oh, no! That's a crane!

[Cut to: outside, the helicopter is unsteadily flying]

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter in full alert]

Sarah: Oh my God, Casey, I think Chuck's flying the chopper.

(shot of Casey as his eyes follow the helicopter. He sees Chuck piloting it and takes out his cellphone.)

[Cut to: outside, the helicopter is unsteadily flying]

[Cut to: inside the helicopter, Chuck's phone is ringing. He takes out a bluetooth mouthpiece out of his pocket.]

Chuck: (breathless) Oh my God, oh my God! Hi, yeah, I'm here!

[Cut to: Casey on the phone]

Casey: Told you to stay in the car!

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: You know what? Forget about the car! Tell me how to fly a helicopter!

[Cut to: Casey on the phone, Sarah is watching the helicopter, Casey paces as he speaks]

Casey: All right, there's a collective and a cyclic control!

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: What?

[Cut to: Casey on the phone]

Casey: One that looks like a stick, one that looks like an emergency brake!

[Cut to: Chuck, trying to find what Casey is talking about]

Casey: (offscreen) Grab 'em up!

Chuck: (he finds it) Okay, okay, I got it, I got it! (We see it heading for the crane through Chuck's eyes) Oh my God, oh my God, this is not working!

[Cut to: Casey on the phone, Sarah is watching the helicopter, Casey paces as he speaks]

Casey: Push the stick just a bit forward while doing the same thing with the emergency brake!

[Cut to: Chuck. We see it nearing the water through Chuck's eyes.]

Chuck: Not good!

[Cut to: Casey on the phone, Sarah is watching the helicopter, Casey paces as he speaks]

Casey: Pull up! Pull up! (camera pans to Chuck) (offscreen) Pull over the emergency brake! (camera returns to Casey) Level off! Level off!

[Cut to: Chuck. He's really scared.]

Chuck: I don't know how! I don't know how to level off!

[Cut to: Casey on the phone]

Casey: Listen, moron! You wanna die?!

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Casey, put Sarah on the phone.

[Cut to: Casey on the phone]

Sarah: (offscreen) Give me the phone, Casey!

Casey: (frowning) Here!

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey looking up]

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: Okay, Chuck, you're gonna be okay. Now, I need you to focus. Uh, have you ever played any flying games before?

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Flight simulators? Yeah, flight simulators, yeah, sure, I've done those, yeah.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: Okay, which ones?

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Uh, (something) Skies, Stealth, Fighter Elite, (something) Chopper Patrol--

Sarah: (offscreen) Great.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: Okay, now remember that last one. I want you to pretend like you're playing that game, okay? You're just in your bedroom...

[Cut to: Chuck]

Sarah: (offscreen) You're playing a game. None of this is real.

Chuck: This is a game. It's just a game. Okay, I can do this.

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter]

Chuck: (offscreen) I can play this game.

[Cut to: inside the helicopter, through Chuck's eyes]

Sarah: (offscreen) Easy, Chuck, easy!

(We see the water)

Chuck: Uh, uh, is this one of...

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter]

Chuck: (offscreen) ...those helicopters that can turn into a boat?

Sarah: No, it isn't. Just ease to the right and use the brake.

[Cut to: Chuck]

Sarah: (offscreen) They designed the game exactly like the helicopter.

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah watching the helicopter]

Chuck: (offscreen) I got it.

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: I got it. Almost there.

[Cut to: outside, the helicopter is unsteadily flying]

Sarah: (offscreen) A little more to the right.

Chuck: Use the brake. It's just a game. A big, scary video game. (he makes a bumpy landing) Whoa, whoa! Oh, thank you, God! (to the unconscious pilot) You are wonderful! (gets out, shot of Sarah looking furious and Casey hurrying over to the helicopter) And that is how I do that! (Sarah looks furious) Okay, okay, that is how we do that. Go, team! (something) Palms are a little sweaty, but--

Sarah: What the hell were you thinking?!

Chuck: Clammy hands. Got it, no good.

Sarah: Chuck, the secrets that you know are incredibly important! You compromised everything when you stopped trusting me!

Casey: And when you got out of the car.

Chuck: Listen, I'm, I'm sorry, ok--

Sarah: No, it is not okay! (shot of Chuck's expression at Sarah's rant) How could you think I was the double, huh? No, I am not Bryce! Bryce betrayed everything that I believed in, and if you ever accuse me of that again, then I will walk away! Mission over. We all go back to Washington. And you do not want that to happen, Chuck. That, you should trust me on.

