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#106 : Un ver de trop

Titre VO :
Chuck Versus the Sandworm
Titre VF : Un Ver de Trop
Diffusion USA : 29/10/07
Diffusion France : 07/12/08

Résumé court :

Chuck rencontre par hasard un homme tentant de fuir et veut l'aider. Il l'identifie, grâce à l'Intersect, comme un agent fédéral. Mais il hésite : doit-il le livrer à Sarah et Casey ou doit-il cette fois ne rien dire ? Il va prendre une décision et vite le regretter...


4 - 11 votes

Titre VO
Chuck Versus the Sandworm

Titre VF
Un ver de trop

Photos promo

Une fête déguisée avec un ver

Une fête déguisée avec un ver

Morgan (Joshua Gomez), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Morgan (Joshua Gomez), Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski) et Casey (Adam Baldwin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Laszlo Mahnovski (Jonathan Sadowski)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) discute avec Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) discute avec Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez), Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Devon (Ryan McPartlin)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez), Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) et Devon (Ryan McPartlin)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi), Morgan (Joshua Gomez) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi) se prennent en photo

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) et Chuck (Zachary Levi) se prennent en photo

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Morgan (Joshua Gomez)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) et Ellie (Sarah Lancaster)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi)

Chuck (Zachary Levi) terrifié

Chuck (Zachary Levi) terrifié

Plus de détails

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Comme l'épisode commence, un bunker secret dans le désert et explose un homme échevelé jeunes bat son chemin passe devant un agent armé à s'échapper. En Burbank Chuck est approché par Big Mike concernant les entretiens en cours pour le magasin de l'adjoint au poste de gestionnaire, et l'avertit Morgan est une responsabilité envers lui. Morgan est censé travailler un double changement, alors Chuck est prié de le traquer. Il le trouve en jouant à des jeux vidéo à un Playland Arcade parc d'attractions, où il clignote sur l'adversaire Morgan: le jeune homme de l'ouverture, qui identifie comme Chuck Laszlo Mahnovski. Chuck essaie d'alerte Morgan que son adversaire est dangereux, mais son ami ne le prend pas au sérieux. Laszlo reconnaît Chuck et cesse de jouer. Il affronte Chuck, exigeant de savoir s'il ya d'autres agents d'attente pour lui et a révélé que c'est lui qui a conçu cette montre. Lazlo s'enfuit comme des tentatives de Morgan lui dispute pour un pari qu'il a fait avec lui.

Chuck contrôles avec Sarah , et elle confirme qu'ils cherchent sur la situation et lui donne une image d'eux cosplay Han Solo et la Princesse Leia à Comic Con, qui se lamente Chuck rend presque ressembler à un vrai couple. Le lendemain matin, Casey affronte Chuck colère de ne pas être contacté. Au cours d'une séance d'information confirme que Beckman Laszlo est un assistant de la technologie du gouvernement qui a récemment tué et échappé à l'équipe lui la manipulation, et l'on croit être très dangereux. Laszlo pistes Chuck au Buy More et prétend qu'il a été élaborée. Laszlo miroirs situation propre de Chuck, il commence à faire confiance à l'actif «voyous» et prend lui pour obtenir quelque chose à manger. Laszlo révèle qu'il a été recruté à l'embarcadère où Chuck premier l'a identifié, et qu'il était responsable de toute la technologie du gouvernement avait besoin, notamment pour la veille de Chuck. Laszlo est tellement à l'abri, il ne comprend même pas le mandrin de référence permet de lui ressembler Q. Laszlo avertit alors lui, il ne devrait même pas confiance à ses propres gestionnaires.

Chuck revient à la maison pour trouver que, Laszlo prédit son domicile a été mis sur écoute, même les photos de Sarah lui a donné. Chuck confronte colère Casey, qui reconnaît les bugs sont là pour la protection de Chuck; aussi, il montre Chuck l'enregistrement qu'il a fait de la façon dont lui et Morgan causaient pendant quatre heures sur ce sandwich qu'ils mangent si échoués sur une île déserte. Lorsque Casey demande comment il le savait, Chuck admet avoir parlé avec Laszlo. Chuck revient chez lui pour trouver Laszlo dans sa chambre, et malgré les protestations ont continué de Chuck que sa peut aider les gestionnaires, les voyous ne le croit pas. Il affirme que si le gouvernement était allé aussi loin que lui cadrage pour assassiner. Il demande un endroit pour se cacher pour une seule nuit. Chuck est d'accord pour cacher Laszlo au Buy More, où ils surveillent A View To A Kill, que Laszlo n'a jamais vu un film de James Bond, également, Laszlo fracasse la montre Chuck et lui ordonne d'éteindre son téléphone afin que son maître ne peut pas suivre lui. À la fin du film, interprète Max Zorin Laszlo comme le véritable héros, comme il le rapporte à son être l'objet de l'expérimentation du gouvernement. Il révèle alors qu'il a conçu la salle de cinéma maison et qu'il est capable de puiser dans les ordinateurs militaires. Laszlo mises à jour de l'arme nucléaire bombardier B-2 à l'état actif et l'envoie à la bombe de San Francisco, mais se laisse fléchir lorsque Chuck suggère qu'il pourrait profiter de Goldfinger.

Pendant ce temps, Sarah est contacté par l'agent de Ben Katz, gestionnaire en chef de Laszlo, qui l'avertit que Laszlo est psychotique dangereux et peut être de construire une bombe.  Elle laisse un message vocal d'alerte Chuck lui pour se rendre à sa voiture et y rester. Chuck est conforme après vérification de son courrier, principalement composé de messages de menaces de Casey, lorsque l'instabilité Laszlo a été révélé et il courut à obtenir une copie de Goldfinger pour le distraire, mais Laszlo est déjà là et prend le contrôle de l'éleveur. Après une courte poursuite avec Casey, il est éjecté du véhicule Chuck. À la maison, Chuck s'excuse auprès de Sarah pour ne pas leur faire confiance. Elle voit, il jeta l'image fausse d'eux ensemble.

[Open: A harried-looking young man bursts through doors, then runs. He is clearly exhausted.]

[Cut to: a guard coming in through the door and seeing surveillance cameras, one showing the man running]

Guard: What the-?

[Cut to: the young man going up the stairs]

[Cut to: the guard watching him do this]

[Cut to: the young man screeching to a halt when the guard walks in front of him, brandishing a gun from his belt]

Guard: Whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going? (camera pans to the man's eyes darting from the gun to the guard as he clutches tightly to his laptop) You didn't actually think I'd let you go?

