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#103 : Tango, tango

Titre VO : Chuck Versus the Tango
Titre VF : Tango, tango
Diffusion USA : 08/10/07
Diffusion France : 23/11/08

Résumé court :

Big Mike confie à Chuck une mission afin qu'il prouve sa motivation pour le poste de manager assistant.

Dans un même temps, le jeune homme apprend, non sans angoisse, qu'il va effectuer sa première mission d'agent secret sur le terrain. Sarah et John ont en effet besoin de lui pour identifier un redoutable tueur surnommé La Ciudad...


4.46 - 13 votes

Titre VO
Chuck Versus the Tango

Titre VF
Tango, tango


"Give me a kiss" (VO)

"Give me a kiss" (VO)


Plus de détails


L’épisode démarre sur une peinture, assez laide. Il s’agit apparemment d’un trafic. Chaque personne propriétaire du tableau se font tuer une à une par la personne qui devait leur acheter.


Chuck a une arme braquée sur lui. Il supplie qu'on ne lui tire pas dessus... mais en fait il s’agit d’un pistolet pour jeux vidéo qui ne marche plus. Chuck le répare et le garçon recommence à jouer. C’est alors qu’Harry Tang arrive pour dire à Chuck que Big Mike veut le voir. Chuck lui dit qu'il est avec un client et qu'il ira plus tard, mais Big Mike arrive, et Chuck le suit. Big Mike lui demande ce qu'il attend de la vie. Chuck ne sait pas trop comment prendre la question, alors Big Mike lui parle du Buy More et lui demande comment il se voit dans cinq ou dix ans. Comme Chuck n’en sait rien, Big Mike lui dit qu'il serait temps qu'il y réfléchisse car le poste d’assistant manager se joue entre lui et Harry Tang et que s’il veut le poste, il doit lui montrer quelque chose.


Chuck rassemble son équipe du Nerd Herd car ils doivent réparer tous les vieux ordinateurs qui sont dans l’arrière-boutique. Morgan arrive et dit qu'il veut aider l’équipe, mais qu’il n’y connaît rien et qu'il a la trouille des vieux ordinateurs. Il dit aussi que Sarah est là, le visage de Chuck s’illumine.

Sarah lui demande de l’embrasser, mais Chuck est mal à l’aise. Il lui dit qu’il n’est pas vraiment du genre démonstrations publiques, elle l’attire alors dans une autre pièce sous le regard de Morgan qui est rempli d’admiration. C’est alors que Casey se dirige vers le couple. Morgan tente de le retenir mais sans succès.


Casey entre la salle de visionnage, et dit qu'il apprécierait qu'on le prévienne. Sarah montre ensuite à Chuck les photos des personnes tuées et lui dit qu’ils veulent savoir pourquoi elles ont été tuées. Mais, Chuck n’en sait rien, c’est alors que Jeff entre. Il pensait faire une sieste, il tient un journal à la main où il y a une représentation de la peinture. Chuck a un flash. Sarah lui demande ce qu'il a vu: un tableau avec des nénuphars, des armes, et un nom « La Ciudad ». Il demande si ça leur dit quelque chose, car il pense qu'il sera à la vente aux enchères le lendemain soir. Sur ce, il les laisse pour aller réparer ses ordinateurs.


À la maison, Ellie est très fière que Chuck ait le poste d’assistant manager. Chuck lui dit que ce n’est pas encore fait et que ce n’est que 2 dollars de plus par heure. Ellie lui demande s’il compte quitter le Buy More un jour pour trouver un vrai métier. Morgan réagit en disant que le Buy More est un vrai métier, s’engage alors une conversation tendue entre les deux. Chuck est allé à Stanford, mais il s’est fait virer, et il faut être réaliste sur leurs objectifs. Les objectifs de Chuck ou ceux de Morgan, demande Sarah. Où voit-on Chuck dans cinq ans? Dix ans? Ellie le regarde sceptique.

Sarah et Casey sont en conversation vidéo avec leurs dirigeants, ils parlent de La Ciudad, ils ne savent pas à quoi il ressemble, il ne sera donc pas facile de l’intercepter à la vente aux enchères. Casey dit qu’il faut emmener l’Intersect, mais Sarah dit que c’est bien trop dangereux.

Morgan et Ellie sont encore en pleine conversation. Morgan dit que le travail en dehors du Buy More est bien trop effrayant. Ellie soutient que Chuck vaut bien mieux que le Buy More.

Les dirigeants de la CIA et de la NSA approuvent l’idée de Casey et acceptent d’envoyer Chuck à la vente aux enchères, ainsi ils verront de quoi il est capable.

Devon arrive sur le canapé près de Chuck en disant qu'il faut le tester pour voir de quoi il est capable. Il lui propose de tester ses limites sur des rapides de difficulté 5 avec lui. Chuck dit qu'il aimerait bien mais que son maillot est au pressing. Ellie et Morgan sont enfin d’accord pour dire que cette idée est bien trop dangereuse pour Chuck. Ellie demande enfin à Chuck ce que lui veut faire, et Chuck lui répond qu'il va se coucher.

En entrant dans sa chambre, Chuck sursaute en voyant Casey à sa fenêtre, celui-ci lui apprend que le lendemain, il aura sa première mission.


Au Buy More, Chuck demande comment il doit s’habiller, Casey lui apprend qu'il lui a loué un costume et qu'il connaît sa taille grâce au dossier que la NSA a sur lui; voyant la tête de Chuck, Casey lui dit qu'il a simplement regardé dans son placard. Chuck lui dit qu'il n’apprécie pas vraiment son sarcasme, et lui demande ensuite comment il va reconnaître La Ciudad. Casey lui dit que s’ils l’emmènent, c’est parce qu’ils ont besoin qu'il ait un flash et lui dit que tout se passera bien tant qu'il sait danser le tango.

Big Mike fait signe à Chuck de se dépêcher pour finir de réparer les ordinateurs, alors que Morgan lui apprend que Sarah est là. Chuck doit absolument réparer ces ordinateurs, mais son équipe lui dit qu’il peut s’en aller et qu’ils s’en occupent.


Au Wienerlicious, Sarah lui explique comment se passe une couverture, elle demande à Chuck s’il a déjà pensé à un nom. Chuck lui parle de Charles Carmichael, qui serait la version de lui qui ne se serait pas fait virer de Stanford. Sarah lui demande ce qu'il s’est passé, et Chuck lui apprend que c’est Bryce qui l’a fait virer en l’accusant d’avoir triché à un examen. Sarah lui demande s’il l’avait vraiment fait, et Chuck lui dit qu'il a fait beaucoup d’erreurs mais pas celle-là.


En rentrant, Chuck demande à sa sœur si elle sait comment on danse un tango. Captain Awesome sort de sa douche et dit qu'il sait danser le tango depuis son voyage à Bueno Aires. Ils se mettent alors à danser, mais Chuck apprend la partie féminine.


Au Buy More, alors que l’équipe est en train de réparer les ordinateur, Tang arrive pour en donner d’autres.


Dans la voiture, Sarah offre une montre GPS à Chuck pour qu’elle puisse le suivre partout, et lui dit que s’il a un flash, il doit rester à l’écart. Casey lui dit que tout se passera bien tant qu'il sait danser le tango, Chuck lui dit qu'il s’est préparé pour ça. Sarah demande s’il s’agit d’un code parce qu’elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il faudrait danser le tango. Casey se met à rire, Chuck comprend alors que c’était encore le mauvais sens de l’humour de Casey.


Au Buy More, l’équipe abandonne les réparations, mais Morgan essaye de les en empêcher, et leur dit que s’ils ne réparent pas ces ordinateurs, c’est Harry Tang qui aura le poste, et il leur expose ce qui ne sera plus possible quand Tang sera aux pouvoirs : plus de longues poses déjeuner, plus de tournois de Xbox, et plus de pornos. L’équipe revient, mais un peu à contre cœur.


À la soirée, Chuck et Sarah viennent tout juste d’arriver, et déjà Chuck se renverse de la sauce soja sur le costume. Sarah lui dit d’aller se nettoyer et de se calmer.

Alors que Chuck est en train de nettoyer sa tache de soja dans les toilettes, un homme vient se laver les mains à côté de lui. Chuck a un flash, il s’agit de La Ciudad. Chuck sort rapidement des toilettes pour retrouver Sarah. Il lui montre La Ciudad, et lui dit que la mission est accomplie, qu’ils peuvent s’en aller. Mais Sarah lui dit d’aller au bar.

Au bar, Chuck se rend compte que Casey est le barman. C’est alors qu’un de ses anciens camarades de Stanford le reconnaît. Il lui demande ce qu’il est devenu et lui donne sa carte. Chuck a un flash et dit qu’il a des compte offshore aux îles Caïmans. L’homme reprend sa carte et s’en va.


