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#105 : Double vie

Titre VO :
Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp
Titre VF :
Double Vie
Diffusion USA : 22/10/07
Diffusion France : 30/11/08

Résumé court :

Alors qu'il sort d'un restaurant chinois, Chuck flashe sur une dénommée Mei-Ling Cho, une espionne chinoise. Casey et Sarah décident alors de la surveiller et ont besoin de Chuck pour les aider mais Chuck avait prévu de passer du temps avec Ellie et Morgan.

Ellie commence à désespérer et à regretter de l'avoir poussé à se trouver une petite amie.


4.27 - 11 votes

Titre VO
Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp

Titre VF
Double vie

Photos promo

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) parle aux agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) parle aux agents

Un agent

Un agent

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et des agents

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) menacé par Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) menacé par Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) menacé par Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) menacé par Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) menacé par Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) menacé par Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Plus de détails


C'est l'heure d'une « Nuit avec Morgan » ! Chuck, Ellie et Sarah sont invités à cette occasion. En fait, il s'agira d'une soirée en trois actes : un dîner au Bamboo Dragon tout d'abord, le visionnage d'un film de kung-fu ensuite, et enfin un feu d'artifice illégalement acheté à Chinatown. Cependant, Chuck refuse de prendre part à cette troisième perspective, de peur de perdre ses doigts dans la bataille.

Pendant ce temps-là, le businessman chinois Lee Cho est kidnappé juste devant le Consulat Chinois et emmené de force dans un van de livraison du Bamboo Dragon...


Malheureusement pour Morgan, le Bamboo Dragon est fermé en raison d'une fête privée. Cependant, l'employé du Buy More a réponse à tout : il trouve la clé cachée par l'un des employés et entre avec ses invités dans les cuisines du restaurant. Chuck aperçoit alors une serveuse et flashe sur elle. Il s'agit de Mei-Ling Cho, une espionne chinoise, présente sur le sol américain pour la première fois.


Après avoir fait son rapport à Washington, Chuck reçoit une pile de dossiers de Casey. Il doit tous les regarder en quête de flashs, afin de découvrir pourquoi Mei-Ling est ici. L'Intersect ne pourra donc pas assister au dîner organisé par Ellie...


Ellie est furieuse que Chuck n'ait pas participé à son dîner, la laissant seule avec Morgan. Mais son frère s'excuse en prétextant que Sarah souffrait de spasmes dans le colon. Le lendemain, c'est le jour de la version spéciale de la Fête des Mères, créée par Chuck et Ellie, et Ellie prévient Chuck qu'il ne devra sous aucun prétexte louper le dîner.

Chuck n'ayant rien trouvé dans les dossiers, Casey informe donc l'Intersect qu'ils espionneront ce soir le Bamboo Dragon de l'extérieur : la première planque de Chuck ! Au Buy More, Big Mike organise un concours de vente entre employés. Quiconque arrivera en dernière position sera viré. Morgan est inquiet : il est le pire vendeur qu'il ait jamais existé.


Ainsi, Morgan n'ayant aucun talent de vendeur, il demande son aide à Chuck. Ce dernier a déjà quelque chose de prévu, mais se promet d'essayer d'aider Morgan après sa soirée d'espionnage.

Plus tard, alors que les agents sont en planque dans une voiture, Ben Lo Pan, un homme âgé d'origine chinoise en chaise roulante, sort du Bamboo Dragon, et est emmené dans une limousine. Mei-Ling sort à son tour et le suit à moto. Soudain, Chuck flashe sur le pistolet de l'espionne chinoise et déclare qu'elle est ici pour assassiner Ben Lo Pan. Casey et Sarah décident donc de la suivre à l'intérieur du club jusqu'auquel ils les ont suivis, elle et Ben Lo Pan, et ordonnent à Chuck d'attendre sagement dans la voiture.


Mei-Ling entame une fusillade dans le club et Ben Lo Pan s'échappe. Chuck l'aperçoit alors dehors, et l'aide à atteindre sa limousine. Il est cependant choqué de voir des hommes du vieil homme jeté un Lee Cho ligoté, à l'intérieur du coffre de la limousine. Plus tard, Mei-Ling apprend finalement à Chuck que Lee Cho est son frère et que Ben Lo Pan,fait en réalité partie de la Triade. L'Intersect se confond alors en excuses et Casey appelle Washington afin de vérifier l'histoire de l'espionne chinoise. Malgré le fait que tout soit vrai, celle-ci ayant quitté son pays sans permission pour venir en aide à son frère, Casey et Sarah veulent rester en dehors de cela. Et s'il s'agissait d'Ellie en serait-il de même ?, rétorque Chuck.


Plus tard, Mei-Ling appelle Nerd Herd pour dire à Chuck que son frère mourra dans 9 heures et qu'il doit donc l'aider à le sauver. Chuck demande alors à Sarah et à Casey en quoi Mei-Ling pourrait avoir de la valeur : et s'il parvenait à la convaincre de tourner le dos au gouvernement chinois ? Plus tard, Chuck se rend dans la réserve afin d'accepter une livraison, mais il s'agit en réalité de Mei-Ling qui le menace de son arme.

Elle clame ne jamais vouloir déserter son pays, mais Chuck tente de la persuader, forçant également Sarah et Casey à accepter de l'aider à sauver son frère.


Mei-Ling dispose d'un plan du rez-de-chaussée de la villa de Ben Lo Pan, dans laquelle son frère est retenu captif par une garde privée. Chuck reconnaît le système de sécurité vidéo, et offre de l'aider à l'infiltrer, tant qu'il rentre à temps pour son dîner de la Fête des Mères. Pendant ce temps, Morgan est tout prêt pour réussir à vendre un article à une femme sexy, mais finit par lui dire qu'elle pourrait l'avoir moins chère dans un autre magasin. Celle-ci lui offre alors son numéro de téléphone, mais Jeff et Lester ridiculisent Morgan : s'il vendait au lieu de draguer, il ne vivrait pas toujours chez sa mère. Finalement, la cliente préfère récupérer son numéro au désespoir de Morgan.


Arrivé à la villa de Ben Lo Pan, Chuck reste dans le van à s'occuper du système de sécurité. Tous les moniteurs devant lui, il peut ainsi guider Sarah, Casey et Mei-Ling.

Mais au moment où ils atteignent Ben Lo Pan, les écrans deviennent neigeux. Ben Lo Pan informe Mei-Ling que bien qu'elle ait refusé de payer la rançon pour sauver Lee Cho, il est désormais sûr de gagner de l'argent dans l'affaire, puisqu'il dispose de plusieurs agents en otage. Les captifs sont enfermés par les hommes de Lo Pan dans le van du Bamboo Dragon, et emmenés au restaurant dans lequel ils seront enfermés dans la chambre froide.


Chuck préférant suivre le van, il ne prend pas l'appel d'Ellie. Celle-ci raccroche, et est réconfortée par Morgan qui lui dit à quel point elle est une sœur fantastique. De son côté, lui sait qu'il va perdre la compétition de ventes, et prévoit de démissionner avant d'être viré. Chuck quant à lui, devant le restaurant, achète des feux d'artifice au dealer de Morgan, et les allume dans le van du Bamboo Dragon.

Quand les hommes de Ben Lo Pan sortent pour voir ce qu'il se passe, il s'introduit dans le restaurant et libère tout le monde de la chambre froide. Un important combat s'ensuit, mais à la fin Lee Cho est sauvé et Ben Lo Pan arrêté.