(sound of an explosion from somewhere far away as the monitors become hazy, the man uses this to hit the guard's gun first with his laptop then his face, knocking him unconscious. He takes the ID, swipes it on the reader, enters a code and makes his getaway.)

[Cut to: the sun shining brightly from doors burst open. The man shields his eyes, panting. He has been underground for too long, it seemed.]

[Cut to: the Nerd Herd center. Chuck is drinking from a Buy More mug.]

Woman: Excuse me.

Chuck: Yeah. (puts down the mug and stands up)

Woman: Is there a trick to get some help around here?

Chuck: Other than being charming and beautiful, no, ma'am.

Woman: I do not know which to buy. (holds up two boxes of digital cameras as she talks) 3000Z or the 3000ZX?

Chuck: Excellent question. Uh, you need to talk to one of our green shirts about that. I could actually call one to assist you. I'm not a salesman. I'm actually part of the Nerd Herd.

Woman: (sarcastically) You must be so proud of yourself.

Chuck: (earnestly) I wouldn't go so far as to say...proud. (she stomps away as Chuck looks around at the customers complaining...of the Buy More employees, he's the only one around) (as he walks through) So sorry. One minute. Be right back.

(As he rounds a corner to the Buy More employee 'lounge', he hears a chanting of some sort.)

[Cut to: a shirtless Morgan who seems to be doing some meditation exercise as other employees chant something I can't understand]

Chuck: Guys, guys, sorry--

Lester: (holding a wad of bills) This one is going to cost you five bucks.

Chuck: What's going on?

Morgan: Final round - (whatever they were chanting)

(shot of Jeff opening the fridge)

Jeff: Great (whatever they were chanting) where employee food gets to die.

Lester: Put the shield down.

(shot of Morgan lowering the blindfold)

Chuck: Guys, there's going to be a riot on the sales floor if you don't get back to work.

(camera pans to Morgan getting a container from the fridge)

Lester: There it is.

Morgan: Come to daddy. (he turns around and raises the container like a trophy to the applause)

Lester: There it is! You the man! You the man! (camera pans to Jeff opening the container as everyone laughs. Morgan raises his hand as if to ask for silence.) He wants his weapon.

(an employee hands him a plastic spoon with which he scoops something horrid and places it dramatically inside his mouth. He then opens his mouth to let everyone see that he has swallowed it.)

Anna: Morgan is so awesome; he can eat anything!

(camera pans to everyone rejoicing, praising, etc. The door opens with only one employee noticing as he leaves the area.)

Big Mike: Bartowski!

Chuck: Yes!

(shot of Morgan removing the blindfold and the other employees going out the back door)

Big Mike: Need to see you in my office.

Chuck: I, I was just on my way.

[Cut to: Buy More sales floor where a lot of Buy More green shirts are now helping out. Chuck looks around at them, confused.]

Harry: Daddy mad, Chuck, daddy mad. Might as well kiss that promotion goodbye.

(Chuck fixes his tie nervously as he passes)

Big Mike: Get in here, Bartowski.

Chuck: Yes, sir.

(sits down)

Big Mike: Tell me: what is the best part about being Buy More brass?

Chuck: The...power, the money, the ladies?

Big Mike: The medical. I couldn't give a rodent's behind about this job, but this (gestures to his pot belly)...My body is my temple, and I'ma treated as such.

Chuck: (horrified) Is, is that all, sir? 'Cause I, I really should, uh, get back to work.

Big Mike: No, that is not all! Sit down! (Chuck does) There's a guy coming here from corporate. Interview you and Tang for the assistant manager spot. Now, Tang has the charm of a prostate exam. For some reason, people seem to like you. If HR guy likes you, the job is yours, so is the medical. Don't screw up!

Chuck: I'll, uh, I'll do my best.

Big Mike: Make sure Morgan does his best, too. That kid is going to be the anchor around your neck, Bartowski.

[Cut to: afternoon in California]

[Cut to: the Bartowski living room where it is decorated with various Halloween decorations. Ellie is perched on top of a step stool, attaching cobwebs.]

Chuck: (coming in through the front door) Huh. What, we don't have enough actual cobwebs already?

Ellie: I'm getting ready for our annual Halloween party. What time are you, uh, (goes down) getting here?

Chuck: Oh, you know what? I might be late. They finally scheduled that promotional interview thing for that afternoon.

Ellie: Or we can just make it to assistant manager (something).

Chuck: Sure, if you feel like jinxing it.

Ellie: (holding the sides of his head) You're just finally growing up, aren't you? Do you think that this year would be a good time for you and Morgan to have separate costumes? (lets go)

Chuck: Excuse me, but what's wrong with our costume?

Ellie: Uh, I'm sorry, but the whole two-man sea cucumber thing is kind of creepy.

Chuck: First of all, it's a sandworm, okay? (something), to be specific. And second of all, Dune fans have been going nuts over our costume since the eighth grade.

Capt. Awesome: (offscreen) Yo, Chuckster, (Chuck turns around as camera pans to show Capt. Awesome wearing nothing but a skin-tone underwear with a giant leaf covering his genitalia) guess what I am?

Chuck: You're naked?

Capt. Awesome: I'm Adam. You know, like Adam & Eve, Adam? Wait 'til you see my snake.

Chuck: I don't wa...I don't wanna see your snake.

Ellie: (laughing) Devon, Chuck here has an interview on Wednesday.

Capt. Awesome: That is outstanding! (slaps Chuck double high fives as his phone rings)

Chuck: Heh, excuse me. Hello?

[Cut to: Big Mike]

Chuck: (through the phone) Hello?

Big Mike: I'm getting tense!

[Cut to: Chuck, Ellie and Capt. Awesome discussing the decorations in the background]

Big Mike: (through the phone) And I don't like being tense!

Chuck: How can I help you relax, Big Mike?

[Cut to: Big Mike]

Big Mike: Find that jackass Morgan! Your buddy's supposed to be working a double shift today.

[Cut to: Chuck]

Big Mike: (offscreen) Went AWOL.

[Cut to: Santa Monica Pier]

[Cut to: Playland Arcade]

[Cut to: Morgan warming up, wearing a cap and still in his Buy More uniform]

Chuck: Hey, hey, buddy, Morgan! Where have you--

Morgan: Chuck, buddy! (giving him double high fives) Yes!

Chuck: Where, where have you been? I've been trying to call you.