Au Buy More, l’équipe ne travaille pas vraiment. Morgan essaye de les booster, et leur dit qu'il y a encore beaucoup de boulot, mais il enlève l’ordinateur qui tenait la porte de la cage, et se retrouve coincé à l’intérieur. Les autres lui disent qu'il n’y a que deux clés: une pour Tang, et l’autre pour Chuck. L’équipe s’en va en laissant ce pauvre Morgan à la merci des vieux ordinateurs.


À la soirée, Chuck essaye de se saouler. Et Sarah se rapproche de La Ciudad, c’est alors qu’un des gardes de La Ciudad lui pointe discrètement une arme dans le dos, et la guide vers une autre pièce. Heureusement que Casey a tout vu.

Chuck se retrouvant seul, il fait un petit tour dans la salle et voit le tableau. Il a alors un flash, il y a quelque chose dans le cadre, il s’approche pour le voir de plus près. Il se fait alors interpeller par un femme. Il lui parle un peu du tableau et du fait qu‘il est plutôt intéressé par le cadre, quand Morgan l’appelle, mais il ne lui répond pas.


Sur le toit, La Ciudad demande à Sarah pour qui elle travaille, alors que Casey reste caché en attendant le bon moment pour agir.

Dans la salle, la musique de tango commence, la femme dit qu’elle adore le tango et demande à Chuck s’il veut bien l’accompagner, il accepte.

En haut, Sarah voit que Casey est planqué.

Chuck commence à danser et demande à la femme si elle veut bien guider la danse car il ne sait faire que la partie féminine.

Casey fracasse la porte et mettent les hommes hors d’état de nuire, mais l’homme leur apprend qu’ils sont des agents internationaux du MI-6 des services secrets britanniques. Ils sont à la recherche de La Ciudad, ils voulaient l’attirer avec cette peinture qui a du plutonium caché dans le cadre, pour lui tendre un piège.

Chuck est toujours en train de danser avec la femme quand il voit qu’elle a une cicatrice au cou, il a alors un flash. C’est elle, La Ciudad.


Au Buy More, alors que l’équipe joue aux jeux vidéos, Morgan essaye de joindre l’hotel où est Chuck. Il demande à lui parler en le décrivant.

Un femme interpelle alors Chuck en lui demandant s’il est Chuck Bartowski, car un de ses amis insiste pour lui parler au téléphone. Chuck affirme que ce n’est pas lui, et la femme s’en va. Seulement La Ciudad veut en avoir le cœur net, elle attire Chuck dans sa chambre avec l’aide de deux hommes armés.


Chuck est attaché à une chaise, La Ciudad lui demande son vrai nom. Chuck répond d’abord Charles Carmichael, mais il se reprend quand elle lui lance un couteau entre les jambes. Ensuite, elle lui explique les façons qu’elle a le torturer mais tout ça n’est pas vraiment joli, alors elle lui demande simplement pour qui il travaille. Il répond qu'il ne travaille pour personne, qu'il répare les ordinateurs. Les deux hommes l’attirent jusqu’au balcon pour le balancer, quand Chuck dit que le tableau doit être un faux. La Ciudad lui demande ce qu'il sait, Chuck lui explique alors qu'il a vu une photo du tableau dans le New York Times et que le tableau n’avait pas le même cadre. Elle lui pointe son arme dessus et lui demande comment on répare un ordinateur pour voir s’il dit vrai.

Pendant ce temps, Casey et Sarah qui ont vu que Chuck n’était plus dans la salle, sont dans le couloir et suivent le GPS de la montre de Chuck.

Chuck parle alors de ce qui peut ne pas aller dans un ordinateur, et La Ciudad comprend qu'il est vraiment réparateur, mais elle va quand même devoir le tuer. C’est à ce moment qu’arrivent Sarah et Casey. Une fusillade s’engage et Chuck fait balancer sa chaise pour se retrouver au sol. La Ciudad saute du balcon et atterrit sur la terrasse de la chambre d’en dessous, celle de l’ancien camarade de Chuck qui est en train de téléphoner, tout paniqué qu'on soit au courant pour ses comptes au Caïmans.

La Ciudad s’enfuit et dit à l’un de ses hommes qu’il faut s’occuper de Chuck.


En rentrant chez lui, Chuck retrouve Ellie couchée sur le canapé. Elle veut qu'il lui raconte son rendez-vous. Il s’installe près d’elle, et elle lui demande s’il aime Sarah. Chuck dit que c’est compliqué mais Ellie insiste, mais Chuck ne sait pas trop comment lui dire qu'il ne peut rien dire. Elle est un peu vexée et lui dit que s’il préfère parler à Morgan, il n’a pas arrêté d’appeler et qu'il s'est coincé dans la cage de rangement.

Chuck va au Buy More délivrer Morgan et passe le reste de sa nuit à réparer les ordinateurs.


Le lendemain matin, Big Mike arrive et dit qu'il est impressionné que Chuck ait réussi à tout finir. Chuck dit que c’est surtout grâce à l’équipe.

Pendant ce temps, Morgan fait le fier car il a réussi à survivre dans la cage.

Casey vient féliciter Chuck pour son travail de la veille, et Chuck lui dit d’arrêter les sarcasmes. Casey lui affirme que ce n’en était pas et qu'il les a aidé à trouver La Ciudad, car avec son aide, ils ont des photos et des échantillons de sang qui lui appartiennent, et que grâce à ça ils peuvent la retrouver.


Un peu plus tard, les deux hommes de La Ciudad entrent au Buy More, et Chuck se cache en vitesse. Casey s’en rend compte et suit l’un des hommes. Chuck s’appelle lui-même pour aller dans la cage de rangement. L’homme demande à Casey où ça se trouve et il l’y conduit. Ils se battent et Casey enferme l’homme dans un des frigos du magasin.

Chuck va se cacher dans la salle de rangement et lorsque l’homme entre dans la cage, il y va et ferme la porte. Seulement, elle a été réparée, l’homme en ressort et lui pointe son arme dessus. Mais avant de tirer, il se reçoit un ordinateur en plein face, lancé par Casey.

À l’extérieur, Sarah voit une femme avec une cicatrice dans le cou, elle pense que c’est La Ciudad. Elle monte sur un toit avec un fusil longue portée, et Sarah la suit. Un bagarre s’engage.

Sarah parvient à maîtriser La Ciudad et tout rentre donc dans l’ordre.


Chuck rentre chez lui, où Ellie est toujours fâchée. Il lui explique que s’il n’a pas voulu lui parler c’était pour ne pas avoir à lui mentir, car il ne veut pas lui donner de faux espoirs à propos de cette relation. Il pense que Sarah n’est pas attachée à lui, mais Ellie lui affirme le contraire mais que ce n’est pas ses affaires. Chuck accepte alors de répondre à ses questions. Ellie lui demande s’il aime Sarah. Et Chuck répond oui. Ellie lui dit qu’elle est contente car tant qu'il est heureux c’est tout ce qui compte pour elle, et qu'elle sait ce qu'il mérite et quel homme extraordinaire il est. Ils se font un câlin. On sonne à la porte, il s’agit de Morgan et Sarah. Morgan est encore là pour s’incruster.

À la fin de la soirée, Sarah le félicite pour sa première mission réussie, mais Chuck n’est pas très enthousiaste. Il se demande à quoi sert d’être un héros si personne n’est au courant, mais Sarah lui répond que lui le sait et qu’elle aussi. Chuck lui dit alors que ce serait le moment qu’ils s’embrassent pour se dire bonne nuit, et avoue qu’il pourrait le faire si leur relation était réelle, Sarah dit qu’elle aussi puis s’en va.

Morgan arrive et dit à Chuck que Casey lui fout vraiment la trouille car il est encore en train de les surveiller de sa fenêtre.

[Open: a painting. "Tehran, Iran" flashes onscreen.]

Man #1: (speaking in what I guess is Persian) Not very good. (camera pans out to take in two men standing in front of the painting) Terrible use of color.

(Man #2 shoots Man #1, and takes the painting.)

[Cut to: a warehouse. "Madrid, Barajas Airport, Two Weeks Later" appears onscreen. We see a hand opening a crate. It's the same painting. There are two men again. Man #2 hands Man #1 a briefcase.]

Man #1: (speaking in Spanish...I think) This looks like it was painted by a five-year-old.

(Man #2 shoots Man #1, and puts the crate into a car.)

[Cut to: "Miller Art Gallery, downtown Los Angeles" flashes onscreen]

(camera pans out to take two men again)

(Man #1 removes the cover as Man #2 speaks. Man #1 is Man #2 in Madrid.)