De retour chez lui, Chuck y trouve une Ellie vexée : depuis quand se cachent-ils des choses l'un à l'autre ? Mais Ellie connaît le secret de Chuck : il n'a pas eu de petite amie pendant longtemps, et maintenant il est amoureux. Cependant, le problème n'est pas seulement que Chuck ait loupé leur jour le plus important de l'année, sait-il seulement que Morgan est sur le point d'être viré ? Ne sachant que dire, Chuck la supplie de reporter leur dîner de Fête des Mères au lendemain.


Le jour suivant, Morgan est sur le point de remettre sa lettre de démission à Big Mike, quand Lester l'informe qu'un gros client le demande tout particulièrement. C'est Ellie, venue acheter ses cadeaux en avance pour aider Morgan et ainsi le placer, par la même occasion, sur la seconde marche du podium de la compétition de ventes. De leur côté, Sarah et Casey félicitent Chuck pour son très bon travail : il a en effet réussi à réunir Mei-Ling et son frère et à la convaincre de se ranger du côté américain.


Le soir venu, Ellie invite Morgan et Sarah à leur Fête des Mères. Chuck lui dit que ce n'était pas nécessaire et qu'elle serait toujours la femme de sa vie, bien qu'elle-même espère le contraire. Puis, Chuck explique que leur Fête des Mères est destiné à célébrer le jour où leur mère les a quittés, et où ils ont dû apprendre à prendre soin l'un de l'autre. Au cours du dîner, Morgan demande à Chuck la main d'Ellie, mais quand il réalise que celle-ci l'a entendu, il s'enfuit avant même qu'elle le lui ait ordonné. Chuck frissonne alors à l'idée que ces deux-là aient passé 12 heures ensemble : c'est un miracle de la Fête des Mères !


Source: nbc.com

[Open: Buy More]

Morgan: (offscreen, as camera pans to a "Bamboo Dragon" delivery and take-out menu) Chinese.

Chuck: Chinese?

Morgan: Oh, yeah, man. It's what "An Evening of Morgan" is all about. (camera pans to Sarah walking into the Buy More, in her Wienerlicious uniform and drinking soda through a straw) You didn't tell her, did you? About "An Evening of Morgan"?

Chuck: No. No, no, no, of course not. No. (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah walking towards them) She's been looking forward to it all week. (camera returns to Chuck who makes a very bad imitation of Sarah) "Ah, we're gonna hang out with your...funny little friend!"

Morgan: Yeah, yeah, she said that?

Chuck: Yeah.

Morgan: Good, good, good. Make sure her head's in the game, okay? This is kind of her big shot to prove to me she's got something to bring to this relationship. You feel me? (reaches across the Nerd Herd counter to bump fists with Chuck)

Chuck: (bumps fist) Ah, hey! Nothing but feeling you.

Morgan: (as he walks away) Good, good, good. (to Sarah) "An Evening of Morgan" will begin at seven sharp. Bring your A-game. (to Chuck) Love you, pal.

Sarah: "An Evening of Morgan"?

Chuck: Okay, so, here's the thing. Uh, he's my bestfriend and I haven't really gotten to spend any time with him or Ellie this week, so he really wanted a bunch of us to hang out tonight.

Sarah: For "An Evening of Morgan"?

Casey: And I thought being stationed at the Chiapas for six months was brutal.

Chuck: If you're so sad about not being included, Casey, you can just say so.

Casey: Dinner with you and Morgan? I'd rather Afghani warlords bleed me from my liver. (leaves)

Chuck: He's a happy person.

Sarah: Mmm-hmm.

Chuck: I appreciate that about him. And he works hard. So...

[Cut to: afternoon in California]

[Cut to: Chinese consulate in "Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA"]

(We see a man walk out, his phone ringing.)

Man: (in Chinese) Well, well. If it isn't my paranoid sister. Yes, I've gotten your messages. And no I'm not in trouble. Just busy with work. (he nods to the driver as we see a white van screeching) I'll see you at dinner tonight.

(camera pans to masked men with guns getting out of the van and shooting the driver before kidnapping the man)

Woman's Voice: (through the phone, still in Chinese) Lee, little brother, are you there? What's going on? Are you okay? What's happening? (camera pans on his phone on the ground)

(The door of the van closes to reveal "Bamboo Dragon".)

[Cut to: evening in Chinatown. Sarah, Morgan and Chuck are walking along the street, Morgan has both his arms around the other two.]

Morgan: "An Evening of Morgan" will consist of three acts. Act 1 - dinner.

Sarah: What are we having?

Morgan: A little delicacy called sizzling shrimp. That's right, that's right. (pokes Sarah in the stomach as he speaks) We're gonna pack our bellies full of shrimp we're gonna make a seal jealous!

Sarah: Wow, sounds like quite a night.

Morgan: Oh, and that's just the beginning. Dinner will be followed by a spring at Chuck's for the greatest kung fu film ever made...

Morgan and Chuck: Enter the Dragon!

Chuck: (in a voice that sounds more like a character from Star Wars) Prepare to die, my good friend.

(They make a mock fight that looks more like slapping each other as Sarah laughs at them.)

Morgan: And the third act can only be found here in Chinatown. There he is. Be cool. (We see a shady character in black with a black rucksack slung on his shoulder.)

Chuck: Hey, wait a minute. (turns Morgan around) I thought you were off this stuff, buddy.

Morgan: (offscreen, as camera focuses on Sarah's face) Yeah, well, I'm sorry, Chuck, right? Daddy needs his fix, you know?

Chuck: (offscreen, as Morgan nods to the man who nods back) Dude...(camera returns to him) you know how I feel about fireworks!

(camera pans to Sarah, smiling)

Morgan: You know what? To defeat fear, one must embrace fear.

Chuck: I'd rather embrace my limbs, specifically all of them. (offscreen, as he turns Morgan around) No fireworks, no sale.

Morgan: (to Sarah) Well, can I say something? This evening gets an asterisk, okay? We still got our shrimp, though! (raises his hand for a high five which Sarah gives him)

[Cut to: the three walking outside the "Bamboo Dragon"]

Morgan: Ah, no, no, no! (upon seeing that it's closed) You're kidding me. They, they can't be closed. "An Evening of Morgan" has to at least include sizzling shrimp.

Sarah: Morgan, it's okay. We'll do it another time.

Morgan: (walking backwards toward the restaurant's back door) No, no, I got this. Lucky for us, I got connections.

Chuck: (as he and Sarah follow Morgan) Well, you gotta give him points for effort.

(Morgan walks to the stairs where he takes a key)

Morgan: My friend the dishwasher leaves his key in case of emergencies.

Chuck: We gotta make this quick. Ellie is waiting for us.

[Cut to: the three in the "Bamboo Dragon" kitchen]

Morgan: Hear that sizzle? It's like the sound of angel's laughter. Wait here. (goes to his friend to pick up his order)

(Chuck looks around to see a Chinese waitress. She holds her hand out to check on an order. The inside of her arm has a tattoo of a Chinese character which prompts a...)

(Chuck flashes. Images of the Forbidden Palace, Chinese flag, a tank, a tiger and other images. Flash ends.)

Chuck: That waitress - (offscreen, as camera pans to the woman) she's Mei-Ling Cho, Chinese intelligence. (camera returns to Chuck) Never set foot on U.S. soil before.

Morgan: Sizzling shrimp anyone?

Sarah: (staring at Mei-Ling) My God!

Morgan: (not seeing this) Well...you just call me "Morgan", babe, but I, uh, I appreciate the enthusiasm.

(camera pans to Chuck still staring at Mei-Ling)

[Cut to: Casey's flat]

Casey: (offscreen, as he places a picture of Mei-Ling Cho on Chuck's hands) Is this the woman you saw tonight?

(camera pans to Chuck and Sarah)

Chuck: Yeeahh...

Casey: Read through this. (slams a number of thick folders on Chuck's chest) Twice. Let us know if you flash on anything. (to Sarah) Call the Director. Tell him we got a priority code orange.