Morgan: I know. I picked the sandworm costume from the drycleaner's, the ranch dressing from last year totally came out, so we're all good. (picks up a toy electric guitar) You ready to win another Buy More costume contest?

Chuck: No, no, no, 'cause you're supposed to be at work, buddy.

Morgan: I got ten big ones riding on this quote-and-quote video game, so can I have just a (waves to someone behind him)...this guy has been handing me my ass this whole week. (someone walks up) Time to return the favor!

(camera pans to show the man who escaped earlier)

(Chuck flashes. "Lazslo Mahnovski, Considered Dangerous" appears with various pictures. End of flash.)

Chuck: (while keeping both eyes at Lazslo) Uh, Morgan?

Morgan: Yeah, buddy?

Chuck: Morgan, this guy's dangerous.

(Lazslo looks at him)

Morgan: Well, Morgan is dangerous, Chuckie. Morgan's dangerous. (Lazslo's eyesight pans down to the watch Sarah gave Chuck. He leaves.) What a baby! What a, a loser!

(Lazslo grabs Chuck when he goes to get a better look at him)

Chuck: Ah!

Lazslo: How'd you find me?! How did you find me?! Who else knows I'm here?! Who do you work for?!

Chuck: (panicking) No one, no one, I, I, I don't know what you're talking about.

Lazslo: I know you're a spy! Your watch - I designed that watch for the CIA! (shot of Morgan winning the game and the spectators applauding) Are there any other agents waiting for me outside? Are there any other agents waiting for me outside?!

Morgan: Ah hah! You're not sneaking away from me! (Lazslo steals a glance at Chuck before bolting) Whoa, whoa! You still owe me ten bucks! (runs after him as Chuck stands frozen)

Chuck: (going out of the trance) Morgan, Morgan! (runs after him)

[Cut to: outside the Playland Arcade]

Morgan: Oh, hey, you still owe me $10!

(shot of Chuck looking at presumably Lazslo while breathing heavily)

(opening sequence)

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: Chuck bursting in through the front door, Ellie and Capt. Awesome are watching TV]

Chuck: Hey, um, is Sarah here?

Capt. Awesome: She's waiting in your room.

Ellie: Everything okay?

(Chuck leaves)

Capt. Awesome: Said she has a surprise for you. Get in there, slugger. (chuckles)

[Cut to: Chuck coming in his bedroom. Shot of Sarah peering out the window.]

Chuck: Hey, who is this Lazslo character? He just ID'd me as an agent.

Sarah: Relax. We're looking into him. You did the right thing.

Chuck: I did - I didn't do anything. I just flashed on the guy!

Sarah: You followed protocol, and I'm going to check in with you first thing in the morning. (starts to leave)

Chuck: Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Wait, hold on. (Sarah stops and looks at him, confused. Chuck looks like he's trying to find the easiest way to break something to Sarah.) Look, if it's cool with you, could you hang out for a little while? (shot of Sarah's expression) Look, Awesome and Ellie think that I'm kind of getting lucky in here, and I wouldn't want to disappoint. Them.

Sarah: (not really knowing how to reply) Oh. Um, wh...uh, how long do you want me to stay?

Chuck: 42 minutes and fifteen seconds? (shot of Sarah's expression) Arcade Fire's first album. It's like an auditory aphrodisiac. You're not really ready for it. Yeah, I'm - (plays something on his stereo) (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah sitting down on Chuck's bed) Okay, here we go. (camera returns to Chuck who sits with his back to Sarah. He is about to say something, but thinks the better of it and remains silent for eight seconds.) What - why were you waiting in my room, anyway?

Sarah: Well, I wanted to surprise you. (takes a frame from Chuck's bedside table and shows it to Chuck) It's, uh, us at Comic Con. What do you think?

(We see the picture. It's Sarah wearing the "slave girl" bikini worn by Princess Leia, and Chuck as Han Solo.)

Chuck: It's, it's great...but we've never actually been to Comic Con, have we? Wowee, we actually look like a real couple.

Sarah: Well, we are a real couple; we're just a different sort of a couple.

Chuck: That we are.

(camera pans to the two smiling in the photograph)

[Cut to: sunrise over California]

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More]

[Cut to: Chuck in the Buy More employee 'lounge', making his coffee]

Casey: You! What do I have to do to get timely intel out of you, Bartowski?

Chuck: Look, I briefed Sarah last night, all right?

Casey: Oh, I bet you did, slugger.

Chuck: I thought we're all supposed to be part of the same team here, huh, Team Chuck?

Casey: We are, but I'm starting to feel like the guy who always gets picked last. I don't like feeling like Team Chuck's little fat kid!

Chuck: Okay, you know what, the next time I have a flash I'll come straight to you, all right, Casey?

Casey: What did you tell Lazslo?

Chuck: Nothing! He asked me where I got my watch and I told him my girlfriend gave it to me, okay?

Casey: So you compromised yourself AND Agent Walker. Bang up job, Chuck! (leaves)

[Cut to: Chuck in the Nerd Herd center holding a folder]

Chuck: And so now you and your son are ready to video chat.

Woman: Oh, thank you, young man! You've been - (sees something) great heavens!

(Chuck looks back to see six LCDs showing a woman's underwear showing out of her trousers being videotaped. He looks around then goes to find the sneaky little devil.)

[Cut to: Morgan holding a video camera and showing it to two teenaged boys]

Morgan: This is a whale-tail. (offscreen, as camera pans to the unknown woman oblivious to being taped) You know, this elusive creature is seen frolicking in its natural habitat. (camera pans to other customers and employees looking around) Any sudden movement--

(Chuck takes the video camera out of his hands)

Chuck: Give me, give me this. Come on, come on. Get - shoo, shoo, have fun. Go find the video games. (shot of the boys leaving)

Morgan: What was that about, man? I was this close to closing a sale.

Chuck: No, you know what you were, Morgan? You were this close to getting fired for sexual harassment!

Morgan: (scoffs) What happened, Chuck? You used to be cool.

Chuck: I, I used to be cool? When, when was that? When we were 13? Well, I'm sorry to go changing on you, buddy, but if you hadn't noticed we are now, chronologically speaking, adults. So, unless you want to work retail (offscreen, as camera pans to Jeff and Lester peeking at the scene) for the rest of your life and, (camera returns to Chuck) by the way, drag me down with you in the process, I would suggest that you grow up!

(Morgan walks away, hurt, while Chuck exhales loudly. He didn't want to be hard on his buddy, but he needed to be.)

Lester: Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Couldn't help but notice the way that you handled that, uh, Morgan situation. That was...most impressive, Chuck.