Man #2: Your money is on the desk. (Man #1 goes to the table and opens the briefcase. We see lots and lots of cash. A shot echoes as Man #1 collapses to the floor, showing Man #2 with a gun. Man #2 turns around at the painting.) What a piece of crap.

(camera focuses on the painting which now has a different frame)

[Cut to: "One Month Later, northeast Los Angeles" appears onscreen. We see a gun being pointed at a blurry Chuck as he looks scared.]

Chuck: Please, please (the image clears) don't shoot. Don't shoot me. Just put the gun down...gently.

(camera pans to the one holding the gun. It's a kid...and it's a toy gun.)

Boy: I can't shoot. (camera pans out to see the kid on top of a step stool with 19 LCDs in the background showing a basketball game) That's the problem. This stupid thing is busted.

(camera pans to Chuck who holds his hand out to the gun)

Chuck: Well, when it comes to Mr. Bartowski, my friend, "busted" is just a state of mind. (takes out a screwdriver and fixes the gun) A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and ta-da - locked and loaded. (hands it to the kid who starts shooting at a video game) Try that.

Harry: Chuck, Big Mike wants to see you.

Chuck: Not now, Harry. Can't you see I'm with a customer? (Harry leaves.) I apologize, sir. This isn't normally how we do things at Buy More.

(Big Mike suddenly appears over his shoulder)

Big Mike: Now, Chuck!

Chuck: I was just on my way to see you. That's crazy. (Big Mike leaves) Pause that!

[Cut to: Big Mike's office. Chuck knocks and enters. Camera pans to see clipboards on the wall and a marlin on top of them. It pans down to Big Mike.]

Big Mike: Bartowski, what is it that you want in life?

Chuck: You mean, existentially, life fulfillment, inner peace - that kinda thing? Or, or are we talking about a practical thing, like Lakers tickets, personal--

Big Mike: We're talking Buy More. Career objective. Where do you see yourself in five years, ten years?

Chuck: Honestly?

Big Mike: Honestly.

Chuck: I have absolutely no idea.

Big Mike: Well, then, it's time you start to think about it. (offscreen, as camera focuses on Chuck) As you know, there's an assistant manager position open. It's open to you and Harry Tang. (camera returns to Big Mike) Now, you want that job or not?

Chuck: (not exactly giving the impression that he does and who could blame him?) I do, I do. Uh, I'm sorry, Big Mike. I absolutely want that job.

Big Mike: Well, then, Bartowski, 'cause in return you should show me something.

[Cut to: an area in the Buy More where destroyed computers are stored. Enter Chuck and his fellow Nerd Herds.]

Chuck: I've got some bad news: Big Mike wants us to fix all of this junk (offscreen, as camera pans out to take in the mess) in two days, or he's going to give the assistant store manager position to Tang. (camera returns to them as Lester and Anna are making faces at the mess) I'm sorry, guys...and Anna.

Anna: "Guys" is fine, I don't mind.

Chuck: No, it's not right, we need to come up with something non-gender-specific. How do we feel about "team"?

Anna: "The little Nerd-Herders"?

Lester: "The Lesters"?

Jeff: "Chuck's Stable of Hos"?

(Chuck looks back at him in horror when the door opens and Morgan walks in.)

Morgan: Hey, all. (everyone looks at him) Oh, man. Uh, heard Big Mike let down the gauntlet. Just wanted to come by and say I'd love to help, but a) I lack the skill set, and b) old computers give me the willies. You have no idea how much courage it's taking just to stand here.

Chuck: I'm really proud of you, buddy.

Morgan: Whew! (exhales) Thanks, man. I bring you news.

Chuck: What?

Morgan: Your lady's here, and hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, lookin' good...

(Chuck smiles)

[Cut to: in front of the Nerd Herd center and the entrance]

(slow motion)

(Sarah is on her tiptoes, looking for Chuck. She sees him and waves, smiling. He waves back.)

(end of slow motion as Chuck walks up to Sarah)

Chuck: Hey...

Sarah: Hey. Give me a kiss.

Chuck: I'm sorry, what?

Sarah: We've been on three dates. We have to sell it. (Chuck looks around, uncomfortable, and kisses Sarah on the cheek.) That's it? (jocular tone)

Chuck: I'm not really good with PDA.

Sarah: Hm. Well, let's go somewhere a little private. (shot of Sarah taking Chuck's hand) Shall we?

(camera pans to see Morgan, watching this, apparently under the illusion that what is between Chuck and Sarah is real)

Morgan: (Casey is seen nearing him) Okay, he is so in. (sees Casey headed to the Home Theatre Room where Chuck and Sarah just entered) Hey, whoa! (jumps in front of Casey) Why don't we give the kids a little privacy--

(Casey grabs his face and pushes him out of the way. Seriously, the actor playing Casey has HUGE hands!)

(The curtains in the Home Theatre Room are already drawn as Casey goes in. Camera pans back to Morgan.)

Morgan: Not cool.

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room. Casey just got in through the curtains. Shot of Chuck's face as he sees Casey.]

Casey: Sorry to break up your little tryst. But the next time you need to talk to the subject, I would appreciate a little heads-up.

Sarah: Relax. I wouldn't dream of starting without you, Agent Casey.

Chuck: Mom. Dad. Can we get on with it? I have hard drives to fix.

(Sarah is placing pictures of the dead guys on the table. Chuck bends down to see them better.)

Chuck: Why are these people sleeping?

Casey: They're not sleeping.

Sarah: They were killed, Chuck, and we wanna know why.

Chuck: (puts a picture back down) I have no idea.

Casey: Well, look again.

Chuck: I would rather not. It's kind of creepy.

(sound of the door sliding open. Jeff has a newspaper tucked under his arm and a brown bag on his hand. Shot of the three standing up.)

Jeff: Oh, sorry. I was gonna take a nap. (offscreen, as camera pans down to the newspaper) I'll come back in five. Can I call dibs on the couch?

(Chuck flashes. We see images of the painting, 'La Ciudad' numerous times, 'Art Auction' and a similar NSA file to that of Zarnow from last episode but is named 'La Ciudad'. Jeff leaves.)

Sarah: Chuck, what did you see?

Chuck: I...I don't...I'm not totally sure. Water lily painting, weapons, an art auction tomorrow night. Does the name "La Ciudad" mean anything to you?

(Casey and Sarah share a look)

Casey: Why?

Chuck: 'Cause I think he's going to be at the art auction tomorrow night. (Casey and Sarah share a look again. Noting this, Chuck makes his escape.) Right then, I'm going to fix some hard drives. Good luck with the spy stuff. Excuse me. (leaves)

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

Ellie: (offscreen) Chuck, I am so proud of you! (camera pans to the Bartowski kitchen where Ellie moves to hug her brother) Morgan told me about the assistant manager job!

Chuck: (holds his sister's wrists because she is holding a palette knife full of frosting) Ah!

Ellie: Congratulations!

(We see Morgan in the background and comes in between sister and brother.)

Morgan: Chuck Bartowski moving up in the world, huh? (pats Chuck's back and gives Ellie a glance while munching on a carrot stick)

Chuck: Okay. First of all, it's not mine yet. And second of all, you could ease up on the enthusiasm. It's only a two dollar (shot of Morgan sitting near the counter while Chuck goes to the fridge) an hour raise at an electronics store, and it doesn't even give me my own parking space.

Ellie: Does your lack of interest mean that you're actually considering leaving the Buy More for a real profession?

Morgan: Real profession? No, sorry, I'm gonna need clarification on that. (camera pans out to see Chuck carry a can of soda and a sandwich to the counter)

Ellie: He went to Stanford, for God's sakes, Morgan.

Morgan: Right. And was unceremoniously expelled. (shot of Chuck raising his head) Sorry to bring that up, champ, but we need to be realistic about our goals here.

Ellie: His goals or your goals?

(camera pans to Chuck, sighing, as he moves from the kitchen to the living room. Here we go again - Morgan and Ellie discussing MY life!!!)

Morgan: Great question. (something) Where do we see Chuck in five years? Ten years?

Ellie: We?

Morgan: Fine. Just you and I.

[Cut to: Casey's apartment where he has set up as his office. There is a corkboard with pictures of Chuck's family and friends. Camera slowly pans to Sarah and Casey looking at the computer.]

Beckman: (offscreen) We're glad to hear that you have settled in to Chuck's apartment building. But if he's right, this is a high priority. La Ciudad is the most (camera pans to the computer where Beckman and Graham can be seen) elusive and dangerous arms dealer in the world.

Graham: Last anyone heard, MI6 and London had a drop-off, but he vanished.