Chuck: Uh, guys, is, is there any way this can wait 'til morning 'cause I kinda have a priority code to Ellie and Morgan. (offscreen, as camera pans to Casey standing up) They're waiting for us for dinner.

Casey: China's top spy is here in Los Angeles. We don't know why she's here, what she's planning to do. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck) You, my friend, are the only one who can figure that out. (slams his hand on the folder still in Chuck's chest) That's your priority. Copy?

Chuck: (squeaking) Copy.

(opening sequence)

[Cut to: sunrise in California]

[Cut to: the Bartowski kitchen]

Chuck: Hey, sis. (goes to grab a bowl and a spoon) 'Mornin.

(Ellie is at the counter, eating cereals.)

Ellie: Mmm-hmm.

Chuck: Or not. Could you pass the Bear Loops?

Ellie: (takes her bowl to the faucet) Are you sure you don't want any sizzling shrimp?

Chuck: Riiighhht.

Ellie: You know 'cause we have a whole lot of that left over.

Chuck: 'Cause I got back late last night. (follows Ellie into the living room)

Ellie: Huh. This is the point I'm trying to make.

Chuck: And you're making it very well, I want you to know that.

Ellie: You know, it's one thing to let several pounds of shrimp go to waste, and it's another to stand me up, but to leave me? With Morgan?

Chuck: I, I feel terrible about that. (offscreen, as camera pans to Ellie) I do, believe me. You know how much I adore sizzling shrimp and you. More specifically, you. It's just ...Sarah wasn't feeling well and--

(camera pans to Ellie's concern)

Ellie: Oh, what is it? I'm a doctor.

Chuck: (clearly making it up as he goes) I believe...she has spastic colon.

Ellie: Yuck.

Chuck: I know. Uh, girl that beautiful with a colon that spastic.

(Apparently satisfied, his sister leaves for the door.)

Ellie: Well, you know what tomorrow is.

Chuck: Absolutely. Yes. It's our, our very own October-version of Mother's Day, and I, I wouldn't miss it for the world, I swear.

Ellie: I should hope not, but then again, I never figured that you would pass for sizzling shrimp either. (closes the door)

Chuck: Spastic colon? What the--

(Transcriber's note: And I thought I was the only one who thought that was utterly ridiculous.)

[Cut to: Buy More]

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center where Chuck is typing on the computer. Casey walks by and knocks on the counter nonchalantly. Chuck jumps up to his feet to join him.]

Chuck: So I went over the Department of Defense files on my leave this morning. Sorry, no flashes.

Casey: Well, she's here for a reason. Maybe you'll flash on something tonight.

Chuck: Tonight?

Casey: Yeah, we're running a surveillance up on her. We're gonna tail her, see if you flash on anyone she's talking to. Might tell us why she's here.

(Chuck is overwhelmed)

Chuck: My first stakeout. Okay, okay. Yeah. What do I need to bring? Sweater? Light jacket?

Casey: You just bring that computer in your head, huh?

Chuck: Okay, you know what, I have a lot more to offer this team other than the Intersect. For instance, what are we doing for tunes tonight? I could make a stakeout mix.

Big Mike: (offscreen) John. (Chuck and Casey look sideways.) Need all the green shirts in my office. On the double.

(camera pans to Chuck)

Chuck: Hm, have fun. (shot of Casey thrusting the box he's holding to Chuck's stomach) That's really not fair.

[Cut to: Big Mike's office. He is hanging a board of "Sales Competition" on the wall.]

Big Mike: Sales are down, people. There's too much horsing around. (walks along a row of green shirts, among them Casey and Morgan) What this team needs is some good old-fashioned motivation.

Morgan: I couldn't agree with you more, big man.

Big Mike: 24-hours sales competition starting now. First prize - iPhone. (shot of the employees nodding) Second prize - large pizza, two toppings. Third prize--

Morgan: Don't even say small pizza, all right? That's not a prize. That's, that's a punishment. (offscreen, as camera pans to a furious Big Mike) I ate a small pizza and I'm still hungry and angry. (camera returns to Morgan) And you wouldn't want me hungry and angry 'cause I get kinda cranky. (shot of the others looking at Morgan) I get a little mean. Then I get sleepy.

Big Mike: Third prize is you get to keep your job.

Morgan: Oh.

Big Mike: Last prize - you're fired!

Morgan: Doesn't look like much of a prize either. Am I right? (gulps)

[Cut to: Buy More]

Morgan: Let me show you the (raises the shaker) deluxe model, okay? So now supposedly, this baby makes delicious milkshakes. (offscreen, as camera pans to the customer with a pot belly) You probably want to hold off on the calories, though. (camera returns to Morgan) Let me show you the extra sized equipment. (the customer leaves) It's actually right over here, so.

(Another customer. This time, bald.)

Morgan: It's for the game, by the big screen, man. Game's over, return it. Break it. Kick a freaking hole in the thing. Money back guaranteed, dude. Want me to make it up for you?

(another customer)

Morgan: This is crazy. I know I'm a salesman, but, uh, how much do you want for your shirt? (camera pans to a geeky customer) 'Cause I've been looking for something to go with my beard, you know, and this thing is just...(reaches to see the brand behind the man's shirt) actually, you know what, let me see the label.

(customer runs away as Big Mike rounds to the area where Morgan is)

Big Mike: Grimes! (offscreen, as camera pans to Morgan) You are the worst salesman that I've ever seen! (camera returns to Big Mike) Vultures are circling. Get it in gear!

[Cut to: Chuck as Morgan runs toward him]

Morgan: I'm in trouble, Chuck. Harry Tang's plan to eliminate me has come into full effect.

Chuck: Sales competition?

Morgan: Yeah, man. Think you can carve out an hour after work? Help me with my sales technique?

Chuck: Tonight?

Morgan: (offscreen) Yeah.

Chuck: I'm sorry, buddy. I, I - no can do. I already made plans with Sarah tonight.

(Morgan's shoulders droop)

Morgan: Okay, all right. Tomorrow. Me and you - a little Morgan time, huh?

Chuck: (distraught, he doesn't want to let his bestfriend down, but he has to) Tomorrow, I've got Mother's Day with Ellie. I can only miss that if there was a major national emergency. (Morgan looks at him) So to speak. (clears throat)

Morgan: Listen to me, Chuck. Dude. It's me, all right? (camera pans to Chuck) Now I'm begging you here. I'm, I'm on my knees, you know? Hat off head - that sort of thing. (camera returns to Morgan) Help me, Chuck Bartowski; you're my only hope.

Chuck: Okay, okay. I'm gonna go out with Sarah tonight. I'm gonna try to get out early enough to get back here and help you and then (slowly, apparently pleased with the way his plans turn out) I'll hang out with Ellie tomorrow...yeah, yeah. I think, I think I can make that work.

Morgan: I knew I can count on you, bro. (leaves)

Chuck: Hope so.

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: alley beside or behind Bamboo Dragon where Chuck, Sarah and Casey are waiting in the latter's car. Chuck is at the back, but his head is poked in between Sarah and Casey.]

Casey: Hey, we got a bogey at six o'clock here.

(camera pans to a man approaching as seen through the side mirror, then to Sarah and Casey as they hide their guns underneath their jackets)

Man: (carrying a Bamboo Dragon doggy bag) Excuse me. Someone sent in an order of sizzling shrimp. A Mr. Carmichael.

Chuck: Yeah, yeah, that's me. I'll take that. (camera pans to Casey's incredulous expression) Thank you very much. You go ahead and keep the change. (camera pans out to take a mildly amused Sarah and a still incredulous Casey)

Man: Thank you.