Chuck: (wondering where this is all headed) That's great, that's great. (leaves)

Jeff: (monotone) You gave me goosebumps. (raises his arm to show Chuck)

Chuck: (offscreen) Super, Jeff.

[Cut to: Casey coming in the Buy More Home Theatre Room. He punches in a code, making the curtains close. He presses something on the remote and General Beckman shows on the screen.]

Beckman: (through the speaker) The Intersect was correct with the alertness. (camera pans to the other flat screen showing documents of Lazslo) We've been looking for Lazslo Mahnovski since he escaped from the (something) National Labs last month.

Casey: Who is he?

Beckman: (through the speaker) Weapons designer. Government-trained. The target graduated college aged 14 (picture of a young Lazslo at a party), PhD at 17 (picture of Lazslo receiving his diploma). Been with us ever since, working under a clandestine engineering contract. Lazslo is not the kind of asset we can afford losing to our enemies.

Casey: Great, an egghead. Got it. What do you want me to do with him?

Beckman: Bring him in, and take precaution.

Casey: What, is he going to hurt me with his mind?

Beckman: Well, here's what he did to his handlers. (pictures of men in suits, dead)

(Casey looks impressed)

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More where Chuck is making his way toward his car. An evil clown-masked man surprises Chuck.]

Chuck: Oh, huh, nice try, buddy, but, uh, Halloween's tomorrow, okay? (the man points a gun at his face) Or, or today! Or today! It could be today, if you want it to be today.

(The man takes off his mask.)

Lazslo: I didn't kill anybody.

Chuck: Look, I, I never said you did.

Lazslo: Then why am I in the FBI list?

Chuck: I, I don't know. Just calm down.

Lazslo: I was framed, okay! You have to believe me! I am not a murderer!

Chuck: Okay, okay, I believe you. But FYI, you're kinda acting like a murderer.

Lazslo: You told the undercover agent about me, didn't you? He's talking to the Pentagon operations right now! I tapped into the encrypted video feed of the store. I helped design the Home Theatre system.

Chuck: Look, I, I, I don't know what you think-- (A car horn blares which distracts Lazslo for a second. It's all Chuck needs to try to take the gun away from his attacker...) I got it, I got it, I got it! (...and failing miserably. As he lies on the hood of his car, water drips on his face.) Is that a water gun?

Lazslo: No.

Chuck: I'm pretty sure it's dripping on my face.

(Lazslo releases him)

Lazslo: I'm sorry. Name's Lazslo, and I need help.

Chuck: What the hell am I supposed to do?

Lazslo: You're on the inside. You have access. Look, unless you're gonna help me clear my name, they're gonna keep chasing me. You're my only hope, but first I could really use some pancakes.

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: the courtyard in the Bartowski complex. Capt. Awesome and Ellie are strolling in, both dressed smartly, when they see Morgan sitting on the fountain.]

Ellie: Hey, where's Chuck? Shouldn't you guys be practicing your snake dance?

Morgan: (not smiling) It's a...sandworm. And Chuck's not here. He's probably off doing something really mature like seeing an opera...or reading.

Capt. Awesome: C'mon, babe. Let's help the little guy out.

[Cut to: Chuck and Lazslo eating pancakes in a pancake restaurant]

Chuck: What else did you make for the CIA?

Lazslo: Whatever the job's called for, actually. I mean, if an agent wanted a thermal vision Ray Bans, or he wanted a parachute disguised as a backpack, I'm the guy they call.

Chuck: (through a mouthful) You're like a real-life Q. You know? (Lazslo doesn't know what he's saying) You know, Q. The guy who used to make all the gadgets for Bond, Q.

Lazslo: Bond was a spy guy, right?

Chuck: What, have they been keeping you in a friggin' cave?

Lazslo: Underground lab, actually. For the last ten years. (camera pans to show him drawing skulls on fire) All I did was work in that lab, pretty much. Well, I played video games, but no friends or family.

Chuck: No Bond. No wonder you blew up all your research and busted out of there. That's just inhumane.

Lazslo: So, what kind of work do you do?

Chuck: You know, it's kinda...it's kinda, uh, complicated.

Lazslo: Right, but you gotta be some kind of genius or prodigy. I mean, the feds don't bother recruiting somebody, guarding them with undercover agents, unless you're super good at...something. What are you super good at?

Chuck: Let's just say I'm a computer guy.

[Cut to: outside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: the Bartowski living room where Morgan is standing behind Ellie who is on the couch]

Morgan: Ellie, let me ask you a question: Am I the kind of person you'd categorize as..."immature"?

Ellie: Do you really want me to answer that?

Morgan: Yes. Be straight with me. Fire away both barrels.

(camera pans to Capt. Awesome standing in the kitchen)

Capt. Awesome: Would you mind stepping into the kitchen for a moment, Morgan? I'll handle this one, honey. (Ellie turns to the TV and Morgan goes to Capt. Awesome)

[Cut to: Capt. Awesome and Morgan walking into Capt. Awesome and Ellie's bedroom, which I am more than 100% sure isn't the kitchen]

Morgan: Ellie's room. (inhales deeply) Wow.

Capt. Awesome: (as he leads Morgan to the full-length mirror) There comes a time in every man's life when he reaches...well, the crossroads. The time when he must ask himself "Am I a tucker?" (Morgan looks at him, confused) I'm talking about your shirt, Morgan. I wasn't always a tucker, you know. Then, one day, it just happened.

Morgan: How do you know it's time?

Capt. Awesome: Just feel it. Go ahead, tuck her in. See how she feels.

Morgan: (as he buttons his shirt) I dunno. No, I, I'm just kinda happier with my shirt's hanging there.

Capt. Awesome: Come on, you're safe in here. All right.

Morgan: I dunno--

Capt. Awesome: Do it.

(Morgan clears his throat, then tucks in his shirt while Capt. Awesome mumbles and nods encouragingly. Blimey, you'd think they were about to jump off a really tall building or something.)

Morgan: I don't know. I, I, I kinda feel like my junk's out there for the whole world to see.

Capt. Awesome: Maybe that's the point, Morgan, maybe that's the point.

[Cut to: the Bartowski living room where Capt. Awesome and Morgan are occupying the couch, each with a brandy sniffer]

Capt. Awesome: There's one thing, being a man - it's always speaking your mind. Whatever the cost, always be direct, open and honest.

Morgan: When I was twelve I hid under Ellie's bed so I could watch her undress.

Capt. Awesome: Excellent.