(camera pans to Sarah and Casey)

Sarah: Well, if he turns up, we'll just take him down at the auction.

Graham: (offscreen) Not so easy...

[Cut to: Washington, D.C.]

Graham: We have no idea what he looks like. No photographs. No one has ever seen La Ciudad that lives to tell about it.

[Cut to: Casey's apartment]

Casey: So we'll bring the Intersect. (camera pans to show Sarah looking incredulously at Casey) Everything we know about La Ciudad was fed into that computer--

Sarah: (shaking her head) No way. It is too dangerous. He has no field experience or training.

Casey: He'll be fine. It's an art auction.

[Cut to: Chuck reading a magazine as Ellie and Morgan continue to bicker. They've moved their argument to the living room where they're faced off like a father and his daughter's prom date.]

Morgan: Listen, it is way too scary out there. Chuck can't leave the Buy More. We're still finding ourselves!

Ellie: (offscreen, as camera focuses on Chuck taking a bite out of a cupcake) No offense, Morgan, but I think my brother has spent quite a few years finding himself, (camera returns to Ellie) and he has definitely proven that his place in life is not at the Buy More!

Morgan: (offscreen, as camera focuses on Chuck licking his fingers) You don't understand. He is a fragile little gelding, (camera returns to Morgan) you know, still trying to find his legs. The real world will CRUSH him!

Ellie: Do you know what a gelding is?

Morgan: (scoffs, prompting a look from Chuck) It's the, that weird creature from The Dark Crystal. (impersonates a character from the film) "Smells like Gelding" that, that guy.

[Cut to: Casey's apartment]

Casey: He'll be fine! La Ciudad probably won't even be there.

Sarah: And if he is? Is it worth the risk?

(camera pans to the computer)

Beckman: All right. I've heard enough. Put him on the field. (offscreen, shot of Casey's smug face, as if to say, "I won!") We don't know what he's capable of until he's been tested.

[Cut to: Chuck still reading the magazine as Capt. Awesome plops down on the couch next to him]

Capt. Awesome: What he needs is something to challenge him. Test his limitations, a brush with his own mortality. Know what I'm thinking?

Ellie: (shakes her head) I have no idea what you're thinking.

Morgan: As far as I'm concerned, you, you, you're way off the reservation.

Capt. Awesome: Class Five Whitewater Rapids. (Chuck finally puts down the magazine) Just the two of us this weekend. Near death experience, (raises his hand for a high five as Chuck stands up and puts his soda can on a tray) awesome.

Chuck: That sounds great, but my wetsuit's at the dry cleaners.

Ellie: That's a terrible idea. That's way too dangerous.

Morgan: I agree, and I'm not comfortable with you guys spending any amount of time together.

Ellie: Chuck hasn't said a word. What do you wanna do? (they all look back at him)

Chuck: I'm just gonna hit the sack. Good night, Team Bartowski. (leaves)

Morgan: That's, that's great work, you guys. You see what you're doing here? That's (imitates Capt. Awesome) awesome.

[Cut to: Chuck's bedroom. He flicks open the light and is surprised to see Casey peeking through.]

Casey: Congratulations, Chuck. You just got your first mission. Tomorrow night. Hope you're ready for the real world.

(Chuck looks terrified)

(opening sequence)

[Cut to: Buy More. Casey is walking through the aisles when Chuck walks up.]

Chuck: So, dress attire for this evening: uh, sneakers or are we classifying this more as a shoe event?

Casey: We rented you a tux.

Chuck: Oh, that's very ni...how did you know my size?

Casey: NSA, we have records of your rental information from prom night. (shot of Chuck's bewildered expression) I checked the suit in your closet.

Chuck: Okay, this is my first foray into major undercover spy work. So, if you could ease up on the sarcasm, that would be great. And how am I supposed to recognize La Ciudad? Is there a picture or something?

Casey: If there was a photograph, why would we need you?

Chuck: What did we just talk about?

Casey: Oh, I'm sorry. We're hoping something at the event triggers a flash.

Chuck: See, that's all you had to say. Now, uh, hand-to-hand combat, in all seriousness, if it comes down to me and La Ciudad, (something), is there a 20-minute tutorial you can take me through?

Casey: Don't worry. You're gonna be fine. Nothing's going to happen to you...assuming you know how to tango.

Chuck: Seriously?

Casey: Oh, I don't joke about your life. (leaves as we see Big Mike motioning to his watch)

Chuck: Right. (also taps his watch)

Morgan: (singsong) Chuck. Your girlfriend's here.

Chuck: (as Morgan waves at Sarah) Oh, wait a minute, I have computers to fix.

Anna: (offscreen) Don't worry about it. We got it. (camera pans to Anna sitting atop the counter in the Nerd Herd center, and Lester standing by) There's only a few left.

Chuck: Wh - are you sure?

Lester: It's done. But next time I have a big date, you cover for me.

Chuck: Okay. Great. Thanks, team. I'll see you tomorrow.

Morgan: (points at them) Thanks, team. (puts his arm around Chuck as they walk toward Sarah) Where are you lovebirds headed?

Chuck: We're actually going to an art auction at the Wilshire Grand.

Morgan: Ahhh...swanky. Yeah, I like it, man. We're moving a little too fast, no? (Chuck takes Sarah's hand and leaves the Buy More) Career, girl, guy's got it all.

[Cut to: the seats outside the Wienerlicious. Sarah is putting napkins into the napkin holder while she and Chuck are talking.]

Sarah: The idea with a cover is to keep it as simple as possible without revealing true personal detail. Any thoughts on a name?

Chuck: Charles Carmichael? (perks up) Simple, dignified--

Sarah: Easy to remember and not far off--

Chuck: Graduated with honors from Stanford, runs a hugely successful software company, semi-retired and is considering entering America's Cup.

Sarah: (smiles) You've done this before?

Chuck: Let's just say, ah, Mr. Carmichael and I share a small kinship.

Sarah: How's that?

Chuck: (hesitating, probably because it's like dousing an open wound with alcohol) When I first entered Stanford, it's kind of where I envisioned myself being by now...except for the sailing part. I don't really know where that came from, but he's where most of my class already is.

Sarah: So, what happened?

Chuck: Well, my life took a little detour senior year when our old friend Bryce Larkin discovered stolen tests under my bed and was kind enough to alert administration.

Sarah: Did you steal the tests?

Chuck: I thought it was kind of implied that I'm a decent person!

Sarah: Well, we all make mistakes.

Chuck: And I've made plenty; that just wasn't one of them. But, hey, then Bryce sent me a whole database of government secrets that are now locked in my brain, keeping me in a constant state of fear, danger, and anxiety, sooo...I'd say we're even.

Sarah: Don't worry about tonight. No reason to be nervous, I'm not gonna leave your side. (holds Chuck's hands)

Chuck: Me? Nervous? C'mon, never.

Sarah: Your hand is a little moist.

Chuck: It does that when I'm freaking out. (Sarah smiles, amused.)

[Cut to: just a little after sunset in California]

[Cut to: the Bartowski house]

Chuck: Hey, sis. (shot of Chuck leaning as normally as he can on the wall while Ellie is reading a magazine at the couch) (hesitant) Um, do you know how to tango?

Ellie: No, why?

Chuck: Ah, no reason. I just, I have a date (Ellie looks up) tonight, and I thought it might come up?

(Ellie looks over her shoulder to throw an amused yet curious smile at her brother)

Ellie: You're tangoing on a date? Well, that's definitely new territory. Good to see you reaching outside of your comfort zone.

Chuck: Well, considering my comfort zone (shot of Capt. Awesome coming out, shirtless and wet) extends to the end of that couch, new territory was bound to come up.

Capt. Awesome: Did someone say tango?

Chuck: No, thank you, Capt. Awesome. I'll look it up online. (looks back at his soon-to-be brother-in-law) Will you please put on something? A robe or something?

Capt. Awesome: (I can't really understand what he's talking 'cause the actor playing him has a REALLY deep voice, and he was talking from the corner of his mouth)...in Buenos Aires. Spent many a night tangoing with (something, I think it was Spanish).

(shot of a thumb pressing 'play' on an iPod and a tango music playing immmediately. We see that it's Ellie, giggling, as she watches her brother being taught by her boyfriend. When Capt. Awesome grabs Chuck's behind as part of the dance, we see Chuck is visibly uncomfortable.)

(shot of Chuck tying his bow tie as the music continues on)

(shot of Capt. Awesome guiding Chuck's hand to brush against his face. Chuck practically calls for help from his sister who nods and makes an inaudible giggle again.)