Chuck: Have a good night! (Casey closes the window on his side as Chuck looks at him and Sarah) What? It's for Morgan. I called it in.

Casey: The idea behind a stakeout is to remain inconspicuous, you moron.

Chuck: Uh, hello? That's why I used an alias.

(shot of a limo arriving)

Sarah: Hey, I think we have some company.

(camera pans to a bodyguard wheeling out an old man to the car while another opens the door for him)

Chuck: (offscreen) Who's that?

(camera returns to the three inside the car)

Casey: That's Ben Lo Pan. Local big shot businessman. Owns, like, half of Chinatown.

(camera pans to the limo driving away, Mei-Ling exiting the restaurant while looking after the car with a furious expression)

Sarah: And there's Mei-Ling. We're on.

(camera pans to Mei-Ling taking off on a black sportbike)

Chuck: (offscreen) Hey, hey, hey, she's gonna get ahead of us.

(camera pans back to the three)

Sarah: No, she's not. Always leave 30-yard cushion from your target on a tail. Just follow Ben Lo Pan's limo.

Chuck: Oh, a tail on a tail? Does, does, does that means like a 60-yard cushion, or would you say the regular tail rules apply in this situa--

(Casey uses his hand again to push Chuck back to his seat.)

[Cut to: night lights over California]

(camera follows Mei-Ling who is following the limo. She drives on but stops at a back alley nearby when the limo also stops.)

[Cut to: Chuck, Sarah and Casey as they roll down the windows while looking at her. Mei-Ling takes a gun out.]

Casey: Glocks and a crotch rocket: my kinda gal.

(camera focuses on the insignia on the handle)

(Chuck flashes. Chinese men holding guns, schematics of guns, covered cadavers and the insignia again. The flash ends.)

Chuck: Those aren't glocks. They're Chinese army issue pistols. (camera pans to Mei-Ling climbing a pole) She's not here on a spy mission; she's here to assassinate the guy in the wheelchair.

Casey: You sure?

Chuck: Yeah. Pretty sure. (taps his head) You know, locked away in the brain here. I mean, I'm not braggin'. The Intersect's doing (shot of Mei-Ling succeeding the climb) all the heavy-lifting.

Sarah: Okay, we can't wait for the cops. By the time they get here Mei-Ling (shot of Mei-Ling) or Ben Lo Pan may be dead or both.

Casey: Mei-Ling can be a small part of a larger operation. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck) We need her alive to find out what she knows. (camera returns to Casey) We catch her, Chinese spies a lot we love to hear. All right, Chuck, pull the car up front. (he and Sarah disembark)

Chuck: Oh, and run the front, then what do I do?

Sarah: Stay in the car.

Chuck: My four favorite words.

[Cut to: Morgan walking in the Bartowski house where Ellie is on the couch, watching TV, still in her scrubs]

Morgan: Hello.

Ellie: Chuck's not here, Morgan.

Morgan: My four favorite words. (plops down next to Ellie)

Ellie: (not bothering to mask a disgusted expression) Get out.

Morgan: Not favorites, but at least we're dialoguing.

Ellie: He's on a date with Sarah. I'll tell him you stopped by.

Morgan: I would appreciate that. He's supposed to be helping me by now. If I don't become a better salesman by tomorrow night, I could get fired...although, I guess I could just crash here until I land on my feet.

Ellie: As inspired as that makes me to help you, I would rather just change the locks.

Morgan: I'll let myself out.

Ellie: (looking at him) Now my four favorite words.

(Morgan leaves.)

[Cut to: Chuck inside Casey's car, TRYING to eat sizzling shrimp with chopsticks. Emphasis on 'trying'.]

Chuck: I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you. (shot of him holding the shrimp with his finger and assuming a different voice) Oh, don't eat me. (shot of him inserting a CD and later headbanging to the music) Stakeouts are kinda fun.

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey. A Chinese bouncer is letting Chinese customer enter the club.]

Sarah: It's crowded. Can you see her?

Casey: (offscreen, as camera pans to the bouncer closing the door) No.

Bouncer: Hey, in the list?

(Casey takes something out of his front pocket. The bouncer sees this and aims his gun instantly on both Sarah and Casey who put their hands up.)

Bouncer: (something) Now!

Casey: Easy, federal agents.

Bouncer: Against the wall.

Sarah: Come on, you're making a big mistake. (as she and Casey puts their hands against the wall) Your boss is in danger.

(Casey looks at her; she nods back. He grabs the gun and punches the guy, and as the bouncer staggers up, Sarah delivers a swift kick to the gut.)

[Cut to: inside the club. Ben Lo Pan and a couple of Chinese blokes play a game. Camera pans on Mei-Ling striding in and taking out two guns as Sarah and Casey burst in through the door.]

Sarah: (simultaneous with Mei-Ling shooting dead one bodyguard) Gun!

(shot of Ben Lo Pan wheeling himself away as his men and Mei-Ling open fire on each other, she diving behind a bar while doing so)

[Cut to: Chuck]

Radio Announcer: (something) (shot of Chuck rolling his eyes and licking his fingers before changing the station) Dr. Stewie has some questions about his fantasies.

[Cut to: inside the club. Casey runs toward Sarah while exchanging fire with Ben Lo Pan's men. One slug narrowly misses him.]

Sarah: They think we're with her.

Casey: What?

Sarah: They think we're with her. They're kill shots.

Casey: (apparently have had enough of ducking) I hate playing nice! (shoots at a man's leg)

[Cut to: Chuck. He looks up in alarm as he hears the gunshots.]

Chuck: Gunshots. Gunshots. Listen to Sarah and Casey and stay in the car.

[Cut to: inside the club. Mei-Ling takes a peek and sees a bodyguard wheeling Ben Lo Pan away hurriedly. She shoots the bodyguard, letting Ben Lo Pan wheel by himself.]

(shots of Sarah and Casey ducking gunfire)

[Cut to: Chuck. He sees Ben Lo Pan.]

Chuck: Hey. The wheelchair guy. (proceeds to get out of the car) Hey, let me help you get out of here!

Ben Lo Pan: Yeah, help me! Help me! A lady is trying to kill me! My car, this way.

(We see a black limo.)

Chuck: Yeah.

[Cut to: a hand opening the door to a storage closet. We see the man from the consulate earlier, tied and gagged. He protests through his gag as two men bring him up to his feet and take him away.]

[Cut to: inside the club. A man is shooting at Mei-Ling who runs and takes an impressive high leap over some tables while shooting. Two more bodyguards shoot at her... and hit windows in the process as she makes her escape.]

[Cut to: Chuck wheeling Ben Lo Pan quickly as the old man orders something in Chinese to his men]

Chuck: Here! Here you go! (He gives him to his men and looks around to see the man from the consulate being dragged out.) Why is he tied up?

Ben Lo Pan: Throw him in the trunk!

(They do so as Chuck watches apprehensively.)

Chuck: The trunk? That's not very...nice. Why would you--

(camera pans to Mei-Ling running from the exit and firing at the same time. Chuck screams as he ducks down and the limo screeches away. She turns her guns on Chuck.)

Mei-Ling: Where are they taking him?!

Chuck: I don't know, I don't know!

Mei-Ling: You work for him?!

Chuck: What? No, no, no! Wait, hold on a second. (slowly stands up) I just, I was just trying to help an old guy in a wheelchair (shot of a furious Mei-Ling breathing heavily) who puts people in trunks.

(Apparently convinced that he was just an innocent bystander, she lowers her guns.)

Mei-Ling: You idiot! That old man is Triad. (shot of Chuck's bewilderment) Chinese mafia. That was my brother he threw in the trunk.

Chuck: Your brother? You, you were trying to--

Mei-Ling: Rescue him. (shot of Chuck gulping) Until you got in the way.