Morgan: (puzzled tone) What are you looking at?

Capt. Awesome: Your hair. It's time to tame the mane, buddy. Let's talk product. (takes out hair gel)

[Cut to: Capt. Awesome and Morgan in Capt. Awesome and Ellie's bedroom]

Capt. Awesome: (as he's straightening Morgan's tucked shirt) Good job.

Morgan: Who's that handsome guy?

[Cut to: Chuck and Lazslo]

Lazslo: This is great. I mean, just being able to sit in a coffee shop and talk. (Chuck laughs) Just talk with somebody who knows what it's like working for the Company. You know, if I could do that all over again, I never would've gone over to that pier.

Chuck: What pier?

Lazslo: I was eleven, and some agent saw me playing Tetris in an arcade. So, he asked me if I could take all these tests. The next thing I know, he's offering to pay my way through school. My parents, they don't know what to do with the kid whose IQ is higher than both of theirs combined. So they signed me up, and that's when I became the property of the United States government.

Waitress: (puts down their bill on the table) Here you go. (leaves)

Lazslo: Sweet story, huh? (embarrassed) I'm a little, I'm a little strapped. You know, how government pays.

Chuck: Yeah, no, no, no, don't worry about it.

Lazslo: Here. (tosses over the napkin with the skulls) Here's an I.O.U.

Chuck: (grins) Thanks.

Lazslo: Chuck, listen. You can't tell your handlers you ever saw me.

Chuck: What? Why? They can help you, Lazslo. They're the good guys.

Lazslo: (laughing) There's no such thing in this business. I mean, you don't believe me? Go home and search your room. See what kind of bugs your 'good guy' (The quotation marks are hard to miss.) handlers has planted on you. From now on, you should trust your handlers PRECISELY as much as they trust you.

[Cut to: Chuck coming in the front door of the Bartowski house, wary, inspecting for bugs. He finds one under the lamp, attached to the battery of their phone, lightbulb, and in the frame of the picture of him and Sarah at Comic Con.]

[Cut to: Casey's flat where there is a rapid knocking. He answers the door, wearing a kimono.]

Chuck: What the hell are these? (presses the bug against Casey's shoulder and enters)

Casey: (closes the door) Seems you already know, Chuck.

Chuck: I can't believe you were prying into my most intimate moment...you know what, I swear to God, if I find out you've been spying on my sister, I will kill you, Casey.

Casey: Intimate moments? Not really an issue thus far, at least not in the sense of traditional two-person intimacy.

(Chuck makes a mock laugh)

Chuck: Do you have any idea how violated I feel right now?!

Casey: You feel violated?! No, no, no. My ears feel violated, 'cause they have to listen to you and that moron Morgan yammering on for four hours about what sandwich you're gonna take if you're stranded on a desert island!

Chuck: What are you, nuts? Nobody was talking about sandwiches for four hours, come on!

(Casey hits the play button on his console)

Chuck: (on tape) Think about it: this is a desert island, Morgan. Mayonnaise simply doesn't fare well in the tropics.

Morgan: Yeah, but define sandwich, 'cause technically you could put anything between two slices of bread. For instance, could I bring a Jessica Alba sandwich to said desert island?

Chuck: Well, I suppose--

(Casey stops the recording)

Chuck: Well, I'll have you know I stand by my mayonnaise theory. And you're still a giant douche for spying on me like that!

Casey: Well, if it's any comfort, Chuck, we planted those bugs to protect you...how did you find the surveillance, anyway?

Chuck: Oh, a little birdie named Lazslo told me.

Casey: What? You contacted Lazslo and didn't tell me?

Chuck: I'm sorry, Casey, (through gritted teeth) did I violate your trust?

[Cut to: Wienerlicious where Sarah is cleaning up the mess. The guard from the beginning of the episode walks in with a nasty bruise on his face.]

Sarah: (smiling) Willkommen to Wienerlicious. I'm sorry but we're geschlossen (takes out the knife we saw so much in the pilot episode behind her back under the pretense of planting her hand on her hip) and that's German for closed.

(Transcriber's note: Willkommen is German for welcome.)

(The guard takes out his ID and badge)

Man: That's really adorable. Nice cover, Agent Walker. (shot of Sarah's face saying, "Fine, you got me.") You have a sec?

[Cut to: Chuck entering his room and not turning on the lights]

Man: Hello, Chuck.

(Chuck screams and turns on the lights.)

Lazslo: What did you tell your handler?

Chuck: I told him you were innocent, okay? I told him I thought you were innocent and I think the best thing for you to do is go and turn yourself in. They can help you.

Lazslo: Forget it, Chuck. It doesn't even matter.

Chuck: Of course it matters. Isn't this what you wanted?

Lazslo: They went to the trouble of framing me for MURDER. What's gonna happen when they get me back? A slap on the wrist? There's gotta be some place you can hide me. Just for tonight.

Chuck: There is one place.

[Cut to: Wienerlicious where the camera is on Lazslo's file]

Sarah: So, this kid just escaped?

Man: Well, we tried everything we could to prevent this whole thing from happening.

Sarah: And what exactly is this?

Man: A mentally unstable weapons designer, office meds and currently running around Los Angeles?

Sarah: And how do you know all of this?

Man: Lazslo was my asset. I was the one who found him, I was the one who trained him, and I'm definitely going to be the one who's bringing him back. Look, I'm just going to be completely straight with you, Walker: we believe that he is looking to make a bomb. And God help whoever is in his way when he decides for it to go off.

[Cut to: interior of Buy More]

Chuck: (grinning) Welcome to Buy More. How may I be of assistance?

(Lazslo looks around, smiling)

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room where Chuck and Lazslo has made into a very loose definition of quarters]

Lazslo: This is great! I'll be up before you guys open and if everything works out, you will never see me again. Thank you, Chuck, for everything. (shakes Chuck's hand) I really appreciate it.

Chuck: Yeah, definitely. Good luck disappearing.

Lazslo: Oh, and I hope you don't mind. I kinda (opens a DVD) helped myself to the Bond-(something).

Chuck: Ahh, "A View to a Kill". That's, that's a bold choice.

Lazslo: Why? Is it a good one?

Chuck: Ah, dude, Christopher Walken playing some evil Nazi villain. Grace Jones is some, uh, road-rage, sex assassin. I think, actually, on second thought, I'm gonna stay for the beginning. (sits down as Lazslo goes to the player and plays the DVD and Chuck's phone rings)

Lazslo: Who is it?

(camera pans to show Sarah calling)

Chuck: Ah, it's my handler Sarah.