(shot of Casey preparing firepower in his flat, and trims his bonsai tree with such concentration it almost looks like he's terrified he might kill it, tango music still in the background)

(shot of Capt. Awesome grabbing Chuck's hands so that Chuck could take Capt. Awesome's behind. Chuck looks horrified.)

(shot of Sarah getting dressed as she walks to her mirror and takes what looks like a lipstick. Camera pans to her opening it to reveal that it's actually a pocket knife. Music is still playing.)

(shot of Ellie helping Chuck with his cuffs)

(The music ends with a shot of Capt. Awesome removing his robe, Chuck looking like he's going to run for the opposite direction in a second, camera panning out to take in Capt. Awesome wearing boxers as he finishes the dance.)

[Cut to: the Nerd Herders fixing computers. Jeff has a stopwatch while Lester is blindfolded.]

Jeff: Aannnd go!

Anna: There's no way he's going to break the two-minute record.

Lester: It's okay, sweetheart. Let's start right here.

(camera pans to Morgan who's sitting on a table. He looks to the side and we see...)

Harry: (wheeling in more broken computers) Sorry to interrupt...but we found just a few more down by the loading dock. Where's Bartowski?

Morgan: On a date with his smoking-hot wiener girl. No biggie.

Harry: Then he left you all here? Good leadership, real good. Well, shouldn't be too difficult to get these done by morning. I'll leave a coffee pot on. (snaps his fingers at his stooges, then leaves with them)

(We hear a sound as Lester finishes fixing them and takes off his blindfold.)

Lester: Done! What are those? (camera pans to Morgan who sighs) Morgan, what are those?

Morgan: Tang.

[Cut to: the art auction. A black limo arrives outside.]

[Cut to: inside the limo. Sarah hands a black box to Chuck.]

Sarah: Here. This is for you. (offscreen, as camera pans to an astounded Chuck) Inside the watch is a GPS tracking system. That way, (camera pans to the watch) you can't run away from me. And if you flash on anyone, tell me (camera returns to Sarah) immediately and then stay out of the way.

Chuck: Absolutely, yeah. I, uh, I always run from a fight.

(The divider slides down. Casey is Carmichael's chauffeur.)

Casey: This is no joke, Chuck. No one who has ever seen La Ciudad alive has lived to tell about it.

Chuck: Is he being serious? Seriously? (camera pans to Sarah who's about to say something) What are my chances of getting into trouble?

Casey: Toughen up. You’ll be fine...assuming you know how to tango.

(shot of Sarah's brow furrowing. These two aren't going behind my back again...are they?)

Chuck: I did some preparation, okay? I wouldn’t call myself an expert but--

Sarah: Why would he need to know how to tango? Is that code?

Chuck: No. Not...no. He told me I’d need to know how to tang...

(Casey apparently can't hold it in any longer and chuckles while an amused grin lights up Sarah's features.)

Chuck: (wryly) Spy humor. I like that.

Sarah: C'mon. You ready?

[Cut to: the art auction. Bulbs flash as paparazzi launch for their preys.]

[Cut to: Buy More. Anna, Jeff and Lester are leaving.]

Morgan: Okay, wait, wait. Where's everybody going, huh? We have computers to fix. (they walk past him)

Lester: Sorry, bro, I have my bar mitzvah lesson.

Anna: Internet poker.

Jeff: I'm off by 8 and hammered by 8:05.

(Morgan runs before them again)

Morgan: What about Chuck Bartowski? What about our fearless leader? We owe him.

Anna, Jeff and Lester: For what?

Morgan: Because tonight Chuck Bartowski is boldly going where none of us have ever gone before. To have intercourse with a beautiful woman.

Anna: Speak for yourself.

Morgan: Interesting.

Lester: Interesting.

(Anna looks at them fearfully then walks again.)

Anna: I'm outta here.

Jeff: I gotta go.

Lester: Anna, could I? Anna?

(They all walk past Morgan again.)

Morgan: Okay, okay, fine. See you, guys. Big Mike would just give the position to Harry Tang. (they stop) Ohhh, have I got your attention now? Good. Good. 'Cause you know what that means? No more lunch breaks. No more Xbox tournaments. No more porn. (they all look at Jeff) Yeah, yeah. Total work hell.

(shot of them all considering)

Jeff: I'm in, but your boy better close the deal.

Lester: Let's do this.

Morgan: (as Lester walks past him) Okay. (moves to bump his fist with Lester's)

Lester: Don't touch me.

Morgan: Anna, wanna talk about that girl thing--

(Anna walks by and raises her hand in the familiar 'talk to the hand' fashion.)

Morgan: Hey, Jeff. (hits Jeff's behind) Attaboy, huh?

[Cut to: the art auction. Chuck and Sarah are going up the stairs when a waiter walks by carrying a platter of finger food.]

Chuck: Ooh, nice. (takes one) Yes, thank you.

Waiter: (in greeting) Sir.

Chuck: (as something spills on his button-up shirt) Oh.

Sarah: Oh, nice.

Chuck: I've been a spy all of five seconds, and I already have soy sauce on my shirt.

Sarah: Well, go and wash it off. And, Chuck?

Chuck: Yeah?

Sarah: Stop saying that you're a spy.

Chuck: Right. Of course. (walks down the stairs)

(shot of Sarah's amused expression as she watches Chuck, then the crowd)

[Cut to: the bathroom. Chuck is trying to wash off the stain on his shirt.]

Chuck: Idiot. (bends down to wet the cloth with water. When he straightens up, there's a man next to him, washing his hands.)

(Chuck flashes. The scene from earlier in the episode and 'La Ciudad' several times.)

Man: Do we know each other?

Chuck: No, no. Not that I know of. Sorry.

(walks out quickly, too quickly in fact that the man senses something and follows him out)

[Cut to: where Sarah is waiting. She senses Chuck's uneasiness the second he walks up to her.]

Chuck: It's him.

Sarah: Who?

(shot of the man coming into view)

Chuck: (fearfully, breathing hard) La Ciudad.

Sarah: (looks around, then grabs Chuck by the arm) Come on.

(camera pans to the man looking at Chuck and Sarah fleeing)

[Cut to: Chuck and Sarah walking into the ballroom]

Chuck: We identified the perp, what are we still doing here? I mean, you know, mission accomplished. Time to go.

(While he is talking, Sarah is looking around)

Sarah: Chuck, go wait at the bar. (walks off)

Chuck: Go wa...wait at the bar? You go do what you do. I'm gonna be at the bar, waiting for you there, covering that whole area.

(shot of Chuck sitting on the bar stool as the bartender turns around)

Casey: Drink, sir?

Chuck: Yeah. Uh, I'd like a martini, barkeep. Shaken and stirred, thank you. (shot of Casey filling Chuck's glass)

Casey: Would you like a cherry with that?

Man: Chuck Bartowski?

Chuck: No! (shot of Casey looking at him) My name's Carmichael--

Man: Alan Waterman! Stanford?

Chuck: (oh, boy expression) Hey, hey, how are you? Hey, you, hey. (looks at Casey)

Alan: I don't know if you heard, but I sold my software company. (offscreen, as Chuck starts to look for Sarah. He sees her; she's talking with the man from the toilet.) Kind of unemployed. Problem is, I'm too young to retire, I'm too rich to work.

(Chuck laughs alongside him.)

Chuck: That's quite a pickle you find yourself in, Waterman.

Alan: What are you doing now? Last I heard, you were, um, you were fixing computers?

Chuck: Yeah, um, you know, just kind of weighing my options now. You know, I, I may be getting a managerial position at an electronics conglomerate, so you know...

Alan: Well, I always knew you'd make something of yourself. Who you here with?

Chuck: Oh, my date. She's right over there. (points at Sarah)

Alan: Whoa! She's with you?

Chuck: Mm-hmmm.

(camera pans to the man slipping an arm around Sarah's waist)

Alan: Ouch.

Chuck: We have a very open relationship.

Alan: Well, hey! Give me a call. You know, if you need help with the whole job thing. I know people.

Chuck: I bet you do. (takes his card and upon seeing it has a flash) Insider trading and offshore accounts in the Caymans.

Alan: What did you just say? Do you work for the SCC? (takes back his card) I gotta go.

Lester: (offscreen) Something fishy is going on.

[Cut to: the Nerd Herders fixing computers...well, not really. Jeff and Lester are eating and drinking while Anna is sitting by doing nothing and Morgan's watching them.]

Lester: Why do you think...Chuck's a great guy and all that, but that wiener girl is super hot even, even for me.

Jeff: It's obvious, dude. She's a pro.

Anna: Are you kidding? You think Chuck could afford her if she's a pro?

Morgan: All right. You know what, guys? Enough crap. Break time's over. Come on, let's go.