Sarah: (offscreen) Federal agents! (shot of Sarah and Casey appearing from where Mei-Ling had exited before) Drop your guns!

Chuck: No, no, no, no, no! (Mei-Ling runs) Stop, stop!

Sarah: Chuck, are you okay? Are you hurt?

Chuck: No.

Casey: What the hell just happened?

Chuck: She was trying to rescue her brother. (shot of Sarah) I guess I was wrong. I blew it.

[Cut to: sunrise over California]

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski house where Casey is waiting for Chuck. Chuck opens the door and is surprised to see Casey there. He looks back at the house before closing the door.]

Chuck: What are we, carpooling now?

Casey: Just heard back from Washington. They confirmed Mei-Ling's story. Her brother Lee Cho is an honorable bureaucrat (scene from earlier in the episode) from Beijing. He was kidnapped on a business trip to LA by the local Triad.

Sarah: (Chuck jumps from surprise) (as she talks, she removes an invisible lint from Chuck's uniform and plays with his hair as he looks at the action with bewilderment) He had the Chinese receive a ransom call, asking for a release of a Triad captive in Beijing. They refused. (scene from a few minutes earlier in the episode) Mei-Ling was here on her own. Her government never signed off on a rescue op.

Chuck: (scene from the earlier in the episode) What's the connection with the guy in the wheelchair?

Sarah: (offscreen, as scene continues) The feds have always suspected that he had Triad roots, (return to present where they are exiting the complex) but they could never prove it.

Chuck: Okay, so what do we do now?

Casey: Nothing. We stay out of it.

Chuck: Wh - hold on a second. I watched that guy get stuck into a trunk and it was because I got it wrong.

Casey: We're not gonna start an international incident over something not even the Chinese cops care about. Let it go, Chuck, huh. (leaves)

Chuck: Sarah, I screwed up, okay? It's my fault. Her brother's gonna die and it's all my fault.

Sarah: No, it's her fault. She went off the grid and she disobeyed orders coming here.

Chuck: But her superiors didn't even give her a choice! Come on! Sarah, I would've done the same thing if it was Ellie, I would've done the same thing! Minus the shooting up the club part.

Sarah: I know how you feel. It was hard for me, too, when I first started, but the truth is, we can't save everyone, Chuck. (leaves)

[Cut to: Buy More employee 'lounge'. Morgan is staring at something. Camera pans out to show a graph of the 24-hours sales competition. Morgan has nothing. Enter Jeff and Lester from both sides.]

Lester: Whoo...Big Mike must not have been clear on how the sales competition works, but the idea here, Morgan, um, is to SELL things.

Morgan: I can't get fired. How will I eat? I'll, I'll starve...on soup. I HATE soup. All right?

Lester: (offscreen) Hm.

Morgan: Soup is not a meal; it's hardly an appetizer, for God's sake!

Jeff: Can I have your locker, dude?

Lester: Um, I call on the Buy More windbreaker.

Jeff: Fine, but I get his nametag.

Lester: Fine.

Morgan: Can I say something? You guys need me, okay? 'Cause with me gone, someone else is gonna be the bottom of all the jokes, and let me tell you something, Jeff. You don't want to carry that mantle. (Jeff widens his eyes) You want to carry that mantle?

Lester: (nodding) We will take that mantle.

Morgan: Really?

Lester: Yes.

Morgan: Listen, you wouldn't let me take the bull on this one, right? Guys!

Jeff: Yes.

Lester: Absolutely. It's on you.

(they both leave a crestfallen Morgan)

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center where a phone is ringing]

Chuck: Nerd Herd. Bartowski speaking.

Mei-Ling: (through the phone) I'm looking at you right now.

Chuck: (laughing mockingly) You're looking at me right now. Who is this? (about to take a bite off his burger)

Mei-Ling: (through the phone) Let's just say you owe me for ruining my rescue operation.

Chuck: (stops) Mei-Ling. (he snaps his fingers at a nearby Casey with a customer)

Mei-Ling: (through the phone) Put your hand down! (Chuck bolts up from his seat. She IS watching him. He looks around for her, scared.) If you signal your friend, it's the last thing you'll ever do. By the way, nice mustard stain. (Chuck looks down at his tie which has a mustard stain. He looks around again.)

Chuck: Where are you?

Mei-Ling: (through the phone, simultaneous with Chuck glancing over to the entrance at the three giggling girls) Not with the sorority girls.

Chuck: (looks around) Uh, what exactly do you want?

Mei-Ling: (through the phone) The Triad's put a block on my brother's life. He dies nine hours if I don't do something.

Chuck: Okay, yeah, about that, about that, listen, I'm, I'm really really sorry. If there's anything I can do to make up for it...

Mei-Ling: (through the phone) Help me rescue him.

(Morgan slams onto the Nerd Herd counter. Chuck jumps at this.)

Morgan: I'm a dead man. Dude, I'm last place in the sales competition. You gotta help me. I'm gonna get fired.

Mei-Ling: (through the phone) One word to him and you're a dead man, too.

Chuck: Not now, Morgan, please. I have a really really upset customer. (sends Morgan away who throws up his hands in exasperation) Listen to me, listen to me. I'm a good Samaritan. I just helped the wrong guy. I, I help people run computers, not rescue operations.

Mei-Ling: (through the phone) I (something) you with your handlers. You have a team watching your every step, which means you can (camera pans out to show Casey walking toward his direction, not knowing Mei-Ling is on the other line) help and you will. I'll be in touch soon.

(phone call ends)

Chuck: Want a hot dog?

Casey: Huh?

Chuck: It's an emergency.

[Cut to: exterior of Wienerlicious]

[Cut to: interior of Wienerlicious. No one is around, just the three.]

Chuck: So, listen, I've been thinking a lot about last night. And you know, you guys were talking about how this spy could be valuable to us. So I was thinking, what if we could convince her to, I don't know, like give up some...secret stuff...

Sarah: You mean defect?

Chuck: Defect, yes! People do that kind of thing all the time, right? The Hunt for Red October, uh, White Nights. (after Casey stares blankly at him) White Nights? Gregory Hines, Baryshnikov, dancing their way to freedom?

Casey: (sarcastically) Well, as long as you've done serious research on the subject. You get her to defect, I'll help rescue her brother personally. (takes a huge bite off the hot dog)

Sarah: Why are you bringing this up?

Chuck: Well, she sort of, uh, just...called me.

Casey: Called you? Where?

Chuck: At the Buy More. (shot of Casey looking as if he's about to spit the hot dog out) And I think she might have been in the store, too, 'cause she knew my every move. She even knew I had mustard on my tie. (raises his tie) (Sarah and Casey bolt from their chairs) Hey, where - wait a minute, wait a minute!

[Cut to: Buy More. Casey is walking around quickly, looking for Mei-Ling. Sarah is doing the same.]

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center. Morgan walks by Chuck.]

Chuck: Hey, hey, Morgan. Hey, buddy. Listen, I'm, I'm really sorry about last night. I got home really late--

Morgan: (waves his hand to dismiss the matter) Don't worry about it, man. (something)

Chuck: (enthusiastically) What about tonight? Maybe after Mother's Day?

Morgan: Working on a double shift. It's my last chance if I don't make enough sales to - I'm not getting fired. (hits Chuck playfully on the arm then leaves after a customer)

Jeff: Chuck.

Chuck: Ha!

Jeff: There's a delivery of hard drives in the storage cage you need to sign for.

Chuck: Great, thank you...Jeff. (leaves)

(camera pans to Casey walking around, this time looking for Chuck)

Casey: Where's Chuck?

Jeff: Storage cage, signing for a delivery.

Casey: (checks his watch) The deliveries come at six.