Lazslo: Chuck, you have to turn it off. Please, Chuck. She could be tracking us. You don't understand. If you turn me in to your handlers it's like signing my death warrant. (Chuck ends the call) Give me your watch.

Chuck: (as he takes it off) Why?

Lazslo: Give me your watch. I need to disable the transponder.

Chuck: Disable the transponder?

Lazslo: (overlapping) Transponder.

Chuck: (gives his watch to Lazslo) How, how will you do that?

(Lazslo puts it down on the floor and steps on it multiple times)

Lazslo: (giving it to Chuck who is stunned) Here you go.

Chuck: You were right about the bugs, by the way. God knows what they put in my car.

Lazslo: I got a pretty good idea. I broke into it earlier. Disabled the GPS system.

Chuck: How did you - you designed my car.

Lazslo: Just think, Chuck. Right now, there is no one in the entire world who knows where we are.

[Cut to: California in the night]

Sarah: (offscreen) Come on, Chuck, pick up the phone.

[Cut to: Sarah behind the wheel of her black Porsche, driving VERY fast]

Chuck: (voicemail) Hey, it's Chuck and I'll call you right back.

(camera pans to see her car zooming by)

Sarah: (offscreen) Damn it. (camera returns to her) Chuck, I want you to go to your car, lock the doors and wait for me.

[Cut to: Buy More Home Theatre Room where the end credits are rolling]

Chuck: What did I tell you? Max Zorin is one of the greatest bad guys of all time.

Lazslo: You think Walken was the bad guy.

Chuck: (chuckling) What are you, kidding? Well, he did try to sink California into the Pacific Ocean. What do you think?

Lazslo: Don't you get it, Chuck? Zorin is like us. The Nazis used him for his superior gifts, the way our government uses me and you.

Chuck: (puzzled) I don't--

Lazslo: Too bad Zorin didn't have this Home Theatre system. Screw (something). (picks up the remote) Do you know what we can do with this system if we really wanted to, Chuck?

Chuck: Watch more movies?

Lazslo: (offscreen, as camera pans to the flat screen where it shows some sort of terrestrial plan) I haven't had the chance to use this bad boy since I designed it.

(stands up, camera returns to the flat screen where there is a "Training Exercise", leading Chuck to sit up in alarm)

Chuck: What is that?

Lazslo: Strategic air command. The key to the infusing of a bomb kept in nuclear herd, just in case.

Female Voice: Training exercise terminated. Plan modified.

Chuck: What are you doing?

Lazslo: Putting my tax dollars to work, Chuck! Would you like to play a nice game of thermonuclear war? (camera pans to Chuck's expression as he sees this could not be good) How about Texas? What did Texas ever do that was so great?

Chuck: Um...

(camera shows ETA for the bomb is 9 hours, 32 minutes, 15 seconds)

Lazslo: Nine hours. Maybe we should pick somewhere closer. (shot of Chuck looking at him, alarmed) See how fast it can get to San Francisco.

Female Voice: Destination modified.

Chuck: (standing up) Hey. Hey, hey, hey, (Lazslo looks at him) um, what about, how about we watch Goldfinger, huh?

Lazslo: What's it about?

Chuck: Again. It's, it's about this bad misunderstood guy who just wants to blow up the world. It's right up your alley. I think you'd really like it.

Lazslo: We can always play later.

Chuck: We can, we can play (shot of Lazslo cancelling the plan) bomb, bomb, bomb thing late - I'm gonna go get us some more popcorn, so here. (hands the DVD to Lazslo) Why don't you go ahead and start without me? And, and, uh, I'm gonna be right back.

[Cut to: Chuck sneaking around, phone in hand, alarmed now]

Voicemail: You have 34 new messages.

Casey: (voicemail) Chuck, it's Casey. Call me. (next voicemail) Think this is funny, Chuck? (next) If you don't call me back in the next ten seconds, I'm gonna - (next) Tie it in a knot, shove it straight up your--


Sarah: Chuck, I want you to go to your car, lock the doors and wait for me.

[Cut to: Chuck running to his car as if a cheetah is right behind him. He is about to turn on the ignition when...]

Lazslo: Where are we headed? (Chuck screams) I thought I asked you to turn your phone off. Who were you talking to?

Chuck: My handler, okay? W - she was just checking in.

Lazslo: Shouldn't have done that, Chuck. Should not have dragged them into this! I'm not responsible for what happens now. (a black SUV approaches, camera pans to Sarah's worried expression) You sold me, you sold me out!

Chuck: No, no, no! I just didn't want you to get hurt, okay? (offscreen, as camera pans to Sarah, Casey and Lazslo's handler pulling out their guns) Look, relax. Just relax. Everything is going to be cool.

(Lazslo locks the door as Chuck looks around, scared now. He enters some code on the stereo and his own steering wheel goes out of the glovebox.)

Lazslo: Everything is not gonna be cool. (drives away)

Sarah: (as she runs toward Casey's car) Come on, let's go.

[Cut to: Chuck, breathing hard. Lazslo is driving very fast by the look on his face.]

Chuck: (stepping on the brake which is not working) What the hell?

(interchange scenes between Lazslo's manic look, Chuck's terror as Lazslo makes sharp turns, Sarah's worry and Casey's concentration)

Chuck: (grabbing Lazslo's wheel) We'll get killed! (the car moves around in circles, later going head-to-head with Casey's car. Casey swerves away at the last minute.)

Lazslo: Well, Chuck, it's been fun. (flips open a switch)

Chuck: No, don't!

(Lazslo presses it, leading the door on Chuck's side to be ejected, followed by Chuck's occupied seat. He almost gets hit by a car, then continues on. Chuck uses his trainers to "brake", which does...next to a convertible with girls wearing "what-the-hell" expressions.)

[Cut to: California in the morning]

[Cut to: Chuck's room]

Sarah: (entering) Hey. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck in front of a mirror, arranging his tie) You look nice.

Chuck: Thanks. I feel like crap. I screwed up. I severely botched the Lazslo situation last night.

Sarah: Yeah, well, (straightening his tie) today you have a job interview.

Chuck: Do you, do you think I care about making low management at a Buy More? (sits on his bed) Are you kidding me? I aided and embedded the escape of the next Ted Kaczynski, Sarah. (Sarah also takes a seat) I just, I can't believe that I, I was so wrong about the guy. No wonder you bugged my room. I'm an absolute idiot.

(Sarah looks aside and sees the picture she gave him in the trash)

Sarah: You know, just because you trust people doesn't make you an idiot.