Jeff: Who's up for a game of Air Hunter?

Lester: Done.

Morgan: No, no, no. Guys, guys, work now, play later. We've got hard drives to fix. Look at this place. Come on, let's go. (removes the CPU that is blocking the door)

(slow motion)

(Anna runs to stop the door, crying "No!". The door closes and we see Morgan straightening up.)

(end of slow motion)

Lester: (chuckling) Oh no!

Morgan: Oh no, oh no what?

Jeff: The lock is broken, man. (Morgan lunges at the lock) You need a key to open it.

Morgan: Then, then get the key, Jeff.

Jeff: There are only two keys.

Anna: Harry Tang has one.

Lester: And old Chuck has the other one. (shot of Morgan looking around) Whoo, yikes! (he and Jeff leave)

Morgan: (as Anna leaves) No, no, Anna, don't go. No, no, no. Come on! Old computers freak me out! Somebody give me a hand and help me! Chuck, get me outta here please!

[Cut to: the bar. Chuck is downing them like water.]

Chuck: Hit me again.

(shot of an annoyed Casey. He glances at Sarah then looks back when she begins to leave. We see the man from the toilet making a gesture at someone. Another man pokes a gun at Sarah's back. She looks back and we see the boss looking around. Casey jumps over the bar and walks off.)

Casey: Stay.

Chuck: Stay? Stay, like a dog.

[Cut to: Sarah and the two guys walking down the staircase. Casey follows them, hiding his own gun behind one hand.]

[Cut to: the bar. Chuck walks around the ballroom, a wee bit intoxicated. He sees the painting and flashes, then walks toward it as if in a trance. We see that his vision is stuck on the frame.]

Woman: (offscreen) Beautiful painting.

(Chuck jumps a little, surprised.)

Chuck: What's that? (camera pans to see a beautiful woman, Hispanic heritage) Yeah. Beautiful. Painting. Yeah. (camera pans to the painting, then to Chuck) It definitely has a quality about it. Very, I would say, Bob, Bob Rossian in its influence.

Woman: Who?

Chuck: Bob Ross...Bob, Bob Rossia? Bob Ross? The guy who used to paint on PBS with the afro and the sooth - you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Woman: (smiles) Sorry.

Chuck: It won't be the first time.

Woman: I'm Malena.

Chuck: (instantaneously) Hi, Chuck. Charles. Charles Carmichael.

Malena: So, you don't like the painting?

Chuck: No. I, I, it seems very lovely. I'm just more interested in the frame. (Malena steals a glance at him) But you don't--(phone rings) Oh, so sorry, so sorry. (checks to see Morgan is calling) Work. Never leaves you alone. I'm at the software game, so.

Malena: So you were saying about the frame?

Chuck: Nothing. It doesn't really actually matter. Sorry.

(a waiter walks by with two champagne flutes)

Malena: Champagne?

Chuck: Sure. Yeah. Thank you. (takes his flute and clinks with Malena's) Cheers.

Malena: Cheers.

[Cut to: the staircase leading to the helipad. Casey is quietly making his way up.]

Man: (offscreen) What's your real name? And who do you work for?

(We see the man holding Sarah at gunpoint while one of his stooges has her arm locked behind her and another one just standing by.)

[Cut to: the art auction. Chuck and Malena are still looking at the painting. Tango music starts on the background.]

Malena: Hm. I love a tango.

Chuck: Oh, yeah. Who doesn't?

(she looks at him questioningly)

Malena: Do you?

Chuck: Do, do, do I want, uh...(looks around) You know what? What the hell? Let's give it a shot.

[Cut to: the helipad]

Man: What are you doing here? And please don't lie. It'll make this much more painful.

(Sarah sees Casey behind the door who gives a thumbs up.)

[Cut to: the ballroom. Malena crooks a finger at Chuck who steps forward. Malena puts her hand on Chuck's shoulder and he does the same. Malena looks at it.]

Malena: Mr. Carmichael--

Chuck: Please. Chuck.

Malena: (smiles) Chuck. I think your hand is supposed to be on my hip.

Chuck: Right. Uh, apparently I learned the girls' part of this dance. Would you mind leading?

Malena: Not at all.

[Cut to: the helipad. Tango music is playing on the background. Sarah nods and in one swift motion, pushes the man and knocks out the one holding her while Casey throws her a gun and starts shooting. Sarah grabs the gun and points it at the man.]

Casey: Federal agents! Don't move! Don't you move.

[Cut to: the ballroom. Chuck and Malena are starting the dance the way Capt. Awesome taught him.]

[Cut to: the helipad. Everyone is still in the position they're in.]

Man: International agents! MI6!

Sarah: Drop your gun!

Man: We're British secret service!

Sarah: Lower your weapon! (lifts her upper body up as the man's eyes dart from Casey to Sarah)

[Cut to: the ballroom. Chuck and Malena are dancing.]

[Cut to: the helipad]

Man: Everyone take a deep breath! (shot of Sarah slowly standing up) I'm putting down my gun (proceeds to do so slowly) and I'm getting my identification.

Casey: Slowly.

(The man does and hands it over to Sarah.)

[Cut to: the ballroom]

(Transcriber's note: I couldn't even BEGIN to tell you how much I enjoyed this particular scene. When I first saw it, my mum rushed into my room 'cause she thought something was up when my laughter filtered through two rooms between mine and my parents'.)

[Cut to: the helipad. Sarah flings the identification back and lowers her gun but still holds onto it tightly.]

Sarah: What are you doing here?

Man: I could ask you the same thing. We've been pursuing an arms dealer through five countries.

Casey: Let me guess. La Ciudad?

Man: That's right.

[Cut to: the ballroom. Chuck and Malena are on the whole grabbing-the-behind scenario.]

[Cut to: the helipad]

Man: MI6 intercepted the painting with plutonium hidden in the frame. Rather than announce the bust, we removed the plutonium and kept the auction in the hope of luring Ciudad.

Sarah: If you're not La Ciudad, then where is he?

[Cut to: the ballroom. The dance is finished. Chuck begins to laugh when he sees the scar on Malena's neck. Instantly, he flashes. Images of Malena being tortured that resulted to the scar, weapons, 'La Ciudad' on the NSA files. The flash ends. Uh oh.]

Chuck: (whimpers) Help.

[Cut to: the Nerd Herders. Morgan is on the phone, panicking, while Jeff and Anna can be seen playing a video game.]

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, okay, okay! Listen to me. My friend is at some sort of art function at your hotel, okay? Now listen to me clearly. I need to speak to him. It's a matter of life and death.

[Cut to: the ballroom. A woman is walking into the ballroom, a phone in her ear.]

Woman: Describe your friend.

Morgan: (offscreen) Good-looking, you know, from a certain angle, I suppose.

[Cut to: the Nerd Herders. Morgan is on the phone.]

Morgan: He's not classically handsome. I wouldn't say he is, but he makes up for a lot of charm. Lots of charm, and he's kind of a lost soul. Does this funny little thing when he's nervous, he laughs like (makes a bad imitation of Chuck's nervous laugh). Anyways, uh, wh - what? Brown hair, 6'1". Does that help at all?

[Cut to: Chuck and Malena making their way through the room. They pass by the woman Morgan is speaking to.]

Chuck: What, uh, what line of work are you in, Malena?

Malena: Why are you so interested, Mr. Carmichael?

Chuck: No reason, just making conversation.

(shot of Malena's suspicious expression)

Woman: Excuse me, sir. Are you Chuck Bartowski?

Chuck: Who, me?

[Cut to: Morgan]

Chuck: (offscreen) No, I'm Carmichael.

Morgan: That's him. That's, that's my friend. I can hear his voice.

[Cut to: Chuck and the woman shaking hands]

Morgan: (over the phone, screaming) CHUUUUUCK!!!!!!!

Woman: Are you sure you're not Mr. Bartowski? Your friend insists.

(Malena is already looking sideways)

Chuck: No, no, I insist. I've never heard that name in my life. I gotta go. Excuse me. (leaves to be intercepted by Malena's men)

Malena: Why don't we head up to my room now, Mr. Carmichael? Find out who you really are.

(Another man pokes a gun on Chuck's back. The four leave.)

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey running up the stairs, guns not hidden that well anymore]

[Cut to: the Nerd Herders. Morgan is on top of the table, nearly mad with anxiety, while Anna, Jeff and Lester are preparing to leave.]

Lester: So I guess we should regroup in the morning?

Jeff: Good idea.

Morgan: Wait, wait, wait. Where are you guys going?

Lester: Dude, this is just out of my pay (something).

Jeff: I gotta get some serious alcohol in me right now.

Anna: I'm sorry, Morgan. Be strong!