Jeff: Guess it got here early, dude.

(Casey runs)

[Cut to: the storage cage]

Chuck: Oh, hey, I think that's for me? (the messenger turns around to reveal Mei-Ling...with a gun hidden under the clipboard) Please tell me that's not real - the gun, not the clipboard.

(Mei-Ling flings the clipboard aside and pokes the gun on Chuck's stomach)

Mei-Ling: Real enough?

Chuck: Listen, listen, they agreed to help if you would just defect.

Mei-Ling: What?

Chuck: It's really not that bad here, you know. The Chinese food's pretty good. Have you tried sizzling shrimp?

(Enter Casey and Sarah, guns at the ready)

Casey: Drop the gun, drop the gun!

(Mei-Ling twists Chuck around and puts her gun to his head)

Sarah: Let go!

Mei-Ling: You shoot me, I shoot him.

Chuck: Hey, hey, I got a new idea. How about a new plan that involves less shooting? Casey, Casey, you agreed to help if she defected, right?

Mei-Ling: I would never!

Casey: Why? Too much loyalty to your government? (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck and Mei-Ling who is struggling with the decision) The same one that left your brother for dead?

Mei-Ling: If I defect, I can never go back to China. I'll never see my brother again.

Chuck: And if you don't, you'll lose him forever and you don't want that. Guys, promise Mei-Ling you'll help rescue her brother if she defects, please! Please?

Casey: Promise. Now let the kid go.

Mei-Ling: How do I know I can trust you?

Sarah: You don't have any other choice.

(Mei-Ling considers and releases Chuck, leading Sarah and Casey to release their hold on their guns.)

[Cut to: Casey's flat. He rolls building plans out on the table as he and the two ladies discuss strategy.]

Casey: This is the floor plan of Ben Lo Pan's estate.

Mei-Ling: My intel says they're holding my brother here. (points at a spot on the plan) Near the center of the mansion.

Casey: Getting in is one thing. Getting out is going to be a real trick. Lo Pan's got a private army of security guards. When those alarms go, there's going to be--

Sarah: Thank you, Casey.

[Cut to: Ellie coming in the Bartowski front door, arms laden with grocery bags]

Chuck: Hey, what up, sis?

Ellie: (smiling) Oh, good. Did you remember to defrost the chicken?

Chuck: You know that I did. And you know why? Because it's Mother's Day and I am here for you.

Ellie: (jokingly, still smiling) The prodigal brother returns!

Chuck: You need some help?

Ellie: Yes. (Chuck relieves her of some of the bags as they laugh) So, this will be fun. Just you and I. It's been a while.

Chuck: It's been too long. But tonight is all about brother-and-sister bonding. Catchin' up...catching up, by the way, with no distractions. (his phone rings, leading Ellie to look at him) And as soon as I answer this call, I will turn it off, I swear. Hello?

Casey: (through the phone) It's Casey. Get over here. We want to see if you flash on anything. (call ends)

Ellie: What was that?

Chuck: Nothing, nothing. It's Casey. John Casey, my coworker, (shot of Ellie nodding, she remembers him) needs some help with, uh, the, the, decorating tips.

Ellie: Like color swatches? I can help with that.

Chuck: No, no, no, no, no. You don't wanna do...no, that's very thoughtful of you. I really appreciate that, but he's a guy's guy, you know. He wants a man's opinion. He's a hunter, so he's really into hunting and he doesn't, he doesn't quite know which deer to mount on--

Ellie: Ew, God! Well, you have a couple of hours before dinner, so I need to focus on the kitchen, anyway, so.

Chuck: You sure?

Ellie: Yeah. Oh, you know what? Why don't you take him (takes something out of the fridge) some of my special guacamole? You know, it's a house warming gift.

Chuck: That - wow, thank you, sis. That's really thoughtful of you.

Ellie: Just make sure to keep it away from Sarah, though. This is definitely not good for her spastic colon.

(shot of Chuck looking confused, then remembers what that's all about)

Chuck: Yes! Got it. Right. Spastic. (Ellie hands him the dish) Okay. I promise I'll be back by eight. I promise. (leaves)

[Cut to: Casey's flat. He answers the door on Chuck's knocking.]

Chuck: Hi, hey. Brought Ellie's secret recipe. (Casey leaves the door open) (Chuck enters and closes it) Just trying to help with the mission any way that I can. Can't really stay.

Casey: (walks up to Mei-Ling near his corkboard and Sarah in his computer) At least ten guards that we know of. Stationed at points here (points at the map), here (points again) and here (and again).

Sarah: Security cameras are a TKX50s. They're a little outdated, but they're equipped for a load access. Either of you familiar with that?

(Casey and Mei-Ling shake their heads)

Chuck: (raises a hand) I am. Yeah, we, uh, we used to sell them at the Buy More. I did a bunch of installs a few years back. They're pretty easy to access.

Mei-Ling: Good. Everyone one body helps.

Chuck: I'm sorry, me? No, no, no, no, look, it - as much as I wish that could help you, I can't. I made plans with my sister. They are none negotiable. (everyone looks at him) But, of course, I know you wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me. I want to be with my sister and you obviously want to be with your brother. We're like one big wacky transatlantic family. (pause) I owe you. I'm in.

Sarah: Okay, fine, but you don't leave the van under any circumstances.

Chuck: I just need to be home by eight...if that's at all possible.

[Cut to: a black van slowly approaching Ben Lo Pan's estate. We see three black figures jump off, although not together, and then climb over the gate and walls.]

[Cut to: one of the figures going round the back]

[Cut to: Chuck stopping the van and going to the back]

Casey: (through the headphones) Chuck! Chuck! Chuck, am I coming through?

[Cut to: Casey opening the fusebox]

Chuck: (through earpiece) Yep, I got you.

[Cut to: Sarah slowly making her way through the mansion]

[Cut to: combat boots balancing on top of a railing. Camera pans up to show Mie-Ling attaching something to one of the estate's surveillance camera.]

[Cut to: Sarah slowly making her way through the mansion. Camera pans up to show an armed guard doing rounds directly on top of her.]

[Cut to: Casey doing something to Ben Lo Pan's electrical wires]

[Cut to: the monitors inside the van]

[Cut to: Casey]

[Cut to: Sarah]

[Cut to: Casey]

[Cut to: Chuck. He sees Casey do something.]

[Cut to: Casey. He presses something.]

[Cut to: Chuck. All the monitors show images.]

Chuck: Oh! Hey! We have lift-up!

[Cut to: Casey leaving the area]

[Cut to: Buy More. Jeff is taking an excruciatingly long slurp from a Large Mart plastic cup.]

Lester: (once Jeff finishes) Oh! Half a big gulp! New record! (intends to bump fists with Jeff, but the man slaps him a high five)

Jeff: I am Spartacus!

(Morgan hesitantly approaches them)

Morgan: Hey, you guys. Uh...kinda need your help.

Lester: Oh, last in sales competition, Chuck not here to bail you out this time?

Morgan: Why else would I be here?

Lester: You know, by helping you out, aren't we...aren't we messing with the laws of nature? The weak die, and...the strong prevail.

Jeff: Who are we to play God?

Morgan: Yeah. I'll give you half my pizza if I get second place.

Jeff and Lester: The wounded raccoon.

Morgan: Whatever works. (sees a customer and walks toward her while Jeff and Lester look after him) It's a great product, huh? 2 GB memory, two-year warranty...

Woman: Yeah, it's a little pricey. But you know what? I'll take it. It's a gift for my sick nephew.

Morgan: Oh. (looks around) Sick nephew, huh? Tell you what - don't tell anybody - but it's on sale in Large Mart. Save yourself 50 bucks.