Chuck: Yeah, well, I should've trusted you guys a little more. I'm sorry.

Sarah: Well, Casey got a signal on your car. Somehow, the GPS got turned back on, and Lazslo was heading east. So, I'll call you from the road. Don't worry; we're gonna bring him in, Chuck. Good luck today. (smiles and stands up to leave as Chuck looks after her)

[Cut to: Buy More. Someone with quite the shiny black shoes walks in. Camera pans up to show that it's Morgan, all dressed up and combed.]

Big Mike: (dressed in an entertainment mogul attire) Grimes! I don't know who you supposed to be, but that's the most kick-ass costume ever.

Morgan: Oh, I'm sorry, Michael. (looks at his watch) Is it Halloween? I didn't realize. (walks off)

Lester: (dressed as the farming wife from American Gothic while Jeff is the husband) Hey, hey, hey. You up for a little mystery crisper holiday edition?

Morgan: I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about, Lester. Jeffrey. (walks off)

Chuck: (walking up) Hey, Morgan, buddy, where were you this morning? I thought you wanted a ride in. Why are you all dressed up?

Morgan: (mocking) Why are YOU all dressed up?

Chuck: I have a job interview today.

Morgan: Well, bully for you, Chuck.

Chuck: What?

Morgan: You think you're the only one in the Buy More who cares about looking professional? Typical. (walks off)

Chuck: I never said, I never said anything-- (Morgan makes a 'talk-to-the-hand' gesture)

(Chuck takes out his ID to swipe on the Nerd Herd center when...)

Male Voice: Boo!

(Chuck screams)

Harry: (dressed as a cowboy) Did that scare you, Chuck? You better be scared 'cause I'm about to kill me a job interview, partner. Kapow. (leaves)

(Chuck bends down to pick up his wallet when he sees the drawing Lazslo gave him. Flash.)

Chuck: (on the phone) Lazslo is not headed east. He's going to the Santa Monica Pier.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Sarah: Yeah, you don't say. We just found the GPS downtown. Lazslo ripped it out and stuck it under a (something).

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Look, he was casing the arcade. That's where he was first recruited.

[Cut to: Sarah]

Chuck: (through the phone) There's a huge Halloween party there. I think he's gonna blow it up.

[Cut to: Chuck]

Big Mike: Where do you think you're going?

Chuck: (puts his phone inside his pocket) Uh, to - hey, hey, Big Mike, I could...can I, can I borrow another Herder?

Big Mike: All the Herders are out. You got an interview this afternoon, in case you forget.

Chuck: No, I just I'm...something came up.

Big Mike: Is that something more important than being assistant manager? Is it more important than handing over your promotion to Tang? (He becomes distraught) Please, Chuck, is it more important than Big Mike's relaxation?!

Chuck: Look, Big Mike, there are just some things in life that are just more important than the Buy More. (runs off)

Big Mike: (calling after him) You mean like fishin' and danish?

[Cut to: Chuck running outside the Buy More. He looks around and goes to grab a bike.]

Chuck: (to a passing woman) Excuse me, excuse me. I beg your pardon. (he cycles away)

[Cut to: Buy More. The man I presume to be the HR person goes out of Big Mike's office.]

Man: Bartowski! (looks around, spots Morgan) Excuse me, you. In the Gordon Gekko costume, have you seen Chuck Bartowski? (shot of Morgan shaking his head) It's time for his interview.

Morgan: I actually don't know where Chuck has been keeping himself these days. Sorry.

(The HR goes back into Big Mike's office, shaking his head)

Male Voice: I guess your boyfriend just couldn't take the heat, huh?

Morgan: (turns around) I'm sure he has a perfectly good excuse.

Harry: Sure he does. First, Chuck bails on you and your stupid space penis costume, and then he doesn't even have the stones to show up for his own interview. What a loser, even by your standards. If I were you, I'd start interviewing for a new bestfriend, M-M-Morgan.

(Transcriber's note: The stuttering was deliberate.)

Morgan: Let me ask you something: what do you know about Chuck Bartowski? (pokes Harry in the chest leading him to look down and while he is doing so, pokes his hat back)

[Cut to: Big Mike's office where the HR is packing up his things]

(Morgan knocks)

Man: You're not Bartowski.

Morgan: Actually, I'm, I'm here to interview on my friend's behalf.

Man: Look--

Morgan: Please, please, just hear me out, okay? I know the virtues I make for a good Buy More manager are the same virtues that I make for a bestfriend. Now, Chuck and I may have our differences, but I could tell you this about him: Chuck is, is brave...(offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck cycling away as fast as he could) Chuck is loyal. You know, Chuck can quote (something) and you know, Chuck is courageous. Chuck has a wicked (something) collection, and Chuck has the wisdom to not to eat garbage from the (something). If you want my open and honest and direct opinion, the best man for this job is the man by the name of Chuck Bartowski. (stands up and offers his hand to the HR)

Man: Some speech. Chuck Bartowski sounds like a hell of a guy.

Morgan: He is.

Man: (standing up) When he comes in tomorrow, he'll be working for one Harold Tiberius Tang. God help you all.

[Cut to: a breathless Chuck]

Chuck: Excuse me, excuse me. (turning people around to look at their faces, runs down to the docks where he sees his car...with a 1-minute bomb underneath the hood)

Lazslo: I meant to tell you earlier about your car's self-destruct function. (stands up) One of my more inspired designs.

Chuck: Lazslo, listen--

Lazslo: Relax, Chuck. (tosses the key) It's all yours.

(Countdown starts)

Chuck: What did you just do?

Lazslo: YOU just armed a bomb. It's going to take me hours to figure out the (something) recognition system.

Chuck: Why are you doing this?

Lazslo: What, blow stuff up? That's what bad guys do, Chuck, and besides, how else was I gonna punish them for what they did to me?

(Chuck's phone rings)

Chuck: Yeah?

[Cut to: Sarah and Casey just above them]

Casey: (on the phone) Hey. Someone just armed the Herder to self-destruct.

[Cut to: Chuck]

Chuck: Yeah, I know. It was me.

[Cut to: 32 seconds and counting]

Chuck: Disarm the bomb right now!

Lazslo: You disarm the bomb!

Chuck: How?

Lazslo: It's easy. (places pliers on Chuck's hand) Cut the wire.

Chuck: (offscreen, 25 seconds and counting) Which one?

Lazslo: Red one. (Chuck hesitates) You gotta cut the wire, Chuck!