Morgan: No, no, come on, you guys. You can't leave me alone with these computers. You can hand me a slice, maybe some water. I need to survive through the night and I- -(the lights are turned off) not cool!

[Cut to: the ballroom. Sarah and Casey burst through, their guns hidden behind their backs, looking for Chuck. When he's nowhere to be found, they run out.]

[Cut to: Malena's room. We see Chuck bound to a chair, breathing heavily. He appears to be unharmed.]

Malena: Let's start with an easy one. What's your real name?

Chuck: (breathing hard) Carmichael. Charles Carmichael. (La Ciudad throws a hunting knife just inches from his groin) Chuck Bartowski.

(Malena smiles. Well, wasn't that easy?)

Malena: That wasn't so hard. (approaches him) Now, before you answer my next question, (takes the knife and waves it menacingly before Chuck's face) I want you to think long and hard about my options here. There's the old favorite - yank out a tooth...too noisy.

(Chuck nods a lot)

Malena: I could cut off a toe...that's too messy.

Chuck: Far too messy.

Malena: Or we can chuck you off the balcony, Chuck. Probably land face first, teeth go to the back of your head, (clucks tongue as her men approach) not a good way to go. So, here's my question: who do you work for?

Chuck: (breathing hard) No one. (Malena's men lift his chair off the ground) Stop, stop! I fix computers for a living! I swear to God! I snuck into the party under a fake name to impress a girl! Please, please put chair down!

Malena: Goodbye, Chuck.

Chuck: No, no, no, it's a set-up.

(Malena's men stop carrying him)

Malena: What is?

Chuck: The painting? (Malena's men turn him around) The painting, the painting, I think, I think the painting might be a fake or something.

Malena: Why?

Chuck: If you put me down I'll tell you. (Malena gestures to her men) I saw a photo of the painting in the LA Times, okay, but it had a different frame. So I'm assuming somebody maybe swapped it out, I dunno, but if I were you, I would not buy that painting.

Malena: A fake painting? And you had no intention of bidding on it?

Chuck: Me? Bid on...no, no, not unless they were selling for 25 bucks. I mean that's about what I have in my decorative--

Malena: (points a gun at Chuck) Okay, tell me how to fix a computer, Chuck.

(camera pans to Chuck looking fearfully at the gun)

[Cut to: hotel hallway. Casey and Sarah are carefully walking through, guns at the ready, the GPS tracking device doing its job.]

[Cut to: Chuck. His watch is beeping quietly.]

Chuck: My first inclination is that your bus speed is not up to (something) with your video card. I'm assuming we're talking about a PC here. Is your memory dedicated--

Malena: That's enough, Mr. Bartowski. I believe you. (Chuck lets out a relieved sigh) Problem is, since you have seen me, now I have to kill you.

Chuck: Have, have to? No, no, I disagree, I disagree vehemently, vehemently! (camera pans to Malena attaching a suppressor to her gun) No, no, no, I wouldn't say anything I swear to God! You don't know the things I know about people--

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah peering around the corner to see another man outside Malena's room]

[Cut to: Chuck]

Malena: Don't worry; it'll be fast. Goodbye, Mr. Bartowski. I enjoyed our tango.

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah walking around the corner, acting as a couple]

Casey: I didn't like him that much. He was kinda silly.

Sarah: (overlapping) Really?

Casey: (nodding to the doorman) Hey, man.

Sarah: Hi.

(As Casey makes a show of opening the door, Sarah turns around and kicks the doorman. From inside Malena's room, they all look to the direction of the struggle. La Ciudad fires at the door as her men take out their own guns and allow her to escape. Outside, Casey and Sarah are ducking the gunfire.)

[Cut to: a paranoid Alan Waterman]

Alan: They're on to us. The SCC knows everything. (La Ciudad is seen landing outside the window and grabs a chair to break through the window) Shelly, they know about the Caymans! (ducks as the chair comes bursting through) I surrender, I surrender!

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey outside the door]

Sarah: Chuck! Get down!

[Cut to: a screaming Chuck as he rocks the chair and falls down]

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey outside the door]

Chuck: (offscreen) Sarah, help!

Casey: Let's do this!

(The agents burst in, Sarah firing at the remaining stooge who falls over the balcony)

[Cut to: a freaked out Alan Waterman. He sees the man falling.]

Alan: Oh my God!

[Cut to: Casey and Sarah coming into the room. Casey proceeds to the window while Sarah kneels down to Chuck, puts her gun down and puts a hand on Chuck's head.]

Sarah: Hey, Chuck, you okay?

Chuck: Okay? Two more seconds and I would have been dead! They were going to throw me off the balcony! (Sarah begins undoing the restraints on his wrists)

Casey: Did you tell them you work for us?

Chuck: Of course not! Where the hell were you guys?

Casey: If you're still alive, I'd consider myself lucky.

[Cut to: La Ciudad and one of her men coming down the stairs]

Man: We have to get you out of the country.

Malena: First we take him out. (gives a card to the man. We see it's Chuck's Nerd Herd ID.)

[Cut to: Chuck walking into the Bartowski house in the dark. He walks toward the couch and covers his sister with a comforter.]

Ellie: Hey.

Chuck: Hey.

Ellie: How was the big date?

Chuck: It was good, great, fine. I'm going to bed, I love you.

Ellie: What? No, no, no, no. (grabs Chuck's wrist) Is that all I get? Come on, sit down. I wanna know, you know. (Chuck sits) Do you like this girl?

Chuck: It's, you know, it's complicated.

Ellie: Well, explain that to me slowly and I'll catch up.

Chuck: She's a very beautiful girl.

Ellie: Good. Go on.

Chuck: And she's very...agile.

Ellie: I'm not sure how that applies but continue.

Chuck: And I, I think she's too exhausting for me.

Ellie: Well, what happened? Did you guys tango?

Chuck: Yeah, yeah, we tangoed. In fact, we tangoed quite a bit, but, uh, Awesome taught me the women's part of the tango (camera pans to take in Capt. Awesome coming in from the bedroom he and Ellie share) and it was a little difficult as one might expect.

Capt. Awesome: (sliding behind Ellie, clearly just woke up) What's up, bro? Did you do the famous dip?

Chuck: Yeah, I was the receiving end of that dip.

Capt. Awesome: You did tango with a woman, right?

Chuck: And on that note, (moves to get up but Ellie stops him)

Ellie: No, no, no, you're not getting off that easy. (shot of Chuck's resigned look) Why won't you talk to me?

Chuck: It's...it's, look, it's complicated, okay? Just let it go.

Ellie: Fine. You don't want to talk to me, I suggest you find someone to talk to, like, maybe, your idiot friend. He's called about 75 times. He locked himself in a storage cage, whatever that means.

[Cut to: Morgan asleep on a chair, Morgan laying spread-eagled on the floor, Morgan doing some sort of inhalation exercise, Morgan with his nose pressed up against the cage, asleep]

(We see a hand holding a pizza and hovering it near Morgan's nose. He wakes up, surprised.)

Morgan: Oh, God. It's you. Dude, dude (hugs Chuck), you have no idea--

Chuck: Okay, okay, okay, settle down, settle down, settle down, settle down, it's all good, it's all good. (gives the pizza to Morgan) What happened?

Morgan: What happened? Uh, Tang showed up and he dropped all of these off. I guess, I guess, he was stashing them. You know, so all right, let's do this.

Chuck: What are you talking about? Morgan, you don't know how to fix a computer.

Morgan: Most important, man. Never, never leave your wingman, okay? Something your team can learn a little something about.

Chuck: Look, it's, it's okay, man. Go get some sleep, okay?

Morgan: Are you sure? 'Cause you say the word and we go down together.

Chuck: No. I appreciate that. But I think it'd be nice to do something I'm actually good at. So, I'll see ya.

Morgan: Fantastic. Good night, brother.

Chuck: Good night.

(turns on the radio, stretches his neck and begins working)

[Cut to: sunrise over California]

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More]

[Cut to: Big Mike coming in the room with a mug of coffee in his hand and a doughnut in the other]

Big Mike: You finished, Bartowski?

(Chuck closes the last of the computers)

Chuck: Mission accomplished.

Big Mike: Whoa! Two days were meant as an incentive. I didn't think you'd really do it. I'm impressed...and I'm not a man easily impressed.

Chuck: Wh - I think you should know that I only fixed the last few. Uh, my team made most of the work. They deserve the credit, and you're only as good as your team, so...

Big Mike: First rule of management: Always take credit. Hope we can sell all these crap.

(Harry Tang enters, carrying five beer cans)

Harry: Sir, there's been a major infraction - drinking alcoholic beverages on the property.