Woman: You'd give up a sale just to save me $50? That's so sweet. (Morgan makes a sound) You know what? Here. (hands him a card) Call me sometime. For coffee.

Morgan: Wow. I will. Coffee. That sounds great.

Lester: (putting on a show) Hey, little man. So weak, so pathetic.

Jeff: And you wonder why you're last in sales and about to get fired.

Lester: Maybe if you spent your time selling merchandise instead of trolling for phone numbers, you wouldn't be flat broke (Morgan is signaling him to stop but he goes on) and living with your mother, and be forced to, to pick leftovers off the garbage so you could eat.

Woman: (to Morgan) Can I have my number back please?

Morgan: Well...you just...(she takes her card and leaves) Are you kidding me? What was that?

Jeff: The wounded raccoon.

Lester: Yeah, you, you break, you humiliate the salesman in front of the customer like so, which I did very well, and the customer feels so bad that they'll, they'll buy anything. It's the "pity sale".

Jeff: (nodding) I always wondered if it worked. Guess not.

Lester: No, it does not. It does not. Wow. (the two leave)

[Cut to: Chuck]

Sarah: (through the camera) All right, the guards are looking at the (something). (camera pans to show Sarah looking directly at the camera they've planted on the estate) You're our eyes, Chuck. If you see any trouble coming you let us know.

Chuck: Got it. Let's just make this quick. 7:15 is my curfew.

Sarah: (through the headphones) Okay, we're going inside.

Casey: (through the headphones) Chuck, what do you see?

(camera pans to show different images on the different cameras)

Chuck: Uh, I see...okay, I've got, I've got one guard, by himself, at the security monitors.

Casey: (through the camera) Thank you.

(camera pans to show the monitor showing Casey knocking out the guard)

Chuck: Ow! Oh, oh, ow! Good, good, good work, but let's not cocky, huh, team?

Casey: (through the headphones) Shut up, Chuck. What's next?

Chuck: Right, right. Looking, looking...okay, okay, I've got, I've got three guards in the kitchen area.

Sarah: (through the headphones) Okay.

Chuck: Be careful. They're, they're bigger than the first guy.

[Cut to: the three taking down each]

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: All right, kicking butt.

Casey: (through the headphones) What happened to "don't get cocky"?

Chuck: My bad. Professional faux pas.

[Cut to: the three agents covering each others' backs]

[Cut to: Chuck. Five of six cameras are turned off.]

Chuck: Wait. Hey, hey, hey! What happened? I, I lost all visual in the security cameras. Guys, guys...

[Cut to: the three agents covering each others' backs]

Chuck: (through earpiece)...all I can see is what Casey's lipstick camera is picking up.

(camera pans to show Ben Lo Pan reading a book in his study)

Casey: (offscreen) Put down the book, Ironside. Hands up.

(Ben Lo Pan does. The sound of a door opening and many, many guards surround them.)

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Guys, if you're seeing this, you might wanna run!

[Cut to: the three agents]

Casey: You think?!

Ben Lo Pan: Perfect timing, Mei-Ling.

[Cut to: Chuck]

Ben Lo Pan: (through the camera) Your government had just reviewed my final offer...

[Cut to: Ben Lo Pan]

Ben Lo Pan: ...for your brother. (Lee is thrown to the floor in front of them. He calls out to his sister as Mei-Ling pulls him up while muttering back in Chinese.) Hopefully, they would change their minds, now that I have two American agents to barter with.

(His men remove Sarah and Casey's earpieces and camera.)

[Cut to: Chuck. He looks like he's going to have a heart attack.]

Chuck: Sarah? Oh, no, no, no! Oh, no, no, no! (goes to the front of the car and looks at the house)

(Transcriber's note: What about Casey, Mei-Ling and her brother?)

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey. They glance at each other and apparently coming to an understanding, Sarah tries to run but is subdued. While Lo Pan's men are doing this, Casey brings his watch to his mouth.]

Casey: Chuck, it's Casey. Don't talk.

[Cut to: Chuck. He looks back, clearly had not been told about this.]

Casey: (through a speaker) I can't hear you. Go home.

[Cut to: Casey]

Casey: I repeat, go home. Don't call the cops. Don't do anything. (a guard grabs him)

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Casey? (shot of Sarah and Casey being led into a white van) Casey? (he looks back and takes a big gulp when the van drives away) (offscreen, as camera pans to the "Bamboo Dragon" insignia on the van) They're being taken to the Bamboo Dragon. Okay, okay, all right. What are the rules for tailing? Tail rules. 30, 30 yards...or was it 30 feet? I should've taken notes. Oh, God!

[Cut to: night lights over California]

[Cut to: the van going to the back alley behind the Bamboo Dragon]

(Chuck stops a good distance away and goes to the back door. He looks through the eyehole and sees the four being shoved to the freezer while Ben Lo Pan watches. His phone rings. He moves away from the door and we see Ellie calling.)

Chuck: (ends the call) Ellie's gonna kill me. Sorry. (he sees the shady character selling the fireworks and smiles as he has an idea)

[Cut to: the Bartowski house. We see Ellie went all out at the dinner.]

Ellie: (leaving a voice mail) Hey, Chuck, it's Ellie. Well, you've officially missed Mother's Day, which is a first, I might add. I just, I don't know what happened to you. Tonight, or in general. You know, the least you could've done was call. I...(shakes head) anyway, um, (sighs)...forget it. Bye.

(camera pans to Morgan coming in)

Morgan: Let me guess. Chuck's not here, right?

Ellie: That is becoming common around here.

Morgan: Yeah, tell me about it. 

Ellie: I can't believe Chuck missed Mother's Day. You know, all I wanted was for him to meet a great girl and he finally did and now, I never see him.

Morgan: You know what? Maybe we should sit Chuck down and force him to break up with Sarah. You know, dump her completely. Who needs her? (laughs) Kidding, kidding. Kinda.

Ellie: It's not that I'm not happy for him. I just miss him.

Morgan: No, I get it. Chuck's been through some tough times - getting kicked out of Stanford, Jill breaking up with him...you know. You got him through all that and no one knows that better than he does. Believe me.

(Ellie smiles at his obvious effort for conversation)

Ellie: How are things at work?

Morgan: Oh, awful. Thank you for asking. You know, there's this, uh, sales competition and I'm pretty much last.

Ellie: So, what are you gonna do?

Morgan: Same thing I always do - get fired.

Ellie: Are you sure you wanna do that?

Morgan: Truth is, Chuck and I are always complaining at how boring the Buy More is. So, tomorrow, I'm going up to Big Mike and do the only honorable thing left to do.

Ellie: What's that?

Morgan: What every respectable warrior like Bruce Lee would do - fall on my sword. (shot of Ellie looking exasperated) Harry Caray. Fire myself.

Ellie: You mean, resign?

Morgan: Yeah, okay. That sounds better, I guess. (they share a smile)

[Cut to: Chuck carrying the rucksack full of fireworks and lights one just beside the white van]

Chuck: Oh, God, please let me keep my fingers! Come on! (successful, he places it with in the bag and places the bag inside the van then runs to hide behind a wall) Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

(And Chinese New Year comes early. The 'explosion' attracts four of the guards, during which Chuck uses to his advantage and rushes in to open the freezer.)

Chuck: (to Sarah) You can yell at me later.

[Cut to: outside where the guards are coming back in]

[Cut to: Casey freeing Sarah's wrists while Chuck does the same for Mei-Ling and her brother]

Chuck: (to Lee) Now this is the part where we hide.

(fight scene)

(Sarah uses frying pans to fight a guard, which elicits a reaction from both Lee and Chuck.)