Chuck: What if I kill both of us?!

Lazslo: Like Sean Connery in Goldfinger?

Chuck: What did you just say?

Lazslo: Cut the wire, Chuck.

Chuck: The other night you said you've never seen Goldfinger. So, how would you know about that at the end of the movie?

Lazslo: Cut the wire or we're dead.

(17 seconds and counting)

Chuck: You lied to me, Lazslo. You knew I'd believe you when you said you just wanted to live a normal, peaceful life. And you knew that I'd believe you about cutting the wire, but you were wrong, Lazslo--

(Enter Sarah and Casey, guns at the ready.)

Sarah: Chuck!

Chuck: Wait! Wait, stay back!

Lazslo: (jumping up and down maniacally) CUT THE WIRE, CHUCK!!!

(Chuck cuts the green wires at seven seconds. The timer stops. Sarah and Casey go nearer to the two.)

Casey: (putting Lazslo on handcuffs) You're under arrest. (leads him away as Sarah looks worriedly at a breathless Chuck)

[Cut to: sunset in California]

[Cut to: exterior of Buy More - night]

(Chuck walks in as Jeff and Lester are talking about something. They face him.)

Jeff and Lester: Hey, Chuck. (walks away)

Harry: (walking toward him) Nice costume, Chuck, and what are you supposed to be? Oh, that's right. You're my employee. (chuckles) Aren't you going to congratulate me? You did hear I got the job.

Chuck: Uncontested. Yeah, nice work, Harry.

Harry: Anyhow, now that you're here, (Chuck is not listening, looking around) I wanted to talk to you about some organizational ideas for the Nerd Herd. (Chuck leaves) That w - Chuck, where are you going? Chuck! Chuck, I will not be ignored!

Anna: (dressed as Catwoman) Morgan ever find you? I thought the guy was gonna lose it.

Chuck: No, I, I know he was really looking toward the Buy More costume contest. (Anna stops walking)

Anna: I'm talking about what he did for you. (Chuck is lost) Giving the whole big speech to try to talk the HR guy into giving you the job?

Chuck: Morgan did that?

Anna: And then someone went and stole his bike. (offscreen, as camera pans to Chuck's stunned face) I mean, what kind of loser would steal a guy's bike?

(Chuck runs off)

[Cut to: the Bartowski house where there is a costume party. Morgan is alone in the side, waiting for Chuck.]

[Cut to: Chuck cycling as fast as he can]

[Cut to: Morgan]

[Cut to: Chuck running inside the Bartowski complex]

[Cut to: Morgan]

[Cut to: Chuck, looking for him]

[Cut to: Morgan, playing with the costume]

[Cut to: Ellie, sympathizing with Morgan from a distance]

[Cut to: Chuck, bursting in through the front door and seeing Morgan who also sees him]

Morgan: I didn't think you were coming.

Chuck: I'm sorry. I got held up. Listen, Morgan, I think you should be the head this year.

Morgan: (speechless) Really? I...

[Cut to: the sandworm dancing in the courtyard as party guests cheer them on]

(Ellie goes toward them and holds on to the head)

Ellie: Chuck, Chuck, honey, honey--

Morgan: He's in the back.

(Chuck pokes his head out of the costume)

Chuck: Hey.

Ellie: (excited) How did it go?

Chuck: Uh, the short version is that I didn't get the job.

Ellie: What?

Chuck: I kinda skipped out on the interview.

Sarah: (offscreen) It was my fault.

(camera pans to Sarah in the slave bikini costume looking...ahem)

Morgan: Hel-lo.

Sarah: I, uh, I (as Chuck looks her up and down repeatedly, stunned) had a personal emergency, and Chuck really came through. He probably wouldn't admit it, but your brother is kind of a hero.

(Transcriber's note: Talk about sugar-coating!)

(Chuck smiles a little at her and she smiles back.)

Chuck: Would you excuse us? (pokes his head back inside the worm) Hey, uh, buddy, you mind, you mind if we take a little break?

Morgan: Dude, you kidding me? Take ten if you need

it.(Chuck smiles gratefully.)

[Cut to: Sarah walking into Chuck's room followed by Chuck]

Chuck: So, uh, where'd you get the costume?

Sarah: Well, the CIA can make anything. (goes to his bed where her purse is resting and takes out a digital camera)

Chuck: What are you, what are you doing?

Sarah: Uh, smile. (holds the camera up) Smile. (takes the picture) I, uh, I wanted to give you a new photo of us and I figured that it should be something real.

Morgan: (offscreen) Chuck! (Chuck looks to the window or the 'Morgan door' as the guests are chanting "Sandworm" repeatedly.) They're calling for the worm, bro.

Sarah: I'll, uh, I'll see you outside. (leaves as Morgan jumps over the window and Chuck drags a chair next to it)

Morgan: What are you guys, what are you guys talking about?

Chuck: Oh, nothin'. Just, uh, you know. Sarah was just telling me that if she were stranded on a desert island, (raises his voice) she would bring roast beef.

Morgan: She didn't say roast beef.

[Cut to: Casey, eating and listening to the two]

Chuck: (through headphones) Oh, she totally. She completely said roast beef.

Morgan: (through headphones) Ah, that's terrible, that's terrible. You know, she's, she's smart and she's sexy and kudos on the costume looking fantastic, but who brings roast beef to a desert island? That's a terrible choice. Oh, come on.

(Casey is clearly annoyed)


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Ce soir, Téva diffusera deux épisodes inédits de la série "Burden of Truth" avec Kristin Kreuk qui...

Burden of Truth : Diffusion des épisodes 1.07 & 1.08 sur Téva | Kristin Kreuk

Burden of Truth : Diffusion des épisodes 1.07 & 1.08 sur Téva | Kristin Kreuk
Ce soir, Téva diffusera deux épisodes inédits de la série "Burden of Truth" avec Kristin Kreuk qui...

Burden of Truth : Diffusion des épisodes 1.05 & 1.06 sur Téva | Kristin Kreuk

Burden of Truth : Diffusion des épisodes 1.05 & 1.06 sur Téva | Kristin Kreuk
Ce soir, Téva diffusera deux épisodes inédits de la série "Burden of Truth" avec Kristin Kreuk qui...

Burden of Truth : Diffusion FR sur Téva | Kristin Kreuk

Burden of Truth : Diffusion FR sur Téva | Kristin Kreuk
Ce soir, Téva diffusera deux épisodes inédits de la série "Burden of Truth" avec Kristin Kreuk qui...


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

Viens chatter !