Big Mike: Now, why would a man witness once in a while. Keep it out of the stores, Bartowski.

Chuck: Yeah, yeah, absolutely, sir.

Big Mike: And you get extra points for style. Lookin' sharp. (leaves)

Harry: You look like a waiter. (dumps the cans) Kiss ass.

[Cut to: outside the Buy More Home Theatre Room where Morgan is retelling his experience to other employees, albeit a little more exaggerated]

Morgan: Was I scared? Yeah. Yeah, I was scared. But then this survival instinct thing kicked in, something I didn't even know I possessed. (gets the mug that Anna hands him) A desire to live. Good news is, I may be (something, we see Casey coming through) I talked to Big Mike; told him he'd be hearing from my attorney. It's a major (voice fades as camera follows Casey)

Casey: Chuck. Good work last night.

Chuck: Okay, you know what? I, I, I'm working on an all-nighter here, big guy, and I realize that you're probably armed, and so I'm going to ask you very nicely to please ease up on the sarcasm.

Casey: I wasn't being (something). You helped us find La Ciudad.

Chuck: But she got away.

Casey: Yeah, we got a photo from hotel security, ran a blood sample from a broken window. Our intel tells us she's headed down to Central America, and we have people waiting there. (shot of Chuck's pleased expression) You're lookin' sharp.

Chuck: Huh, thanks.

Casey: That was being (something). (leaves)

Chuck: I fixed this one personally (camera pans to Chuck in his Nerd Herd uniform), so it should be as good as new. And sorry about the delay.

(camera follows the customer as he exits and bumps into...)

(Chuck drops down to the floor as he sees Malena's men. Camera pans to him keeping his head down, literally.)

[Cut to: Casey who sees them and follows them]

[Cut to: Harry Tang arriving at where Chuck is hiding]

Harry: Chuck. Hiding from work again?

Chuck: I, uh, I think I dropped something. Go away, Harry.

Harry: No, you wish I would, Chuck. When you go to sleep at night, all you're going to see is Tang in your face.

Man: Excuse, please. Where can I find Chuck Bartowski?

(Harry turns around and sees one of Malena's men in front of him)

Harry: Uh, why? What's he done?

Man: 'Cause I need to speak to him.

Harry: Okay, well, if he's...in any kind of trouble, let me know. Chuck, you have a visitor. (turns around and sees Chuck gone) Chuck? (the man shakes his head and leaves) Well, maybe I can help you, sir. (looks around to find the man also gone)

[Cut to: a messenger woman walking outside Buy More with a long rectangular box under her arm. He passes Sarah, who sees the scar. La Ciudad also looks at Sarah but continues on as Sarah walks. Sarah ducks behind a car and takes her watch to her mouth.]

Sarah: I think we have some company.

[Cut to: Casey following one of Malena's men]

Casey: I'm on it.

Chuck: (via the PA, still hidden) Chuck Bartowski to the storage cage. Chuck Bartowski, please report to the storage cage.

Man: Where's the storage cage?

Casey: Hm? Oh, just through here, sir. I'll show you.

(camera pans to a scared Chuck)

[Cut to: Sarah peeking from behind the car. Camera pans to show La Ciudad climbing atop the building of Wienerlicious. Sarah follows her.]

[Cut to: Chuck who peeks from the counter. Wrong move. The man is talking to Morgan who points at Chuck, oblivious to the danger. Chuck crawls away.]

[Cut to: La Ciudad getting a sniper rifle from the box and Sarah climbing up]

[Cut to: Casey]

Casey: By the way, we are having a big sale on refrigerators in case you didn't notice. (the man points a gun at him) Whoa!

Man: Where is he? Where is Chuck Bartowski?

Casey: I'm just a sales clerk--

Man: Take me to him now.

(fight scene)

(Casey wins by putting the man inside a freezer.)

[Cut to: Sarah slowly and quietly making her way to La Ciudad. Malena makes the first kick and Sarah ends up with a bloody lip.]

[Cut to: Chuck crawling into the storage cage. He hides under a table as another man enters. The man goes into the cage and Chuck quickly closes it.]

Chuck: (laughing) You, big 'ol guy. (camera pans to the man opening the door. It's no longer broken.) That was so broken this morning.

(Chuck closes his eyes as the man prepares to shoot him when a toaster comes flying at his face. Chuck opens his eyes and we see Casey.)

Casey: Now, that's what I call moving some merchandise, yeah? (grabs the man's foot and drags him)

[Cut to: Sarah and La Ciudad. Sarah is taking quite the beating. Her attacks are all blocked until she manages to get the upper hand and uses handcuffs to incapacitate La Ciudad.]

Sarah: Hang here.

[Cut to: Morgan on the PA]

Morgan: Charles Irving Bartowski, can you please (something) (stops when Chuck approaches)

Chuck: What?

Morgan: I'm just loving this thing, man. (Chuck takes the PA system) You know what, we should get one for your apartment. Hey, good news, they fixed the lock on the storage case, so... (Chuck leaves) What?

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: the Bartwoski kitchen]

Chuck: I'm really sorry, sis. I know I've been evasive, it's just that I, I didn't want to lie to you and I chose not saying anything as being the lesser of two evils.

Ellie: Why do you have to lie to me?

Chuck: Ellie, I just need you to trust me and it has nothing to do with you.

Ellie: But you want me to butt out. I get it. It's none of my business.

Chuck: No, no, no, I'm not, I'm not saying that. I just don't want to create a false sense of excitement for a relationship that seems doomed.

Ellie: Why is it doomed?

Chuck: Because she is not into me.

Ellie: Uh, trust me, I have seen the way that that girl looks at you and she is into you.

Chuck: (smiles) Really?

Ellie: It's none of my business.

Chuck: Okay, no, okay, fine, what the hell, what do you want to ask me about Sarah?

Ellie: Really?

Chuck: You better hurry up. This offer will not last.

Ellie: (smiles) Okay, do you like her?

Chuck: Yeah. (Ellie makes a sound) Uh, tut-tut-tut, no, no unnecessary excitements.

Ellie: (clears throat) Sorry, sorry.

Chuck: What else?

Ellie: That's it.

Chuck: That's it?

Ellie: Yeah, Chuck, that's it. I don't need to know the intimate details, okay? As long as you're happy that's enough for me. And I don't, I don't want to nag you about your future, your job. I don't want to be the sister that just pesters you--

Chuck: No, no, no. You're not a pest.

Ellie: I just know what an incredible guy Charles Bartowski is and sometimes, I'm not so sure that he knows it.

Chuck: How do you feel about a brother-sister hug situation right now?

Ellie: I'm open to it.

Chuck: Okay. (the siblings hug as the doorbell rings) I'll get it.

(He opens to both Morgan and Sarah outside the door)

Morgan: Sorry, I thought we had plans tonight, you know. What is she doing here?

Chuck: What, uh, what gave you that impression?

Morgan: Oh, when you were leaving earlier, you were like, "See you later, dude." Took out your word. It's cool if you don't want me to be here. It's fine, just stop giving me mixed signals.

(Chuck looks at Sarah who smiles back)

Chuck: Come on in.

Morgan: Super. Awesome, what are we having?

Sarah: (hands over a bottle of wine to her 'boyfriend') Here you go.

Chuck: Oh, thank you, thank you. (glances sideways then gives Sarah a peck at the cheek) Ouch, (points at Sarah's lip) you okay?

Sarah: Occupational hazard. She got in a lucky kick. (enters)

Morgan: (offscreen) For both of us!

(Chuck closes the door)

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex]

(Chuck and Sarah are coming out of his house)

Sarah: Congratulations on your first mission. You did really good, Chuck.

Chuck: Stop it. I'm not really a spy. Your computer ended up in the head of a guy who only knows to fix something.

Sarah: You survived near death experience under the threat of torture and apprehended one of the world's most elusive killers. I'm not sure what you think spies do exactly, but most of us would consider that a pretty good day.

Chuck: Okay, sure, so today I helped take down a major international arms dealer. But tomorrow, tomorrow, I still got to go clock in at Buy More. I mean, what's the good in being a hero if nobody knows about it?

Sarah: You know...and so do I.

Chuck: You know, if we were really dating this would be the part where I'd be forced to kiss you goodnight.

Sarah: Forced? Would it be so bad?

Chuck: (smiles) I'm sure I could suffer through it.

Sarah: Me too. (awkward silence, then Sarah leaves as Chuck watches her)

(We see Morgan looking at Chuck's side)

Morgan: Man, that dude is creepy.

(Chuck looks to see Casey peering at them)

Chuck: Agreed.

(Morgan gives a mock salute as Chuck looks after Sarah then they go back into the house.)




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