(shot of Sarah walking away)

(camera pans to Casey looking back at a speechless Chuck)

Casey: Way to go, Ace!

[Cut to: sunrise over California]

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom. He is fixing his tie in front of a mirror in his closet. Ellie walks in quietly.]

Ellie: (offscreen) Dad's suit.

Chuck: Yeah. It's my only one.

(camera pans to Ellie, looking sympathetic)

Ellie: I'm quite certain he wouldn't mind, though. You realize that you don't have to go to Bryce's funeral?

[Cut to: Bryce's funeral]

Chuck: (offscreen) Yeah, yeah, I guess. (camera pans to Chuck watching from a distance) We had a lot of history together...even if he did get me kicked out of school and steal my girlfriend.

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom]

Ellie: Well, you've moved on to bigger and better girls. I don't really mean bigger like literally bigger. I just mean, that, um...but I really like Sarah...

[Cut to: Bryce's funeral. Chuck spots Sarah who is also away from the other mourners.]

Ellie: (offscreen) And I hope you guys work things out before the next dinner party, of course.

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom]

Chuck: I don't know, I don't know, sis. I, I really think I blew it.

Ellie: Chuck, just try apologizing. It goes a long way.

[Cut to: Bryce's funeral. Chuck raises a hand, but Sarah looks away. She is fighting back tears.]

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom]

Ellie: Sarah is special. She's different from your Stanford friends.

Chuck: Yeah. Yeah.

[Cut to: Bryce's funeral. Camera pans to the casket being lowered to the ground. Shot of Sarah leaving. Camera returns to Chuck. A couple of meters away from him is Casey lurking behind a tree, on the phone.]

Casey: Go.

Beckman: (offscreen, through the phone) He flew a helicopter?!

[Cut to: Washington, D.C. General Beckman is flipping through a folder.]

Beckman: Your report was rather terrifying, Major Casey. Do we really have the situation in hand, or should Mr. Bartowski be in our care full-time?

[Cut to: Casey]

Casey: Well, you know how I feel, General. (shot of Chuck listening to the service) But for now, we're in control.

[Cut to: General Beckman]

Beckman: Then Chuck stays where he is. But, uh, don't get too comfortable, Casey. The new Intersect will be up and running in six months.

[Cut to: Casey]

Casey: What happens to Chuck when this is done?

[Cut to: General Beckman]

Beckman: You do what you do best.

[Cut to: Casey ending the call and walking away]

[Cut to: California in the morning]

[Cut to: Chuck walking toward the Wienerlicious]

(He opens the door. Sarah has her back to him as she clears a table.)

Chuck: Knock, knock.

Sarah: Hey, Chuck.

Chuck: How is everything? I, I saw you at the funeral.

(camera pans to Sarah)

Sarah: Oh, uh, yeah, I had to go. (cold expression) After everything Bryce did, he was still my partner. (walks toward the counter)

Chuck: (follows her) Look, I, I, I'm not accusing you of anything...today. Yesterday, yes, I may have laid it on a little thick with the accusing. But I'm really sorry about that. Instead of not trusting you I should have been thanking you for saving my life and protecting the country and, and, and making really tasty gourmet wieners.

(A hint of a smile plays on Sarah's lips)

Sarah: I'm sorry I yelled at you.

Chuck: It was our first fight. You know it's a big step if our relationship were remotely real.

Sarah: You know, with Dr. Zarnow gone, Chuck, those Intersect secrets aren't going anywhere. That means more mission, more danger, more secrets that you can't tell your sister or your friends--

Chuck: (looks at Sarah) I know that.

Sarah: Some people want to be heroes, and others have to be asked. So, Chuck, are you ready?

Chuck: (hesitantly) Yeah.

Sarah: Good.

(shot of Ellie, Capt. Awesome and Morgan coming in)

Ellie: Hi, (shot of Capt. Awesome raising a hand to the 'couple') I hope we're not interrupting anything.

Chuck: Uhhh, (faces Sarah) by the way, I thought we'd give that dinner another shot. Maybe here.

(shot of Morgan putting an arm around Ellie's shoulder nonchalantly)

Morgan: (offscreen) We knew you'd forgive him!

(shot of Ellie taking Morgan's arm off her shoulder)

Sarah: Right, you all realize you have to eat my cooking. (grinning)

Capt. Awesome: Give me the 411 on the corndogs. (Chuck widens his eyes at Sarah who smiles.) Come on, buddy.

Chuck: Sarah? (she hands him a burnt sausage) Okay. Cheers. (raises it and takes a bite)

(camera pans to a smiling Sarah, then to Chuck who's nodding but internally fighting vomiting)




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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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