(from Chuck's position, we see wheels moving)

Chuck: Ben Lo Pan's getting away. (to Lee who nods) Wait here, wait here. (grabs the handles on Ben Lo Pan's wheelchair) Forget it, Ben, it's Chinatown. You ever see that movie?

(continuation of the agents' fight scenes)

(end of fight scene)

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: Chuck coming in through the front door. He turns on the light and we see...]

Chuck: Ellie. Ellie, I'm so, so, so sorry.

Ellie: What happened, Chuck? Were you kidnapped or something?

Chuck: Me? No, no. I, uh, I went over to Casey's--

Ellie: I went to Casey's, Chuck. No one was there.

Chuck: Oh.

Ellie: When did we start keeping secrets from one another?

Chuck: You know what? If you'll just, if you'll just let me explain--

Ellie: There's no need. I figured it out. I know.

Chuck: (scared) you do?

Ellie: You haven't have had a girlfriend for a long time. You're in love.

Chuck: (relieved chuckle) Yeah. I am?

Ellie: But lying to me? Missing our most important day like, like you're in high school? I mean, do you even know that Morgan's about to be fired?

Chuck: Ellie, I can't apologize enough. I, I - everything that you're saying is right. I guess I'm just so, um, I'm, I'm so head over heels that I'm not thinking straight, you know.

Ellie: Listen, I know that this is the first big thing to happen to you in awhile. If you feel like your life isn't going anywhere and your job's not either, you're not Superman out there saving the day, (Chuck is visibly uncomfortable. He is aching to tell his sister the truth.) but you're a good person, Chuck. You're a good brother and you're a good friend. Don't lose that.

Chuck: Do you think, do you think that maybe we could, uh, reschedule Mother's Day? Like tomorrow? I know that that is ridiculously unorthodox. I, I get that. I know that it's my fault that we even have to do it, but, uh, I mean it is our holiday, so I think we can make up our own rules.

Ellie: (standing up) If I say yes, you'll be there?

Chuck: I promise.

Ellie: You know if there's anything going on with you - life, girl, job - you can come to me? (shot interchanges a couple of times between them before Chuck nods)

(Ellie mouths "okay" then leaves Chuck alone)

[Cut to: Morgan carrying a piece of paper toward Big Mike's office and places it on his table]

Big Mike: What's that?

Morgan: My letter of resignation.

Big Mike: You getting another job?

Morgan: No.

Big Mike: Didn't think anyone was stupid enough to hire you. So, what's up?

Morgan: I'm last in the competition. I, I know that it's a shock that I'm the last. But here we are. I'm falling on my sword - head high, dignity intact. The shaolin way.

Lester: Hey, Morgan, there's a (something) demanding to see you.

Morgan: (something, I think I heard "fishes")

Lester: No, you bearded buffoon, a big spender. She wants to see you at check-out.

[Cut to: Buy More check-out. We see items being run through. Morgan arrives just in time for camera to pan up to show Ellie.]

Morgan: Ellie?

Ellie: Hey. I already know what I'm getting Chuck and Devon for their birthdays, so I figured I'd do some shopping early.

Cashier: That'll be $733.42, ma'am. Did anyone help you?

Ellie: He did.

Morgan: I love you. (Ellie smiles) (Morgan runs back and sees Big Mike) Big man, not quittin'. No.

Big Mike: Good. You're my only Hispanic on the sales team. You quit, the (something) will be all over my ass.

Morgan: Okay. Well, listen, I sold over $700 stereo equipment, which puts me in second place, which means somebody owes me a pizza with two (singsong) toppings.

Big Mike: Pizza's for me, partner.

Morgan: We get an iPhone?

Big Mike: I don't even get a free iPhone, you think I'm going to give you jerks one?

Morgan: Are there no prizes?

Big Mike: And no one's getting fired. The competition was to get you bums to work hard. Looks like it worked. (leaves Morgan behind who looks at Ellie who smiles at him)

[Cut to: California in the morning]

(Lee is hugging Mei-Ling goodbye in an empty parking lot as Chuck, Sarah and Casey are watching.)

Chuck: Look, I'm, I'm sorry, you guys. I know you wanted me to go home, but I just couldn't, you know.

Casey: (something) China's top spy.

Sarah: (smiling) And you helped save her brother, so good work, Chuck.

(Chuck smiles as the car with Lee leaves)

Chuck: (he's holding onto a clipboard) Well, I better be going. I've got my own family reunion to attend.

(Mei-Ling walks toward them)

Mei-Ling: Thank you. Chuck.

Chuck: Oh, yeah. Don't, don't mention it. You're welcome. Uh, but before you go, would you mind, would you mind signing this? (shows the clipboard)

Mei-Ling: What is it?

Chuck: Oh, it just says that I was offsite fixing your computer and that you were satisfied with the level of customer service I provided. (he smiles)

[Cut to: California in the afternoon]

[Cut to: Chuck coming in through the front door]

Morgan: Hey, Chuck.

Chuck: Morgan. Morgan, what are you - buddy, I know that I haven't been around lately and/or really been the best of friend, but, uh, (Morgan shakes his head) you know that Ellie and I--

Morgan: Mother's Day, man. I know, I get it, I get it.

Ellie: (comes in) It's okay, it's okay. I invited him.

Morgan: (puts his arm around Ellie) Huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I told you he going to come walking through that door tonight. (pats Chuck's cheek) He's such a good kid. (takes the bottle from Chuck's hands) Let me get some glasses. (leaves)

Chuck: What the--?

Ellie: We bonded over an "I miss Chuck" moment.

Chuck: Did ya? (laughs, then looks around) Where's, uh, where's Awesome?

Ellie: He couldn't get off work. (knocking) That must be Sarah.

Chuck: Wh - you invited her, too?

Ellie: Well, I mean, she's your new best gal. How could I not?

Chuck: Ellie, you know you'll always be my best gal.

Ellie: Don't take this the wrong way, Chuck, but I hope not.

Chuck: (backing toward the door) Morgan, now Sarah, it used to be just the two of us.

Ellie: Well, we're growing up.

(Chuck opens the door.)

Chuck: Hey.

Sarah: Ellie invited me. She, uh, (waves hello to Ellie who waves back) insisted that I come. So, uh, Mother's Day.

Chuck: Yes. Mother's Day, that's right. We don't really know...Mother's Day is the anniversary of the day our mom left us. Our dad was here, but he was never really 'here', so now every year, we celebrate the day we learned how to take care of ourselves.

Ellie: And rely on each other.

(Morgan hands glasses of champagne to Chuck and Sarah as they follow Ellie to the living room.)

Chuck: I think we're gonna need some more champagne.

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex. Chuck is cradling a glass of champagne while the bottle rests nearby.]

Chuck: I heard you came in second place, thanks to Ellie.

Morgan: Chuck, I've been, I've been (something) for years, you know, and just sort of waiting in second position until she pretty much couldn't resist me anymore.

Chuck: Is that right?

Morgan: Yeah, yeah. I would like your blessing before I marry her.

Chuck: Oh. Well, you know whatever Ellie wants.

Morgan: But are you ready to be my brother-in-law? A few Morgan Bartowskis running around, or Ellie Berez (?) (shot of Ellie walking quietly nearby) I, I would change her last name to Beretta (?) for her, you know. I think she deserves a last name that cool, you know, like Ellie MacGyver or Ellie Headroom...Ellie Rambo. She's behind me right now, isn't she?

Chuck: Mmm-hmm.

Morgan: Heard everything?

Chuck: Pretty much, yeah.

Morgan: Okay. (leaves)

(Chuck and Ellie laugh as she takes Morgan's seat)

Chuck: I can't believe it. For twelve full hours, my bestfriend and my sister actually got along.

Ellie: A Mother's Day miracle.

Chuck: Happy Mother's Day.

(they toast)




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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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